Chapter Four : Missionaries – Those Who Lives Lies (3)
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Jealousy. Hatred. That is how I felt for those showered with love’s blessings when they came into the world… A love that I could never have. A love I would never be permitted to experience.  This kind of love… could never bring you happiness.


  Hati reaches out to an illusion of a smiling Gabriel being showered in the light of the bright moon. No matter how far he reaches out for her, she is too far for him to reach. Such a beautiful angel yet he isn’t able to grab hold of her at all. What a bittersweet love…


  But I cannot stop now. Perhaps if I was crazy, I might, at least, have been content. No matter how much I yearn, I am destined for loneliness. Yes… I am all alone. Just the sight of you makes my chest hurt. Just the thought of you makes my heartache. I was supposed to be satisfied by simply watching you from afar, but no matter how hard I tried to fool myself… My heart cried out in sorrow. 


  Hati could feel himself being consumed by the darkness growing in his heart. He tries to ignore this dark feeling in his heart but it keeps growing and growing until it is too huge for him to ignore anymore.


  So, you see… I had no other choice. I have no right to say this, not after the terrible things I’ve put you through. I didn’t intend to fall for you. I never meant to love you so deeply. I’m just captivated by your smile… that smile as beautiful as the moon itself. Forgive me… Farewell… and thank you.


  Hati slashed through the image of the smiling Gabriel and she disappeared like she was just an image in the water. Hati feels such sadness when he does this to Gabriel… He is such a horrible person who doesn’t deserve to be around such a perfect being... 


  Gabriel… My precious moonlight.

Currently In Aoyama Cemetery…


  The remnants of the Aoyama Guild’s forces attempt to retake the Nogizaka Portal, which is now held by the Roppongi Guild. But the difference in power is far too great. The Roppongi forces advance, forcing Aoyama to flee the Battle Zone. As they do, a dragon descends from the skies. He looks down upon the angels and speaks. 


  “Pitiful… Such a pitiful display. These are the elite warriors who protect this land? Pathetic fools! Have you deluded yourselves into thinking you can triumph with sheer numbers alone? Pitiful, pathetic beings… Know this. The strong stand proud in solitude, while the weak flock to one another for comfort. Congregate as you wish! You are no more impressive than mere ants! Buwaaahahahahaha!” Ophion couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the many angel Transients run away from him.

Meanwhile with Masato Group….



  We enter the underground graveyard, with Shiro leading the way. Slowly and carefully, our party descends further and further into the dark depths. The only source of light is the Sacred Artifact in Shiro’s hand. With it as our guide, we advance deep into the catacombs.


  “What’s with that Book, anyway? It just suddenly started to glow when we got inside.” Ryota was looking at Shiro's book with curious eyes and I couldn’t help but look at the book as well. It was kind of creepy seeing a book with such a scary-looking face on it glowing, it kind of makes me think of some horrible horror movie.


  “I’m not sure, actually. I’ve never seen it do this before.” Shiro looked at his book with a surprised expression like he didn’t think it could do something other than summoning his D-Evils. 


  “Such is the nature of Rules, Shiro. Your Rule is Resurrection, is it not? As I mentioned to Ryota, Rules represent a user’s true nature. Resurrection is the ability to reach into worlds unknown. It must be the key to manifesting the connections between worlds. The very essence of your being is driven by a desire to open the way. That magical Book surely resonates with your true nature.” Maria explained this to Shiro with a serious expression and I couldn’t help but listen to her as she said this. It kind of made me think about my Sword… My true nature, huh…


  “My… true nature?” What Maria said to Shiro seemed to put him in deep thought like me. I wonder if my true nature is involved with me not knowing my memory? Who was I before this Sword was summoned by me?


 “Your true nature manifests through the opening of gates, but only in part. Think of it like viewing a mountain from one angle. One perspective alone is not enough to understand the entirety of the mountain. Try not to overthink things, and listen to your instincts. The key is to understand and accept the will at the very core of your being. If you do, your Sacred Artifact is certain to respond in a variety of ways.” I couldn’t help but be impressed with how much knowledge Maria had about Sacred Artifacts. She is cute and smart, be still my heart.


  “The core of my being… Is that where my little D-Evils come from, too?” As Shiro said that his Book shines brightly for a second and his D-Evils came out of his book. They surrounded him and looked up at him with child-like eyes.


  “Seems like it.” I feel like that seems like the only place they could come from after all. Shiro is a caring person and his D-Evils are kind of like children. So they have to come from his core after all.


  “I think you’re right. Thanks, you guys. I’m counting on you.” Shiro smiles, and the D-Evils do a happy little jig. I could feel an arrow shoot through my heart as I saw this happen. I wanted to record a video of this moment but we were currently on a mission at the moment. I will have to just ask Shiro later to make his D-Evils dance for me so I can record it.


   “You think I’m the same? Is there some undiscovered wish sleeping deep inside me, too?” Ryota seems to be deep in thought as he asks this. He must be thinking of a way he could get in a deeper connection with his Sacred Artifact.


  “I believe so, Ryota. If you come to understand that which your heart truly desires… When that time comes, your Sacred Artifact will certainly reveal a new aspect of itself to you.” Maria put a hand on Ryota's shoulder and gave him a gentle smile.


  For some reason, Maria's words really stuck with me and it kept repeating in my head. I wonder why my heart seems to be aching… It is confusing…


  After a while of walking, I could hear someone gulp. The sound may be faint, but it feels like it echoes loudly in your ears. You can only make out the faintest impression of the countless tombs in the silent darkness.


  The vile stench of death permeates the air and hovers like a cloud. That humid, sickly air… Revolting stench… Hollow footsteps echoing through frigid silence… The horrific conditions gradually overwhelm my senses, driving me further and further from the realm of the sane.


  From the moment we entered this place, there has been a whisper in my ear. It speaks in a language I have never heard before. The phrases hold no meaning I can discern. Yet the words repeat over and over, and with each repetition, the meaning of those words begins to seep into my brain. 


  Join us… Let us welcome you unto this realm of the dead…


  At first, I was surprised, and whirled about to find the source of those words… But now I’ve grown accustomed to it, and walk listlessly on as if I’ve already accepted the invitation.


  “Haah… Haah…” Ryota trudges on, out of breath and stumbling. He looked so tired and looked ready to stop walking any minute now. Have we been walking that long?


  “Wow… This is incredible… Yes, I will join you soon..” Shiro mumbles that to himself as he presses on, completely engrossed. His gaze is fixated on the darkness before us as if bewitched by some unknown force. This doesn’t feel right…


  Not even Maria can escape from this feeling. She stares ahead with a hollow, anguished expression. This really wasn’t right at all!


  “Shiro, snap out of it!” I focus on shaking Shiro out of whatever daze he was in, he seemed like he was pretty deep in whatever was happening currently. My Sacred Artifact glows brilliantly in response to my voice.


It seems like the light disperses the miasma of death, and the air around us returns to normal. That daze I seemed to be in as well completely went away as well. It felt like I was able to think clearly again.


  “Huh?! Masato…? I’m sorry, my mind was in a complete daze. In any case, what did you do? The air seems different…” Shiro was looking at me curiously and I couldn’t fully understand what I did either…


  “This must be the power of your Rule, Rending,” Maria said that and she looked like she was back to normal as well. I couldn’t help but look at my Sword with curious eyes. I still didn’t fully understand it at all…


  “It’s all a bit complicated, don’t you think?” I couldn’t help but mess up my hair as I said this. I really couldn’t understand everything about my Sacred Artifact, it was so confusing.


  “Rending - that which can sever connections. That is your true nature. To be completely honest, I knew of your Rule even before we met in person.” I felt surprised to hear that from Maria. Well… with the way I act I shouldn’t be surprised if more people also know about my Rule…


  “You did? How did you… Or perhaps I should ask, how many others know by now?” Shiro seems to be thinking if Maria knew then it wouldn’t be surprising if more people knew as well. I wonder if that is bad news for me…?


  “By now? In all likelihood, every high-ranking player in Tokyo. Anyone with a shot at winning the game.” I really hope Maria didn’t say that… My luck is really bad to have strong people coming after me because of my Rule.


  “What?! You mean all the strongest players have their eyes on Masato?” Ryota looked shocked to hear this and he looked at me with concerned eyes.


  “I believe every guild holds some degree of interest in Masato. As the acting leader of the Aoyama Missionaries, I am no exception. You see, your presence in the App is a wild card, of sorts.” I didn’t know how to feel about Maria being interested in me. I should feel worried but I couldn’t help being flattered.


  “A wild card?” I focused on what was happening now and decided to think about Maria being interested in me later when everything was over.


  “Have you come to understand the essence of this game? At its core, it is about establishing a hierarchy. You might also call it jurisdiction. Which Rules stand above the rest? Which beliefs are worth more than the others? Ikebukuro worships violence, Roppongi, authority, and Hongo intellect. Each guild fights according to the values it holds. We are the Missionaries. Our name refers to our cause: to spread the word of love. Love is the value we hold most dear. We believe that love can overcome all other values, and we fight against any who would oppose our philosophy.” I couldn’t help but be interested in the fact that Maria guild values love that much. If I wasn’t focused on making a guild I probably would have been interested in joining their guild… Even if there are a lot of problems within the guild that needs to be fixed.  


  “But your nature… your Rule… may be the downfall of the game’s very framework. Everyone is wary of you, and they will surely be eager to recruit you. One day, I was made aware of some very interesting information. I heard you had formed a guild with your allies. I’m certain everyone has taken notice. I must ask what we all wonder: What will your guild value… And what are your goals?” Maria looked at me as she asked me this and I felt my head go blank for a second.


  “I’ve never even thought about that. I…” What did I want my guild to value? I really didn’t think about this at all. This was something important for my guild after all.

  “Ooooh, time for some juicy gossip, baby! Mind if I join in?” I was brought out of my thoughts by a familiar hyper voice who seemed really close to me. When I looked over my shoulder I saw that it was Nyarlathotep leaning close to my ear with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.


  “I-It’s this guy again! Have you been eavesdropping?! Damn you, Nyarl!” I felt scared for a second before getting pissed at Nyarlathotep. He was the main source of all the problems that were happening.


  “Hahahaha! ‘Sup, my brave wannabe protagonists?! Tonight’s performance is a non-stop extravaganza, produced by yours truly, Crawling Chaos, in the flesh!” Nyarlathotep didn’t seem to be bothered by the glares I was shooting at him. I wonder if he showed any other emotions instead of excitement and crazy happiness.


  “You’re going to regret this! Time to get what’s coming to you!” I lifted my Sword in my hands and got ready to attack him but he just raised a hand at me with a relaxed smile on his face. I really wanted to attack him but I knew he would pull some trick so I waited to hear what he wanted to say.


  “Take a chill pill! Don’t be so hasty, ya hear? Is the guy before you really an enemy? Maybe he’s a friend! How about a frenemy?! We’re not evil, we Nyarlathotep's. No, really! Don’t believe it? Look into our eyes and see! Hmm… Maybe we are batting for the other team, after all. Hahahahahaha! Too bad we’re just the opening act for the big pop star on this magical night! After all, you’re the star of this rave, Mr. Moonstruck Loup-garou! Whoohoo!” Nyarlathotep moved out of the way to show that Hati was behind him with a serious expression on his face.


 “It’s… Hati!” I lowered my Sword when I saw him walk from the darkness and stand next to Nyarlathotep. I still didn’t want to fight someone who I saw as a friend. I still think Nyarlathotep did something to make him act like this, he was such a nice guy to me after we met for the first time.


  “Hati, where is Gabriel?!” Maria took a step closer to Hati as she asked him this with a serious expression on her face. She looked really worried about where Gabriel was at the moment.


   “She is locked in the cage up ahead, along with Arsalan.” Hati motion behind him with an indifferent voice. This type of personality doesn’t suit him at all, his personality really had a huge change.


  “So Lord Arsalan is here as well?!” Maria looked surprised to learn that as well and Shiro looked at him with an unreadable look in his eyes.


  “Hati… Please, release them! Then we can all return to the guild together. Here, take my hand…” Maria reached out her hand to Hati with a gentle smile but he just slapped it away as he glared at her.


  “There’s no longer a place for me with the Aoyama Guild anymore! I have chosen to put it behind me. Now, take up your sword and try to defeat me, Masato! If you don’t… I will tear Gabriel apart!” Hati glared at me as well and I couldn’t help but silently looked at him. I didn’t raise my Sword at him and let out a sigh to myself.


  “You would do that to the woman you love? Is this what love means to you?” I couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness for Hati. That type of love is just too sad to experience. What a lonely love for anyone to experience... 


  “I am a wolf gone mad for his moon… A monster like me whose destiny is to end the world can never have true love! Go ahead. Ask that woman just what the Aoyama Guild thought of this monster!” Hati looked at Maria as he said this, his ears were lowered on his head. 


  “...Gabriel’s bodyguards always treated him cruelly. They called him a crazed wolf, blood-soaked with the lives of his loved ones, and claimed they would never accept one so defiled. That’s why he always supported her from afar, but…” Maria looked upset as she said this.


  “They were right, weren’t they? They were painfully right. I can’t control my urge to sink these fangs into her slender neck or rip her heart out with these claws of mine. No matter how much I was beaten or driven away, I kept trying to approach her. I couldn’t stop… and I couldn’t take it anymore.” Hati was grabbing at his head with a look of despair on his face and I just felt sad for him. I didn’t want to fight him at all…


  “So if you don’t take me down… I’ll finally do it! I’ll make this madonna of the moon mine, and mine alone! I can’t hold it back anymore! Raaarrggh!” Hati went and attacked me with his claws and I quickly blocked it with my Sword.


  “Hati… You won’t take no for an answer, will you?” I wasn’t angry at him at all, I just felt upset that we couldn’t talk. I didn’t want to fight him at all… I just wanted to understand him so badly.


  “Masato…” I could hear Maria's voice call out to me but I was focused on blocking Hati attacks that were coming from him.


  Sharp claws slash at my cheek, leaving their mark. Red fluid drips down my neck. I could feel pain in my cheek but I didn’t care much about it. He looked at me with a cold look in his eyes and I could see my blood on his claws.


  “As you can see… I’m dead serious. Stop me now, or I’ll end you all!” Hati yelled at me and went to attack me once more. I just blocked his wild attacks on me with my Sword and I really didn’t want to attack him at all.


  “Masato! Ryota, we need to…” I could hear Shiro's voice in the background but I was too focused on dealing with Hati at the moment. His claws kept landing hits on me and I could feel more cuts appearing on my body.


  “H-Help? Okay! I’ll use my pudding to…” I could hear Ryota's nervous voice speak up as well and it looked like he was going to use his pudding to help me out during this fight.


  “Not so fast, you two! Don’t be party poopers! Let’s let them work it out on their own, mmkay?” For some reason, it sounds like there was a lot of Nyarlathotep at the moment and I could hear Shiro and Ryota's shocked voices. Nyarlathotep must have made clones of himself once again.


  “Whaaaa?! There’re even more than before!” Ryota sounded like he was panicking and I really wanted to check out what was happening but I knew it would be a bad idea with the way Hati was attacking me.


  “Ryota, looks like we’ll have to take care of this lot first!” Shiro sounds like he was calm like always and didn’t seem bothered by Nyarlathotep's many clones.


  “Roger! I’ll drown them in a wave of pudding! It’s not my fault if they get clogged arteries!” Ryota sounded like he was ready to fight against Nyarlathotep many clones with Shiro so I went back to fully focusing on my fight with Hati.


  “Aaaaarrrggh!” The fierce battle rages on. Me and Hair have inflicted deep wounds on each other. Both of our wounds are so severe that either of us might pass out at any moment. We were both nearing our limits.


  “Everything will end with the next deciding blow. Say your prayers, Masato!” Hati got ready to attack me once again but I just lowered my Sword with a sigh.


  “It’s all right… Let’s stop this, Hati. It’s pointless to continue.” I was speaking calmly to Hati who stopped his attack towards me with a confused expression on his face. I had my Sword at my side and I was just looking at him with a tired smile on my face.


  “What? I’m serious… I…” Hati looked confused at my actions and couldn’t understand why I was doing this but I am pretty sure he knew why I was acting like this. With the way he was fighting, there is no way he couldn’t understand why I was doing this.


  “Hati, I can tell you fight with earnestness. You’re serious, all right…” Maria said that with her usual gentle voice and Hati didn’t understand where she was going with her words.


  “Serious about losing!” I point my finger at him. I didn’t like the fact he wasn’t fighting to win but to lose. I didn’t want to help him end his life, that isn’t something I wanted to do at all.


  “You’re really trying to end everything here, aren’t you? That is why you bare your fangs at someone you care for… At Masato…” Maria could see what Hati was trying to do as well. He wasn’t doing a job at hiding his plan at all.


  “N-No! I…”  Hati try to deny what Maria was saying but he couldn’t come up with any words. He was looking between me and Maria with sad and guilty eyes.


  “You wanted someone to end you so that you could never hurt your beloved again.” Maria continued to speak as she went to break down the walls that Hati had up.


  “No! You’re wrong! I really did try to kill Gabriel! I…” Hati was pulling at his fur with a wild look in his eyes.


  “Yes, I am certain you did. That is why you earnestly want to end our life. That is the true depth of your love.” Maria had a frown on her face as she continued to speak to Hati.


  “I don’t need your consolation, or your condescending pity! What could you know?! What good is love if it only causes sorrow to the one you care about? I don’t want a love that only brings me pain! I’m sick of holding onto feelings that will never be reciprocated! I have no reason left to live in a world where she won’t return my love!” Hati had tears appear in his eyes as he yelled at Maria. 


  “Don’t say that! I beg of you! Because, Hati… I am just like you.” Maria looked at Hati with understanding in her eyes, as if she could understand the pain he was going through. That she knew how painful that love he is currently experiencing.


  “Huh? What are you…?” Hati couldn’t understand what Maria meant at all and before he could ask what she was talking about, Maria’s Sacred Artifact glows brightly, and thorny vines delicately envelop the two of us. When the vines withdraw, our wounds have transferred to Maria.


  “Maria, stop! If you do that, you’ll…!” I felt worried as I looked at Maria as her expression grew grim as she experienced all our injuries. She is such an idiot! Why did she do something so stupid?!


  “Stop! What are you doing?! Do not take on my sins! What are you thinking? If you die, she’ll…” Hati was worried as well when his wounds transferred over to Maria. Maria smiles kindly, even as her blood flows from fresh wounds.


  “This is how it should be. But in return… I would ask that you bare a sin of my own.” Something begins to flow into Hati’s and my mind as Maria smiles gently at us. They are visions of Maria’s past, flooding in through her Sacred Artifact. 

Maria Past… 


  A woman’s lifeless body, lying in a hospital bed. It is evidence. Evidence of the fact that no such thing as love exists in this world.


  “Ah… A pleasure to meet you, young lady. I heard Maria passed away, so I have come to express my condolences.” In a gentle tone, the clergyman introduces himself as Azazel.


  Azazel prays over the deceased, then recites some words of parting. He then turns to me, no Maria, and begins to recount his memories of the deceased.


  “So you’re the one who stayed by Maria’s side until the end. I have heard much about you.” As I, Maria, exchange words with the strange clergyman, I remember the days I spent with Maria…


  Maria, when I first met you… I was dying in a dark corner of Tokyo. You saved me, fed me warm food, and took me in to live with you and the other orphans. It wasn’t until later that I discovered your people ironically called you by the Holy Mother’s name, Maria. They saw you as crazed, blindly believing in the scriptures and so-called words of their lord after you were converted.


  The scriptures taught not to doubt the words of others and to love thy neighbor. To devote one’s life to others. Like a fool, Maria gave everything she had to live a life of modesty and chastity, as taught by the scriptures. She was a foolish woman who burned through her vast inheritance in acts of charity that would never amount to any sort of profit. 


  She believed that the world would become a better place if the poor and unfortunate were cared for and taught to look after one another. She had only her inheritance and her faith. She lacked such things as power, wisdom, and beauty. She was blinded by fantasy. 


  It didn’t take long for her to use up the sum of her inheritance and started taking on debt. She lost everything. Everyone abandoned Maria. No one ever offered her a helping hand. The clergyman standing before me must have abandoned her, as well. When questioned thus…


  “I am merely here to accept the confessions of sin and otherwise witness the fate of the world. Beyond that… My hand shall not be moved. It is not my place.” In other words, he, too, had abandoned her. However, I do not believe that it was an act of cruelty.


  As someone who knows the hell of being sold at birth initiated early into the evils of the world… It is to be expected. Maria, the love you believed in does not exist in this world. You gave yourself over to faith and died a miserable death as a result.


  “Are you content with this?” The clergyman turns to me, his eyes seeming to see through anything and everything. I do not believe it matters if I am content or not. To me, the truth of the world is an unchanging reality.


  “These are for you. Maria instructed me to give them to you.” The clergyman hands me an envelope and a small box. I open the envelope first. Inside is a birth certificate.


  “From this day forward, you will be Maria. That identity is the very last thing she was able to bequeath upon another. No, they are not real. I had fake documents made for you in secret. I am very perceptive, you see… As a result, I was able to gain a certain useful connection. I have seen and known many things about others that I should not be privy to. Some folk are inclined to comply when I make a request. I have also prepared a student identity for you at the school where I work. There is truly nothing left of that woman on the bed. Her fortune, her existence, and even her name… She has not left a single trace in Tokyo.”


  As I stare at the clergyman dumbfounded, his visage wavers and blurs. The scripture Maria worshipped forbade deception. There was no way she would disobey those teachings… But the clergyman continues, explaining that even she was guilty of deception. She, too, had sinned.


  “There is one more thing… Please, open it.” Maria’s handwriting is unmistakable. The plain lettering reads: “I love you, from the bottom of my heart.” At that moment, I felt the pang of something I’ve kept locked deep in my heart. The suspicious clergyman looks at me again with those piercing eyes and says…


  “Now, young lady… It is time to confess.”


  Maria… I still think that the goodness you believed in was a lie. This world is filled with beasts wearing the skins of men. In such a world, blossoms of kindness are mercilessly crushed.  But still… but still… I loved you. I loved you for believing such a world existed. But my love was not like the love in the words you left me. According to the scriptures you believed in, my love for you was unforgivable. I could never tell you. Yes, I even lied about that. That was the only way for me to be by your side. 


  I cry. Words spill from my heart like the tears in my eyes. I won’t let anyone say your life was a lie. I won’t! I may be nothing but a false Maria, but I will prove that your heart was true! Maria, I… I will carry your pain. That… is my wish!


  “I see. You are certain about this?” I nod, and then ask in return... 


  Azazel, what do you gain from doing this? What do you desire so much that you’d be willing to be complicit in this deceit?


  “I simply wish to see what grows from the seeds of love I’ve planted… That is all. Now, let us go, my false Maria of sinful love and sorrow.”


  She who entered this world devoid of blessings reflects upon the miracle that has graced her as she leaves the hospital room.

Back To Reality…


  “So that was Maria’s past…” I felt unsteady on my feet as I was back from seeing Maria's memories. I felt my face and realized that I was crying. I rub at my face as I try to get rid of the tears on my face.


  “Hati, please… Hear my words.” Maria reaches her trembling hands out to Hati and grasps his face. Her fingers smear his face with red… The red of her blood. She smiles, her body riddled with wounds. Her expression brims with genuine kindness.


  “I know all too well of love that can never be shared with the one you care for. You are not alone. You have companions, those who understand and share your pain. There is a place Maria dreamt of… a place where those who’ve been hurt can support each other and heal together. Even if people mock us or slander us, even if they say we are merely fooling ourselves… I will protect that place until I draw my last breath. So… Let us go home, Hati.”  Maria had such a warm smile on her face as she spoke weakly to Hati who was crying now.


  “I can’t… I can’t do that! I don’t have the right… Why…? Why?! Uuu… Aaaaaaghhhh!” Hati clutches his head, pulling away from Maria’s touch. His face contorts in bitter grief and he releases a penitential scream.


  “Hati…” Maria called out weakly to Hati who was lost in his emotions and I just gently rest a hand on her shoulder before moving her away so she wouldn’t get hurt during my fight with Hati.


  “Maria… Please rest for now.” I smiled at her as I pat her head gently. She looked up at me with wide eyes. “Masato…”


  “I will take on Hati’s remaining sorrow. I promise I will put an end to his pain.” As I told Maria that I could see her eyes lighting up and she gave me a warm smile. She put her hand on my cheek and I didn’t mind that blood is probably on my face now.  “Yes… Help him… Please!”


  I turned my back on Maria and looked at Hati who was drowning in his sadness. He let out a scream before running at me with his claws ready to attack me. I raised my Sword at him and got ready to get rid of the sadness remaining in Hati's heart.

Back with a chapter! I am just saying this but the early chapters in this game are way better than the later ones. I am just always sad playing the latest chapters man... Anyway, Maria is kind of one of my top favorite characters in the game since she is such a sweet girl. I don't want anything bad to happen to her at all! Well, that is it for me now. I hope this chapter was enjoyable and that you are safe physically and mentally. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆