Apologies and synopsis
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Due to having lost 64 entire chapters I had ready to upload to a data corruption, and lack of motivation on my part to rewrite those chapters due mostly to having forgotten what I wrote, this series is being discontinued. But for those who were interested, heres the roadmap.

She realizes, after trial and error within the game, and extreme discomfort outside the game, that she wants to be, and internally IS, A man. 

The centaur was not her cousin, but her younger brother, who was secretly transgender as well... upon discovery, they help each other tell their family.

The cousin was going to be a shinigami she'd meet in chapter 13. Based loosely on Qrow from RWBY.

The Ex was going to be the villain.

And she was going to lead an army of monstrous PCs and NPCS against the humanoid nations, and win, thereby changing the games countries, all with dev approval.

AT THE END, She and her brother would meet up at a gender reassignment center... about to become the way they were meant to be. Fade to black.

I appreciate those who read this far... dont blame me, blame technology. If there's enough desire for it, someday, when I have a working computer and arent doing it all on mobile phone, I'll return and complete it... but until then... Farewell, and thank you for reading.