Part Five: On The Tail
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It was morning, but the heat was rising. I'd only just stepped out onto the street and I could already start to feel the sweat pool.

Some might say it was the stress of ruining a man's life like that. They say there is no love stronger than that between a writer and their writing. But I don't buy that.

It's an addiction, a sickness, a sign that any screws they may have left are rattling around like the last few Skittles in the bag.

Writing is a disease, and does nothing but ruin lives.

I pulled out a handkerchief to wipe my brow, and as I did so threw a quick glance over my shoulder.

I was being tailed, no doubt about it. I'd suspected as much whilst still in the diner. When my client had been convulsing in hysterics, there was only one guy in the whole joint who didn't so much as glance over.

Now this same guy was following me at a distance. Truth be told, he was pretty good. A regular schmoe wouldn't have noticed, but I'm not your regular type of schmoe.

I kept walking, passed through the crowded street and ducked into a side alley, figuring if I couldn't lose him I could at least get the jump on him and knock some answers out of the guy.

You've got to get up pretty early to jerk Jerk around. The air carried the fragrance of stale urine, but it was cool, and well, couldn't have anything.

My eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the alley and did so just soon enough to see the fist hit me square in the jaw.

I hit the floor hard, like a writer given the slightest bit of negative feedback.

The floor was wet, with what I hoped was water, even though I knew better than that.

I tried to get back up, but a boot to the ribs set me straight back down.

"What's the matter", I slurred "did I give you a bad review on GoodReads?" Another boot to the ribs. Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut, but I've never been able to know when to draw the line.

"We got him", said Rib Kicker, as a shadow loomed over me. My tail had caught up to us.

"Glad you could make it", I said. "What took you so long?"

I saw the shadow's arm raise high, reaching far down into the alley darkness, then saw it swoop down with ferocity, then nothing.