(Monday 7:30 AM)
Naibu just finished preparing himself as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. A slight bruise could be seen on his left cheek.
Ugh it's showing on my face, yesterday was pretty dramatic all do I say so myself and I have studied all I can.
I know that my reputation must be non-existent right now, heck everybody might straight up hate me, but I have to convince them that it was Tenshi doing and not mine!
Pfft look at me hoping for things to be set right, I mean you won't know unless you try right? Right now is not the time to succumb to pessimism!
Alright, time to head out!
Naibu left his room and headed to the main school building, where he walked until he reached his classroom. Naibu deeply breathed in and out and entered the classroom, he was met with a tremendous amount of death stares. Sayuri stood up and grabbed Naibu by the collar.
"You Idiot, I have heard everything from Fujimura! Why did you trust the man that badly?! Why?! I checked on Class 1B and the funny thing is that they do have a correct copy, but you know what even stranger?! That Tenshi guy has proof on why he didn't sabotage the mock exams!"
Naibu was absolutely shocked.
The rest of the class was silently watching how everything would unfold.
Proof! How?!
"And why did you tell Fujimura this so late, like as if we could change anything at fricking 12 at night!"
Wait, that is not true. I remembered going out at 7 which means Fujimura must have plotted something! I hate it when people are being dishonest!
Naibu's expression turned furious.
"Get off me!" Naibu pushed Sayuri away.
"Who the hell do you think you are to think you can touch me?!"
"Shut up Sayuri!"
"Fujimura, why are you lying?!"
Fujimura stood up from his seat and gave a slight smirk.
"I am not lying, Naibu."
"You know that it was around at least 7:30 PM when we met, I told you everything and you hurried back to your room. Why did you not tell them?!"
"Oh it wasn't 7:30 it was at 12, I got proof to show it."
Not again just what is this madness! I guess the only thing I can do now is try to debunk whatever he is about to pull!
"Then show it."
Fujimura pulled out his phone and showed a Bine conversation between him and Shigeru.
"That is right everyone, I was talking with Shigeru from 8 to 11:30 where I decided to take a stroll to be exact 11:34 PM after I met Naibu and ran off to my room, I texted Shigeru at 12:03 AM about the info that he told me that day, so Naibu it seems that you are the one that is lying." Fujimura fixed his hair in a calm manner.
"Yup that conversation did happen I remember it clearly as the light of day." Shigeru commented.
You can't kidding me I am double crossed, no even worse triple crossed!
"What?! Then what were you doing between 7 and 8?!" Naibu countered.
Take that you liar!
"I was in my room finishing up my studies."
"Have any of you seen him between those hours outside?"
"Nope." Sayuri answered.
The rest seem to keep silent meaning they too haven't seen them.
Darn it I am really backed into a corner here! Wait, I have an idea what about....
"Aren't there cameras around the school? We could check for footage in the dorm, so that I can prove I am innocent."
Sawada put her book away, sat on her table and proceeded to speak.
"Naibu, although that is a good idea, only a few places have cameras which has to do with privacy policy. The dorms and certain spots in the outside area have no cameras, so unfortunately we can not check whether you were right or not."
"See and with you clearly having no proof whatsoever means that you are a damn liar, traitor and bastard! And what happens to those kinds of people you ask? We beat them up!"
Naibu's expression changed into disbelief mixed with denial.
No way... This can't be happening right now! Why?!
Sayuri grabbed him and pushed him against the wall, everyone just looked at them as if they were afraid to stop them or just enjoying it.
Sawada was about to start hitting Naibu, when suddenly Sawada stopped them by running over there and pulling Sayuri on the ground.
"Stop it Sayuri!"
"Why are you protecting that traitor, do you want to catch these fits too or something?!"
"Listen hothead, I might have told you about the visible cameras, but what about the hidden ones in the auditorium? Who says they are not in the classrooms as well to keep an eye on us? I mean if you want to hit the boy you can, but don't start crying when you get expelled even sooner than expected."
"Argh you are annoying! Fine I will just beat both of you up and get expelled then, I don't have a chance to pass anyway!"
Sawada was entering a battle stance ready to counter anything that may come her way.
"Sayuri that is enough!" Fujimura shouted.
"Fuji, what?! Why are you stopping me?"
'I don't want you to get expelled for my sake, we all know that we can't trust Naibu anymore, which for me is more than enough."
"If you say so man, but Naibu, if I see you alone in any area without surveillance, I am going to beat the living hell out of you!"
Fujimura gave a quick wink to Naibu that only he could see and everyone returned to their seats.
That monster just gave me a wink! Fujimura used the opportunity from yesterday in order to be ahead of the rest and get an easy pass far out of the reach of expulsion. Which is an unfair advantage! I am such an Imbecile, I should have listened to that Chisa girl! But even that advice is barebones as I just learned that you can't trust no one in this school.
Sawada saved me back there, but I do not know what her intention behind those actions were. I must not fall into the same tricks again and always assume the worst in everyone, hahaha I guess I know why my brother is such a pessimist now.
The homeroom teacher Mizu came in with the first test of today which was mathematics. When the time was up she recollected the papers and told everyone that they may go now and prepare for later today. Apparently they do all the exams in a single day taking in-between breaks which is very hard for the human mind to comprehend, but this is an elite school after all.
There were some angry faces pointed at Naibu.
Alright it's time to hide for the rest of the breaks, I can't get beaten up or bullied this damn time around, as I need to focus on the rest of the exams!
Naibu ran off in a lightspeed as Sawada gave him a quick look before returning to her novel, for the rest of the tests it was the same thing: make the test, run for it, hide and repeat. Each time Naibu was running he could hear more rumors about them as they were spreading like wildfire. He does as if it didn't affect him at all, but deep in his heart a feeling of hurt resided, not being able to handle the injustice which was done against him.
After the final exam he ran once more.
"Hey come back here traitor!" Sayuri shouted at him.
Like hell will I get the likes of them beat me up, I got to get to my room and quick!
When he made his way to his room various comments could be heard.
"Look, it's the guy who betrayed his own class."
Stop it!
"Hey, look it's the bastard!"
Shut it!
"To think that he would misuse the help of his friend for his own gain."
All these people not knowing what truly went down!
"This dude deserves to be expelled."
"This man needs his ass to get kicked."
"Shut the hell up man!" Naibu screamed at the student.
"Oh look, the traitorous fiend is talking back." He laughed along with his friend.
Naibu resumed running.
"Yeah keep running away from your problems I am sure it will solve everything!" The student shouted.
But it wasn't my fault, as I am the one who got deceived!
Naibu reached his room and went inside it, closing it as fast as possible, where he jumped on the bed feeling relieved he made it back.
A sound from his phone went off, so he pulled it out of his phone. It was a letter saying the student had a small vacation of a week while the mid term was being scored.
But then another notification came in.
1 message from Tenshi
Well damn seems like Naibu school life hit an all new low, if he only took Chisa's advice, then maybe all of this could have been prevented.
I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and until next time!