Winter Sorrow
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The breeze is cold, the clouds are grim.
The dry leaves fold in sunlight dim.
The cold frost creeps from once green vale,
And branches creek and sing with gale.
The mist is thick and white as snow,
It shrouds the woodland in ghastly glow.

The raven weeps  it's dreadful cries
As Lady Winter descends from skies.
She brings her veil of ice and snow,
It fills the air while cold winds blow.

Her dress is haze, hail and frost
And her crown is made of cold sharp hoar.
She takes those deceased and lost,
As lonely girl awaits at door.

The breeze is cold. he clouds are grim,
The Hunter's love still waits for him.
Two days have passed since he went away,
And she waits for him all night and day.

But days went on and the frost has crept,
It froze the tears that the maiden wept.
The hearth is cold and ash is stale,
But still believes the maiden pale.
That her love will return one day,
That he is out there on his way.

The cold wind blows through the hall and room
And maiden's heart is filled with gloom.
Her face is caressed by kind cold hands
Of Winter Lady that before her stands.
And from distant hill her love arrived,
In realm beyond from now on they thrived.