49: Start of Something Great… Or is it?
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Chapter 49: Start of Something Great… Or is it?

"So what's the story?" asked Enrique as he sat with a cup of coffee on the table. "You are looking much better than last night, by the way."

Mary Jane Watson, the red-haired girl from last night, was sitting opposite him. She was wearing office clothes as if to interview, as that's exactly why she came here. 

Last night, after being saved by Supernova, and offered a job to boot, Mary Jane was gracefully dropped to her home. 

It was late, so Enrique dropped her at her home by the sky. As flying was new to her, on top of her prior drinking, MJ threw up and made a mess. That's why, hearing his compliment, she blushed in embarrassment when she recalled that incident. 

'He left me his card last night…' MJ meekly looked at him as she thought. 'I didn't think he was serious, but he really does own a company.'

Enrique Nova, the founder, and CEO of his own company, [Nova Games]. He was now sitting across from her, in a casual suit.

MJ actually didn't have many expectations when she left her home today, deciding to attend the 'interview'. She wasn't sure if her skills were enough to work for a Superhero- businessman.

"Miss Watson?" Enrique called her gently, shaking her out of her head with a flinch. "Is everything alright?"

MJ nodded quickly. It was somewhat weird that the interview was happening in a coffee shop (albeit a very luxuriant one), but she didn't question it. He must have his own reasons.

"By the way, I don't actually have an office yet, so the appointment was set here. I hope you don't mind," Enrique sipped his caramel frappuccino. "It'd have been unprofessional to call you to my villa."

"It's fine," MJ took a deep breath, released it, and said. "My boyfriend… I guess he's my ex now. Anyway, I don't wish to share the details, but basically, he is the son of the CEO of a big company. He got me a good job there, though please don't mistake it for the lack of my abilities. If you check the CV in front of you, you'll realize I am more than capable."

"Yes, of course." Enrique took a quick look and nodded. "So you and your boy broke up and he fired you? What a bitch move. What sort of man does that?"

"...." MJ didn't say anything.

It was much more complicated than that, the reason for their breakup wasn’t… normal. Harry wasn’t normal. Not anymore. Perhaps it was a family trait? Either way, MJ didn’t even want to know.

"Anyhow, I have heard about you.” Enrique continued. “Not to make it creepy, but I mean to say I know exactly which company you worked for and therefore, who your boyfriend was. I didn't randomly offer you the job, it was a lucky encounter that I met you just when I needed someone like you. So honestly," he pushed the CV away. "I don't need to see this. I know what you can do for me."

Mary Jane Watson. Actress. The executive assistant of Tony Stark. Professional fashion model. Nightclub owner. All these were the works she had done in the comics. Enrique didn't know why he even remembers these.

She did precisely the work of an assistant in the comics, more so for Tony fucking Stark, so she wasn't a bad catch for this job. It was rather true to say this was a lucky encounter.

"Rather than the CV," Enrique leaned back on his chair. "Let's talk about the flexibility of this job. As you saw me last night, I am a hero, business isn't the only thing I have to do. So as my assistant, you'll have to be a lot more flexible compared to any other. Starting from…"

Enrique began to explain; MJ listened with her back straightening. 

MJ did her research on this company before coming here, obviously, and so she knew it was affiliated with the Hardy Corporations. That was a huge company. Nova Games may be small now but had huge potential. 

In such a scenario, to be the CEO's assistant who'll pull all the strings in the CEO's stead, the name MJ will be world-famous when the company becomes huge.

– Breaking news, world-class assistant MJ has once again shocked the world with her genius! 

Things like that, and money. Lots of money. Money was very important. She lost her mother to sickness because she didn't have money. But with this job, she would have it all. Also, working for a Superhero…! That sounded great, too.

"A-alright, so," MJ cleared her throat when Enrique finished explaining. "To boil things down; I will make most of the choices, and you'll just give the final verdict. If you agree with my choice, it happens. If you don't agree, it doesn't happen. I don't get to do anything on my own, all work with your permission."

There were details beyond that, but that was the main point.

"Yes." Enrique nodded. "That's basically the things that a normal assistant does, but you just have more freedom."

"I understand," MJ nodded and released a breath. "I think I can do the job."

"I am glad to hear that," Enrique stood up and reached out a hand. She stood with him and took it, shaking his hand. "I really hope we enjoy a long-term relationship."

"Me too, sir."

"Now, after we finish the paperwork, your first job would be to find us an office." He said with a smile, his eyes looking into hers as he shook her hand gently. "I am waiting to be impressed."

MJ held back a smile and nodded. It was easy for her first job.

*  *  *

Indeed, MJ wasn’t chosen on a whim. Enrique was sure she was the right person for the job, her comic counterpart wasn’t the assistant for Stark for nothing, after all. She proved that by picking a great office for cheap rent.

For the next few days, Enrique went through the job applications filled in the online forums. He picked up the skilled ones, the ones with potential, and the ones he thought would keep the workplace active and fun.

An office where only work happened wasn’t a good office; depressed workers weren’t fine workers. As the company was still young, these employees were the core people. In the future, they would be the ones to know secrets that nobody else does. So they need to be kept happy so that they don’t leave.

After all, when someone with forbidden knowledge decides to leave, it’s a very bad thing. So, some goofy people were needed. Along with gossipers, who would keep the office dramatic. At this stage in his life, Enrique could spot such people from just their pictures on the CVs.

New year, and on the 1st of January 2012, the Nova Games officially began in a physical office in New York. It was a seven-story building that was being rented, with the first five being used by other people, while the top two floors were for Nova Games. As Enrique just had 15 employees, there wasn’t yet a need for a bigger office.

“Officially welcome to the company, everyone.” Enrique wore a smile, suited up in a slick black outfit, and had his hands in his pocket.

The walls were painted white, bright red, bright yellow, and neon green. Picked to especially keep the mind of the workers energized. All the work stuff was brand new, the tables were shiny, and the computers were powerful. The room was decorated today, as it wasn’t only the start of the company, but also the start of the year. Overall, it created a lovely atmosphere with the sunlight shining over them by the wide glass wall on one side.

“No work today, as it’s the start of everything, and I am already stretching things by calling you to work today. May sound weird, but it was to test your commitment. Two possible colleagues of yours didn’t come, they said they needed to be with their family. I respect that, I really do, but I think it’s better for them to stay out of Nova Games.” Enrique said while wearing a smile, and the cheerful mood seemed to waver for a moment.

The workers have to realize they’re working for him, and he could end their careers with a thought. So it was better to signify the hierarchy from the start.

MJ was standing beside Enrique, holding a file, and she smiled awkwardly hearing him. However, she didn’t say anything.

“Anyhow,” Enrique’s eyes moved from one side to another, registering the 7 females and 8 males in front of him. “I have reserved a party for you all in the Restaurant Rose nearby. My treat, of course. I hope you’ll enjoy your time there and get to know each other better.”

Few of them exchanged impressed glances, hearing the name of the particularly expensive restaurant, as their just recent doubt that their boss may not be the best person suddenly vanished in thin air.

“That’s it. I will be taking my leave; if any of you have anything to ask or say, don’t mind consulting the beautiful Mary Jane here. Suppose she is the boss when I am not around.” Enrique patted MJ’s shoulders, making her once awkward smile wide again, and then backed off to a window nearby. “Farewell guys, I will come to check on you from time to time.”

Then, under everyone's observation, Enrique jumped out of the window and… flew away. That left the workers blinking, awed, as they truly came to accept that all this was real. Some of them had taken the job precisely because it was a Superhero’s Company, which meant their life will be all safe and nice starting from now.

Seeing him fly into the horizon at the speed of sound, they truly revitalized their belief.

*  *  *

In another part of the city, sitting on his office desk was Harry Osborn as he wore a deep frown.

As he read the report in his hand, his eyes burned with rage, and tore the paper apart—releasing a loud groan.

“No, no, no…! She was supposed to come begging me. Why is she working somewhere else?!” Harry Osborn slammed his fist on the table. “Who the fuck does this Nova bastard think he is?!”

Perhaps he should make a point; the fact that nobody could just live normally after taking what belonged to Harry Osborn…! Even if that ‘nobody’ was a cape-wearing clown.




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