Owen is Scared — by Dark Sun Morrigan — #2
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Secret Transfic Autumn Anthology / #2

Owen is Scared cover

Owen is Scared

by Dark Sun Morrigan

A short story made for the Secret Transfic Autumn Anthology about an /x/ poster who is haunted by something from his past and possibly his future.

Content Warnings

Drug use, violence, blood, dysphoria, doxxing mention



Something is stalking me  Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/9/20(Mon)23:21:36 no.24450634

My name is Owen, at least that's what the stupid ID clipped to my work uniform says. I'm what you would call an average college grad. I've got a degree, sure, but I don't have a job in my field; pharmacology. Instead I work at a fucking coffee shop, one of the big chains. I don't have a car so I'm stuck using public transit and my bike. Now, I know none of you on this board give a flying fuck about who I am, you all want to know my story.

There's been something following me for a couple days now and I know, I know, an /x/phile thinking they're being stalked. I promise it's happening to me. 

So I first noticed the feeling of someone looking at me while I was doing my job as a barista. People sometimes would stare at me, but this was different. I'd turn toward where I felt it was coming from and there would be nothing but an empty seat. A couple times I would see something moving from where I looked, just a black blur that disappeared from vision and seemingly went nowhere. Sure, maybe it was my sleep deprivation. It's what happened later that really made it real to me. I'm at home, jerking off and something taps on my window. Now, I live on the second story of my parents' old place and there are no trees or any ledges from someone to stand on. I'm scared shitless, but somehow I get the nerve to turn on my phone's flashlight and point it towards the window. And there it was, it was me, but not me. It looked at me and whispered "I know." 

I think I'm near the character limit, there's more. I'll post in a minute.


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)11:26:03 no.24450687

>>24450634 (OP) #  

You used your phone flashlight and didn't take a photo, OP? Also it’s been a few minutes, don’t tell me you got abducted by your stalker. I swear /x/ has gone downhill and fuckin hard.


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)23:27:32 no.24450734

>>24450687 #

Dude, quit being an asshole and let OP type. Even if he’s just a larper we might get to hear some sort of secret about his life, lol. 


Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/9/20(Mon)23:31:20 no.24450788

File: (2.34 MB, 20200305_245124.jpg 1200x692)  

>>24450687 # 

Fuck you, I found the pic I took.  

Ok, getting back to it. The not-me outside just kept staring at me. I yelled “You don’t know shit, freak!” and closed my blinds. Tried to shake it off. It seemed to work for a little while, about fifteen minutes maybe? Then the tapping comes back.

Tap, tap,tap.


Tap, tap, tap.


Over and over, it just didn’t stop. I stand up and I shout, "fuck off, god damn!"

The tapping stopped. I sighed then straightened my back. The thing stopped. I laughed to myself, I was so sure I'd just shouted down whatever the fuck had been stalking me. I went out of my room and flicked on the lights. Now, my parent's home is a big house. It's one of those deals you'd rent out as like an Airbnb, the second story overlooks a large open living space and connected kitchen which was now filled with light from an overhead chandelier. I went down to grab a snack, closing any blinds I could. Just because I'd told the not-me to fuck off didn't mean I wanted to take any chances. I grabbed a bag of hot cheetos and some coke and went to sit on the couch, maybe try and watch something. Keep not-me off my mind.

So I begin watching one of this season's anime, one of the shonen ones. Make it a couple episodes in and I must've fallen asleep. Because the next time i wake up I'm not in the living room.



Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/9/20(Mon)23:32:01 no.24450790

I'm not in my living room. I'm outside, on the front lawn. The grass is wet and it's still night. I look around and the other houses are dark, none of the streetlights are on. It's just me looking up at a shrouded half moon on the wet grass. I try to get up, but my body is heavy. It's like moving through molasses. I manage to prop myself up and look down at my body. It looks normal aside from the fact that I was nude. I wasn't too happy being out on my lawn like that and I had been fully dressed while I was inside.

I force myself to stand, my legs feel awkward, too close together. "What a fine mess thi-" I say then stop, voice is oddly deep. 

I begin to walk towards my house in the cold night air, the only sounds my breathing and footsteps. The door is locked. I curse internally, not wanting to hear my voice, and reach down for the spare key hidden between the pipes behind a potted plant. My hand is too big. I had to slide the key towards myself using my pinky and pick it up, examining it in the moonlight. It looks so small, but it's the key. I slide it into the lock and turn it, then open the door. I freeze as I see inside the door… me. Not the not-me, but me illuminated from behind by the glow of light I'd left on in the kitchen. 

They step back from me, putting their hands up. "W-who the fuck are you, dude?" They ask, their voicing trembling. 

My body steps inside, it speaks as I am nothing but a passenger. "Don't you know?" The body grins wide, I can feel it do this. "I'm you." It places a hand on the doorframe.

The me inside the house tries to slam the door. "Get the fuck away!" 



Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/9/20(Mon)23:36:41 no.24450795

The body I'm riding inside catches the door. "That it? It's time you grew up."

They try and turn to run. The body charges at them and manages to grab them by the back of the neck. The body drags the other me back and stares directly at them. They're terrified, I'm terrified.

"You know you can't run, boy."

The nightmare ends and I'm on the couch, covered in drying, sticky cola and with red hot cheeto dust smeared on the fabric.

My front door was wide open.

Since then it's only gotten worse. The thing stalking me is growing more bold. I'm done posting for tonight. I'll post more in this thread tomorrow.


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)11:40:52 no.24450821

>>34450634 #

>be me
>wait on OP to deliver 
>turns out he freaked himself out then went down stairs and had a nightmare after pigging out on hot cheetos and soda
>wonder why do I even come here


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)23:42:33 no.24450845

>>24450821 #

>be anon
>fuck up reply
>make a shitty greentext

Fuck you, anon. 

OP, I've had dreams like that before, you want to talk I'm around.


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)23:45:18 no.24450863

I wonder what OP pissed off. You live near the woods? If you do it might be our board's perennial favorite, but I'm not sure if they give nightmares. Maybe it's just a bad dream.


Anonymous 03/9/20(Mon)23:51:48 no.24450871

>>24450863 #

Lol, a bad dream that stalks you at work, hangs outside a second story window and opens your front door. OP is gonna get killed by his stalker. I think that pic is a woman of some sort. OP is gonna get killed by a chick lol.


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)11:01:32 no.24450976



Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/10/20(Tue)19:38:08 no.24451056

Hey, I'm back.

So, to answer the question; no I don't live near the woods, I live in the suburbs. So I doubt it's whatever first nations myth you've adopted.

I saw my stalker again, the not-me, but I didn't see the body I was in during the dream so there's at least that. Where I saw her, the stalker, was at work. I didn't know it was her at first. I've not been sleeping well lately, y'know? What with everything going on, I was practically a zombie at work. 

So, a customer shows up near the end of my shift, right at the end, actually. The sun is starting to set and someone walks in. I look up from wiping down a counter and lock eyes with her. She's beautiful and the way she's dressed is reminiscent of the way I did. Hell, the band shirt and jeans looked better on her than they ever did on me. 

She walks up and I ask her what she's gonna have. "A venti iced mint mocha, no whip, add two shots," she says. 

That's my drink. I make one every morning. When I get into work. I hand her her receipt and ask for a name, she says, "Ashleigh."

I nod and set about making her drink while I glance up at the clock, hoping to be able to get her out of here in time to close a little early. I briefly grab the whipped cream canister then put it back down, remembering she said no whip. With the drink finished I set it on the counter for finished orders and call out her name. 

She walks over and grabs the drink then inspects it. "Hey, you spelled my name right."

I mumble, "huh?"

She smiles and says, "Yeah, you spelled it ash l-e-i-g-h. Thanks and uh, a tip for you." She takes a sip then waves a hand, asking me to lean over the counter so she can whisper in my ear. "You already know what that thing that attacked you really is."



Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/10/20(Tue)19:39:31 no.24451059

My blood runs cold, how could she know that? 

Her hand reaches out and caresses my face, it’s soft. "I know."

I pull back, shouting and screaming and she's just not there. My coworker, Olive, just kind of stares at me for a little. "Uh, Owen? You okay, dude?"

I tell her, "yeah, I'm fine, just had a bit of a…" I sigh. "I spooked myself."

She raises a brow. "Over a coffee?"

"Umm, yeah. Sorry, Olive," I reply.

I look back to the drink. The side said "Ashleigh" and there were lipstick marks on it.

I could taste mint mocha.

I'm at home right now. I just got done talking with a friend about coming over and watching out for me tonight. I don't want to be alone tonight. If anyone has any clue what’s going on, please, please tell me. 


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)19:53:18 no.24451123

>>24451056 #

From what you've said, it sounds like a doppelganger. They're evil spirits that tend to mean that bad luck is coming for you


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)19:54:46 no.24451134

OP's doppel is a chick, that's kinda odd. Anyone hear about that kind of thing before? 


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:01:34 no.24451176

I think it might be him from another timeline. How high is the EMF where you are? That shit can weaken dimensional barriers and you never know what'll cross over. Like the EMF on Skinwalker Ranch is fuckin crazy and they've got native shit and weird ass lights and shadow people. And with 5G and shit there’s so much now that reality is definitely breaking down.


Staking out with a friend Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/10/20(Tue)20:10:53 no.24451204

File: (2.34 MB, 20200310_257391.jpg 1200x692)

Everyone, meet Melanie! That's not her real name, she asked me to use this one. Anyhow, she and I are gonna be hanging out tonight and she'll be posting under my trip if she sees anything odd. 

>>24451176 # 
I don't think there's a lot of electromagnetic activity here? I don't even hear that dull buzz people talk about when there's some.

>>24451123 #
>>24451134 #
You two think this "Ashleigh" was a doppelganger? I guess she didl kind of look like me, if I was a girl. But nah, I don't think so. Definitely not.

>>24450845 #
If you're still around I'm open to talking about the dreams. I know I'm gonna regret putting this out there on a chan, but my discord tag is wOAH#0113 add me and we'll talk.

I'm honestly kind of nervous right now. Like, what happens if the body shows up again, like it wasn't a dream that time. That thing could really hurt her. Ugh, I'm an idiot. She keeps telling me it's okay and that it's just me jumping at shadows. Maybe she's right, but what if she isn't?


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:04:43 no.24451233

>>24451204 #

Hey, I added you. It's >24450845 #. I made sure my tag was something that would tell you it's me, I look forward to talking with you, O. A. Horvath. 


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:06:01 no.24451237

She's cute, post tits.


Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/10/20(Tue)20:14:54 no.24451254

File: (1.29 MB, Screenshot_20200310_094781_Discord.jpg 1080x2220)

Okay, what the fuck >>24451233 # how the hell do you have that receipt? Who the fuck are you? How do you know this shit?!


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:18:21 no.24451259

Dude, that's pretty fucked. But at least you know your stalker isn't supernatural? Maybe call the cops or something.


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:19:07 no.24451263

He's just LARP'ing. He comes in and has a dumbass story then has some new discord account post to his main one. 


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:26:42 no.24451282

>>24451254 #

I'm here to help you, Owen. You can avoid a lot of what's to come if you just listen to me. I'm begging you to.


Anonymous 03/10/20(Tue)20:27:42 no.24451282

Oh shit, is this >>24451282 # Ashleigh? 


Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/10/20(Tue)20:30:34 no.24451301

>>24451282 #

What's coming? What the fuck are you gonna do to me, you crazy bitch?!




Ms. Halloween 2014

This is the beginning of your direct message history with @Ms.Halloween2014.

No mutual servers     • Remove Friend Block


Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:06
Hey, Owen. Thanks for accepting the request.

wOAH today at 10:07
Why that name?

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:07
Babe, you know why. Don’t bullshit me
We both know why

wOAH today at 10:08
So you know about my costume that year, so what?
Can you even prove who you are? 
knew you couldn’t

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:11
Why won’t it expand, but this should prove who I am. 

wOAH today at 10:12
Who the fuck

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:12
you should know. (edited)
Hey, sorry, I shouldn’t have used that word for you.
I didn’t upset you too much, yeah?
I had to
You wouldn’t have listened to anything else, I know that.
FUcking shit
Owen you know what that thing is. 
It’s you
Well sort of.

wOAH today at 10:18
What the fuck do you mean?

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:20
Fine, I guess we’re doing it this way
Summer of 2010 was the last time you went swimming despite loving the activity
You haven’t worn shorts since ‘08

wOAH today at 10:20
fucking stop

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:27
You have that same shade of lipstick I wore, it’s in a box under your bed, next to the rest of your stuff. 
If you keep running from this, it is going to follow you. 
You know it
I know it
It’s coming.




I slam my laptop shut then meekly check to make sure I didn’t break anything. Melody looks at me from the couch. 

“Just, internet bullshit,” I grumble.

Melody brushes a few stray black hairs from her eyes. “You’re sweating and you beat the shit out of your keyboard. You gotta stop going to the chans, Owen.” 

I wave a hand at her, annoyed. “I’ve been there for years and it’s fine. I know what I’m doing.”

“Yeah, sure. So, we’re just gonna hang out until nothing happens, yeah?”

“Mel, don’t be a bitch, there’s some cunt out there that-” my voice catches in my throat, “she knows things she shouldn’t. Like things you wouldn’t even know from doxxing me.” 

“Like?” she asks, leaning back on the couch.

“Things I don’t wanna talk about,” I snap, standing. “There’s something I need to check.”

Melody waves from the couch. “If anything goes wrong, just scream.”

I head upstairs wordlessly, my steps heavy. I just need to check the box, I should never have kept that crap. After fumbling with the knob because of my damn shaky hands I step into my mostly sparse bedroom. My eyes linger on the window, blinds still down, can’t risk her or that thing looking in. I move over to my bed, get onto my knees and turn on my phone’s flashlight. Beneath my bed is a bunch of packed away things from my childhood and teen years; sports equipment, various action figures and the box I was looking for.

My hand quivers as I reach out for it, my heart pounding. As my hand touches it my phone vibrates again. I look at the screen. 


Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:36
Wherever you are, get to someone else now, for your own safety.

wOAH today at 10:36
What is fucking coming? Why won’t you tell me? Why are yuo fucking with me

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:37
I won’t be able to stay in contact if I just say it. There are rules.

wOAH today at 10:37
You cannot be fuckin serious

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:38
I’m sorry
Just please
Get back to Melody now


Before I can even type a response there’s a pounding at the door. “Let me the fuck in Owen!” shouts Melody. 

My hands fumble with the knob. “Stupid, fucking stupid thing” I mutter.

The door opens and Melody collides with me. The two of us tumbling to the floor, my head cracking against the hardwood floor, phone clattering away as we fall. I groan as she kicks the door shut.

“You’re not full of shit– there’s some big motherfucker downstairs,” she says, standing and going to grab my chair. “Help me barricade it, Owen.” 

I look dumbfounded and just lay there on the floor in shock.

Melody jams the top of the chair under the knob “Do something, damn it.”

I shake my head and go to stand, but things feel all wrong. The room spinning slightly as I get upright. Did I really hit my head that hard? I check with a hand and feel a warm wet patch. Melody piles up more furniture against the door, paying my stunned ass no mind except to push by me. Behind the din of her efforts I hear heavy footsteps and the creak of the stairs up to the second storey. 

Melody reaches under my bed, trying to get anything more she can put between us and the thing coming up the stairs. My heart goes cold, she’s going to see it. She’s seen it. She knows. She knows. She knows. My heart pounds in my chest, my secret shame in her hands as she just puts it on the growing pile. 

She turns to face me. “Owen, dude. Are you–”

“Look, it’s not what it looks like, I’m not, I'm not like, I'm…” I interrupt her then trail off. 

My heartbeat is so fucking loud in my ears. I know she’s saying something to me. Her face looks concerned. Her hand reaches out for mine, for my awful hands. I pull mine back. 

“N-no,” I stammer. 

“But, Owen I–”

Something hits the door hard, wood creaking and the whole pile shaking. Melody cries out, turning to face the door and backing up into me. 

“Do you have a weapon in here? One of those stupid mall ninja swords maybe?” she asks in a panic. 

“Uh, uhm.” 

There’s another hard hit accompanied by the sound of wood cracking. 

Melody looks as I do and finds something first, she rushes over and grabs a hockey stick from my open closet then tosses another to me. The pair of us hold them out toward the barricade like they’re pikes.

A fist punches through the door, splinters embedded in it. “Time to grow up, Owen,” rumbles a deep voice. 

My phone begins to ring, a discord call of all things as the hand pulls back, tearing away a portion of the door. 


Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:47
Please fuck
you need to acknowledge it
It won’t stop until you do

Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:47 PM

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:48
Pick up damn it
I’m so fucking stupid
Just answer!

Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:48 PM


“He’s going to get in, what the hell does he want?” says Melody, knuckles white as she grips the hockey stick.

“I don’t fucking know!” I shout back at her, shaking.

More of the door is torn away by our attacker, revealing his nude form; muscled and hairy with a long dirty beard flowing from his face; his eyes, wild and bloodshot. 

“Boy, you know damn well what I want,” he says, smiling wide as he kicks the remnants of the door down.

The box holding my secrets is knocked off the pile and falls to the floor, its contents spilling out. My girl clothes, my make up… my epilator and the, the photos of that halloween night six years ago. 

“Boy, don’t think about that shit,” he laughs and kicks the barricade again.

Melody looks to me. “Gonna let this fucker say that to you?”

The man pushes forward, my belongings crunching under his feet. Melody whacks him, but he catches the stick mid-swing, his massive hand crushing the haft of it as he yanks it away from her. My legs finally move and I swing at him, but he catches me in the side with the other hockey stick. It hurts so bad, but I barely have time to process it before he’s punched me in the chest. I hear my ribs crack from the blow as I’m thrown against the opposite wall. I slump down, breath knocked out of me. Discord still ringing on my phone next to me.


Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:49 PM

Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:50 PM

Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:51 PM

Ms. Halloween 2014  today at 10:48
God damn it
You have to acknowledge it

Ms. Halloween 2014 started a call that lasted a minute. Today at 10:52 PM


He stalks toward me, knuckles popping. This is it. I’m going to die. Melody picks up a piece of the splintered door and screams as she stabs it into the man’s back. He stops and turns, a low growl in his throat before he back hands her hard enough to launch her into my closet door. 

“Melody!” I yell, reaching for her then wincing as I feel my broken ribs poking my insides. 

The man walks over to me, his movements a little odd as he steps around some of the objects on the floor. I look at what he’s avoiding; my girl stuff… No, that’s. The damn phone is still ringing. 

I pick the phone up, slide a finger over the accept button and shout, “what?!”

“You know what it is, it's everything you don’t want to be.” says the woman on the other end, it's the same voice as the one who ordered my drink back at work.

“Put the phone down, boy,” he rumbles as he takes another step.

“Don’t listen to him. You know what the things in the box mean. Tell him, show him,” pleads the woman on the other end.

“I-I can’t.” 

“Not even to save your– not even to save Melody?”

I look over to where she landed, a splinter of wood is sticking out of her side, blood flowing from it. Her breathing is slow and hitching. 

“Fine. I’ll do it.” I say, dropping the phone. My body hurts, but not more than the strain in my skull. I’m going to finally say it. “I’m–”

The man grabs me by the throat and lifts me into the air, hatred in his eyes. “Don’t fucking say it.”

“Say it!” shouts the woman on the phone. 

I struggle, my windpipe flattened under his iron grip. “I’m–” 

He squeezes harder. “I said, don’t, boy.”

“I’m trans,” I manage to choke out.

His grip weakens and he drops me. I crumple on the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. 

“I said it,” I mumble on the floor before I pass out.




Back from the hospital Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/16/20(Mon)14:16:07 no.24455715

>>24451204 #

I’m back. Like the thread title says, back from the hospital. A lot has happened since that night when whatever the fuck that was attacked us. She saw my secret and we both ended up in the ER. The person I thought was my stalker called 911 for us. I got a handful of broken ribs and she had a bad puncture wound from the wreckage of my closet door. Though, her and I are closer now for it all. We’re dating. 

I don’t really know why I’m posting this, I guess I just wanted to give those following along some closure. 

So I know who my stalker was and she’s, well she’s me sort of. I know, you’re all going to think this is a LARP or whatever, but it doesn’t matter what you think. I know what happened and that’s what matters.

Ashleigh and I, well she’s a me that figured it out sooner. Said her monster appeared a lot earlier, nearly killed her too though. I just want to say thank you to her and that I’m going to drop the tripcode, go back to lurking and besides it doesn’t exactly fit anymore. Don’t worry though, if things get weird again I’ll be here to post about it, assuming it doesn’t kill me this time. So, cheers /x/ and I’ll see y’all around.


Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)14:18:13 no.24455757

>>24455715 (OP) #

You’re not going to tell us how all that shit happened, dude?


Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)14:19:02 no.24455764

>>24455715 (OP) #

OP couldn’t write a satisfying story after all that set up, what a shit. Like I said in the first thread, this place is trash now.


Ashes to Ashleigh !!Ki77dPyg2uu 03/16/20(Mon)14:21:46 no.24455773

>>24455715 (OP) #

Hah, OP is gay, lmao

>>24455764 #


Anonymous 03/16/20(Mon)14:24:19 no.24455786

>>24455773 #

ayo wtf


Ashes to Ashleigh !!Ki77dPyg2uu 03/16/20(Mon)14:26:35 no.24455801

>>24455786 #

I’ll post your address next, Alan Dorset. Oh, and have fun tonight. I think it’s going to be a real eye opening experience. 


 Owen Is Scared !!Mh78qUkdp6w 03/16/20(Mon)14:29:57 no.24455856

Ashleigh, leave the guy alone. He’s just posturing.




Melody pushes the lid of my laptop down. “Babe, it’s time to stop posting.”

“Hey, I wasn’t doing anything wrong,” I protest.

She sighs and drapes an arm over my shoulders. “Yeah, but we’ve got places to be. Your appointment is in a couple hours, Ash.” 

I feel my cheek flush a little, still not used to my new name. It feels good though, guess I’m going to need to change my name tag soon. “You’re right, Mel. Though, let's see if I can get up from this couch first.” 

Melody stands and offers a hand. I take it and she pulls me up. 

She smiles at me. “See? You can do it.”

“Ribs hurt like a motherfucker,” I grumble.

“Did you take the pain meds?” she asks.

“Er, I forgot…” I say, my shoulders slumping. 

She rolls her eyes. “Well you’re going to need to get used to remembering your pills, Ash. Take one so you aren’t groaning the whole appointment.”

“Yes, dear” I say and shake my head, playing up the offense. 

With the pill down my throat and my hand in hers we head out to the car and toward our future.


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Secret Transfic Autumn Anthology / #2
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