Chapter 2- The Ritual
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Ayato approached his apartment and turned the handle of the door. His phone received a notification as he entered through the door. He checked it and saw that it was from Muzan, who had just sent the details of what he should do later on tonight.
To: Ayato Amaya
From: Muzan Mori
Subject: Ritual Details.
First, you need to draw a pentagram using salt and place a white candle on each of the points.
You'll need to say a certain chant, then place a drop of your blood in the center of it.
By the way, if you survive this, please tell me the details.
"Ehhhh, this sounds like a lot of work, especially the drawing in salt part."
After reading the text message for the 4th time in a row, Ayato slightly rolled his eyes and sat on his couch. He thought about it for a while, then said out loud, "Screw it. Let's debunk his stupid belief in it."
He waited until later in the night. The time was 11:45pm and he stood in his living room.
"Uh, I am not sure if I can actually draw this, but here goes nothing."
After a few trials and errors, he produced a terribly drawn pentagram with sea salt. Ayato eyed the salt drawing on the ground and said, "This is just a waste of perfectly good salt and, oh yeah, the candles."
Ayato looked around his apartment for candles, but the only ones he could find were apple-scented ones, and they weren't even white, but more on that light green side.
"Hmm, these should still do it." I mean, after all, a candle is a candle in my eyes, and this one just happens to have the delicious smell of apples."
The time is now 11:57pm. Ayato placed each candle on five of the points and lit them. The soothing smell of apples filled the modest-sized apartment.
"The next thing is the chant at exactly 12 am and then the drop of blood."
He looked at his phone and counted down the time. It was 20 seconds. Now it was 15 seconds. It soon jumped to 5 seconds. Then it was finally time.
"Stirips fo krad dna thgil, I nommus eeth, esaelp ecarg em htiw ruoy ecneserp dna yfisitas my dibrom ytisoiruc."
Ayato then pricked his index finger with a pin and allowed one drop of blood to fall into the center of the pentagram.
He held his breath and waited, but nothing happened.
"Huh? So I wasted all this salt, learned a new chant, injured myself and lit my new candles for nothing. I mean, I was expecting nothing to happen, but at the same time, no sparks or pops. Lightning strikes or heavy wind dust. I can't wait to rub this in Muzan's face later on."
A few minutes passed, and there was still nothing. Ayato blew out the candles and swept up the salt from the floor, then went to bed.
A few hours later, he had the feeling that someone was staring at him, so Ayato opened his eyes and then paused. 
There was a dark figure floating above him. Ayato rubbed his eyes and went back to sleep.
"I must be still dreaming."
A voice said, "No, you're pretty much wide awake."
Ayato pulled the covers over his head and said, "Yeah, I must be hearing things as well. That's a sign of sleep deprivation."
The voice spoke again, "Really? I just said that you're not dreaming this."
"It appears that my sleep deprivation voice is somewhat holding a conversation with me. Isn't that grand?"
"I said for the last time that you aren't dreaming or sleep deprived!"
Ayato slowly pulled the covers from over his head and replied, "So you're actually there."
The figure said, "Pretty much."
Ayato reached towards his dresser on his left side and grabbed his phone.
"Uh, what are you doing?"
Ayato replied, "There's clearly a stranger in my place of residence, so I am contacting the proper authorities."
The figure floated in the air and said, "What are you going to tell them? That a stranger is floating in your bedroom?"
Ayato paused, then put his phone down. "You do have a strong point there. So what are you supposed to be?"
"Oh my bad. My name is Avrora."
"Hmmm, strange name and strange person. It makes perfect sense."
Suddenly, light cocooned Avrora's featureless body, and it slowly floated to the ground before quickly disappearing.
There stood a beautiful, ghostly-looking, pale-skinned female who looked like she was in her early 20's. Her milk snow white hair flowed down to her waist and she was adorned in a plain silver knee-length dress which was loose-fitting. Her blue eyes sparkled like a recently polished sapphire. 
Avrora performed a curtsy and said, "Pleasure to meet you, Ayato Amaya."
Ayato didn't seem that impressed by her appearance and looked at his alarm clock, which showed the time of 2:55 a.m.
"I have class in a couple of hours, so can we speed this up?"
Avrora looked at him curiously and replied, "Aren't you surprised by this?"
Ayato yawned, "Not necessarily. It takes a lot to surprise me, and you transforming into a beautiful female isn't one of them."
Avrora covered her mouth with her hand and gave a princess laugh while saying, "So you think I'm beautiful."
Ayato crossed his legs while still sitting on his bed and grumbled, "Now that I know who you are and what you look like." "What do you want?" is my next question."
Avrora pouted her pink lips and said, "You're the one who summoned me, so what a weird question to ask."
Ayato nodded his head and said, "That I did, and now I'm sending you back. Please don't take anything on your way out and please watch your step if you do plan to take the stairs."
Avrora raised her hand, "You're the first human to ever summon me for almost 500 years, and you don't have any requests."
"Well, this is news to me. So do I get a prize or something?"
A smirk crept up on Avrora's face, and she replied, "How about a contract?"
Ayato looked Avrora dead in the face and then inhaled deeply.
"How about no?"
A puzzled look appeared on Avrora's face, and her mouth was slightly open.