Chapter 5- The Breakdown.
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Ayato was awakened by the sounds of rustling and glass bottles clanking. He stretched and then sat up on the couch.
He muttered to himself, "That's right. I had to sleep here because of that spirit girl."
"I have a name, you know."
Ayato slowly turned his head to the right side of the room and saw Avrora standing there with a slice of bread which was smothered with jam in-between her teeth, while she rummaged through his refrigerator.
"Hey, Ayato, you're out of orange juice. Make sure and get some."
Ayato walked up to her and lightly karate chopped her on the top of her head with his right hand.
"Searching through someone else's refrigerator is impolite, and complaining about what isn't there is even worse."
Avrora rubbed the top of her head with both hands and said, "As my only vassal, you should be taking care of me."
Ayato squinted his eyes at her and replied, "Explain everything right now."
"With pleasure. What do you want? A puppet show or a crash course? How about a poetic speech?"
"How about clear and concise so I don't get confused?"
Avrora replied, "So be it," and snapped her left index and thumb.
The room became dark and both people began to float in it.
"In the beginning, both realms were one, and the majority of mankind couldn't see us. However, certain humans had an ability known as "spiritual arcane," which allowed them to see and make contact with us. Due to those humans and spirits forming that bond. We spirits began to develop physical bodies, which allowed us to walk on earth as one of them, while still retaining our full power."
The dark room began to show a large image of the Yin-Yang Symbol.
"Spirits can be broken into three categories: Yin, Yang, and Taijitu. Yin represents the dark, also known as the spirits who offer the power of hexes, while Yang represents the light, also known as the spirits who offer the power of blessings. Taijitu can be explained as the middle ground or the neutral spirits who offer the power of the void."
The Ying Yang Symbol morphed into images of a battle being fought.
"Certain Yin spirits plotted to take control of the human realm for the massive amount of spiritual energy it housed due to the countless religions of man. The Yang spirits were against the idea because waging battle against beings who couldn't defend themselves was considered taboo in their book. The neutral spirits were neither for nor against it, so they sat back and watched the entire situation unfold."
The images of the battle morph into an image of a deformed creature crawling out of a crack in the sky.
"The battle raged on and we spirits slaughtered each other. Until we both called a truce due to the sheer power of our fight, which split the spiritual realm and the human realm into two separate things. However, that would break the seal, which was holding in something we weren't aware of. That very thing was called 'Witches' were unleashed on earth."
"Deformed creatures that drain the life essence of human beings and occasionally feast on spirits. With the two realms being split, we spirits were unable to access our power while in the human realm. So the witches decimated mankind for hundreds of years while we looked on helplessly."
The image of the witch morphs into an image of a human and a spirit, forming a contract.
After countless sacrifices on both sides, we discovered that due to the near-limitless spiritual energy of the human realm, certain people could tap into it. They would be able to fight against these witches. So Yang spirits began offering contracts which granted these certain humans special supernatural abilities."
"While the Yin spirits offered contracts for other reasons. However, in order for a contract to be offered, the human must successfully summon the spirit or the spirit must personally seek out the person. After the contracts were accepted, we spirits began to be anchored in the human realm once more, but in a near powerless state. So we live normal day-to-day lives. Blending in with society."
They both appeared in the living room once again.
Ayato exhaled deeply after that explanation and said, "So you want me to fight those things?"
Avrora nodded her head and said, "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"
"So I can back out of the contract, right?" Ayato sat down on the couch.
"Only if you die, and that's about it. Plus you already have my crest on you."
"Huh? What crest?"
A searing pain appeared on the back of Ayato's right hand as he looked on in horror. There was an outline of something being engraved on the surface of his skin.
He continued to clench his teeth in agony as the engravement continued. Finally, after a few moments, the pain subsided and Ayato looked at the area. He had a somewhat surprised face when he saw that it was an outline of a smiling skull with two sickles crossing through it.
"Did you just give me an instant tattoo?"
Avrora winked at him and replied, "It's my spirit crest, so that means you belong to me now."
A deadpan expression appeared on Ayato's face as he slowly approached Avrora, then pinched both of her cheeks while saying, "How am I supposed to function in my day-to-day life with this yakuza-like tattoo on my right hand?"
While still being pinched, Avrora replied, "Calm down. It's only visible to spirits, other vassals, and humans who have the ability to see spirits. " Think of it as a way for others to identify whose vassal you are and also to stop other spirits from claiming you."
Ayato released her cheeks and said, "Oh well, that doesn't sound too bad I guess."
"I should tell you about your new abilities as a vassal, but first make me some breakfast."
"Hey, hey, hey. I am not your slave."
Avrora poked him in the stomach with her index finger and replied, "In our contract, it's stated that you have to give me your undying fealty and homage."
"Ah yes, this is going to be a pain."