Chapter 2: Training Montage
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[User 01010111 must continue Tutorial.]

Tom, 'What happens to the corpse that I absorb?'

[When user absorbs a corpse, user gains the essence of the corpse and any tools, equipment that was on/in corpse. Again equipment is only taken if better quality than user's equipment.]

'Where do the items and equipment go?'

[Items of common rarity go to containers that user has equipped, equipment is swapped for the better quality item. Rarer Items are stored in Dimensional pocket that will be made once tutorial is complete. Currency counts as common items unless it is made of rare material. Dimensional pockets come in various sizes, Tutorial pocket is size of 1m cube and only unlocked after tutorial. Higher tier pockets gained after completing world story-lines or achievements.]

    An alarm out rang interrupting Tom's next question. Looking out he saw that it was 6am and that it was the time he needed to get up and begin his morning rituals. Getting up he turned of the alarm and began by checking if his children had sent any messages in the night. So far only messages of wellness and love were sent. He replied in turn and then began thinking of where he could go to complete his task.

'System does the corpse need to be human or can it be anything?'

[A corpse is usually from any entity that held sentience. The system on the other hand handles all things that held life inside, ex. plants, insects, undead monstrosities.]

'Wait undead?'

[Undead are beings that are animated without intelligence, ex. zombies, certain ghouls, etc. User must be in a universe with undead for further information to be unlocked.]

'OK so then if I kill an ant would I gain all the powers of that ant?'

[Yes and no, you would gain all the essence of that 1 ant, but as a being of greater size the power would be based on percentage, so many ants would be required to gain said abilities.]

'How would killing animals and such affect my Karma?'

[If killed for use no Karma gained or lost, if for sake of pleasure Karma lost, if to prevent loss of life Karma gained.]

  Tom began thinking all the while completing his tasks for the tour. His phone began to ring, as he looked at the phone he saw it was 9am, and that his son Clark who hadn't been to the party yesterday was the one calling. "Hello Clark, How's my youngest doing?" Clark replied, "I'm finally free from my work to tell happy birthday and let you know that the military passes you wanted for going to various embassies are ready."

  'That's what having a son whose a former 4 star General now acting head of the Department of Defense can do to get pass all that incredibly inconvenient red tape can do. Nepotism for the win, ha' thought Tom. "Thanks son, that is why I told you of my plans to travel the world, because you can get things done. Also when I go you're getting my 3 vintage cars, my cabin in the woods, and the contents my stock portfolio. I know how poorly the military pays it's personnel even the higher ups I want you set for when it's your turn to retire." Clark, "I did it for you not the rewards, you are my Father the Patriarch of the family since Grandpa died."

  Laughing Tom replied, "I can't take it with me when I go and I know that you'll make good use of what I'm giving you. Besides your other siblings are getting things as well. Consider this a wish to gift my children before I go." Clark crying, "You're so stubborn I'll take it, but I'd rather you stick around longer." Tom, "You know that's not how life works, the only thing we can do is live with the time we have. And Clark my son my time is limited so in the little I have left I want to honor my wife's dream. Please let me do this son." Clark, "Can't you stay home a little longer we have so much to share with you, we need you, or at the very least can't one of us travel with you?" Tom in exasperation, "You all have lives to live and obligations to fulfill. Besides I'll be in constant contact with you all, while I travel." Clark sighing, "Alright I'll honor you're decision, I'll meet you next weekend to handover the passes you need and help with whatever I can do in time I have off to see you. Bye dad, love you." Tom, "Love you too son, see next weekend."

  After hanging up Tom sighed and began the process of sorting through the stuff he would be donating, throwing away or giving to his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. While doing so he saw a line of ants crawling towards the trash bag he had on the floor. He began squishing them. After a few minutes he had a small pile of 22 ants and 2 moths that he had disturbed when moving his wife's clothing.  he then thought 'absorb'

[Absorbing 22 ant and 2 moth essence, gained .00022 ant abilities, and .00002 moth abilities. No loss in Karma due to invasion of user's domain. Progress made in corpse absorption .00024]

'Why so little?'

[The insect's essence in this universe is proportional to the size difference of user's essence.]

'What about other animals?'

[Essence from less sentient organisms are proportionate to user's essence size, ex. a fish such as a trout would have an essence size of 10% and under depending on the trout's age and size. Same for partial corpse parts if get a hand only get fraction on individuals essence, although some perks/stats may still be gained.]

'What would happen if I don't get a whole essence of a species?'

[No perk, mutation, evolution, skills, or abilities would be gained, though will still gain the fractional boost in stats. The essence gained will follow user from world to world though.]

  Grunting Tom then began the process of cleaning up the house, while doing so considering what he would need to do to find more materials. After his lunch inspiration struck that insects while percentage based could be disposed of using traps as well as vermin so he went to the nearest hardware store to procure traps for various vermin as well as bait for the traps. When he got home while setting up the traps in various locations of the house he asked the system, 'What are the limits to my domain.'

[The limits to your domain is the property line of the dwelling you reside in.]

'Does this mean I could just kill my lawn for essence?'

[Yes although you would lose Karma in proportion to essence gained due to damaging your domain's zone needlessly. Unless you destroy lawn with intent to create something else loss of Karma insured. Weeding/gardening is allowed as long as plants and insects eliminated are considered pests in said universe.]

'Well there goes that idea, my joints aren't what they used to be so no taking up gardening for me. How about skills can I train up any skills in the meantime while I do other things?'

[Of course people always train skills throughout their life, through repeated actions or inaction, skills can be gained or lost. Although user with system any skills gained will be permanent since system will be tying it to the essence rather than the body, same for perks and abilities.]

  Thinking on that Tom began cooking his meal. Using a library app Tom borrowed many audio books on various languages to listen to while he kept up his basic activities. Starting with the Spanish language he began the process of everyday life until his son came with the passes. Over the next few days to the weekend of his sons visit he gained the essence of 6 moths, 1 slug, 113 ants, 1 earwig, 1 spider, 6 mice, 1 rat, and 1 raccoon which he had shot when it was pawing through his trash. Surprisingly the raccoon only counted for .25 of an essence.

'System how much till I have what I need for a full essence?'

[ You have no full essence yet, partials do not count until complete, current essence count is .00001 slug, .00001 earwig, .00001 spider, .00008 moth, .00135 ant, .06 rat, .25 raccoon, and .3 mice.]

'Hmm this is good progress since I don't want to kill anybody and I don't have access to hospital, morgue, or slaughter house. Maybe I can go hunting with my son Matthew? I can also go to a fish hatchery tour, fishing tour, slaughterhouse tour, anything like that. Hey system would picked fruit count towards corpse absorb?'

[No a fruit is the next step on spreading seeds for plant birth counting as plant revival.]

'How about pruned plant limbs?'

[Yes although the essence would be a fraction of a fraction since plants have fractional essence to user.]

  Before Tom could continue he heard a knocking at his door. 'Must be Clark' he thought and went to the door. Tom went to the door and let in his son. Clark on entering hugged his father and said, "Hi dad, missed you." Stepping back he observed that there were many boxes marked for donation, disposal, and for which relative they were going to. After handing the passes to Tom he said, "Dad you've been pretty busy, where do you want my help?"

  They spent the entire weekend cleaning getting the various things towards their destinations. Clark also helped with Tom's planned tours of the many animal slaughter zones. Once the weekend was at an end Clark again hugged his father and left.

4 months later

  Gong on the many tours led to Tom gaining many essences when he was given permission to touch the various animal carcasses presented on the tours. At the fish hatchery he gained one complete essence of Salmon before he was moved on. On the fishing tour he didn't gain any essences since he wasn't allowed to touch any of the merchandise. He was able to go to 4 types of slaughterhouses where he was able to get a complete essence of cow, pig, chicken, and turkey. It only took 1 pig for a complete essence, 2 for turkey, 4 for cow, and 10 for chicken. He didn't get extra essences due to time constraints. Hunting with Matthew led to the gaining of half a deer essence since they were only able to get 2 deer due to hunting restrictions. His other essences progress was a gain of another 143 ants, 11 mice, 3 earwigs, 2 rats, 5 slugs, 8 moths, 3 earwigs, 3 spiders and 12 pill bugs. He also gained the skill parallel thinking due to all the listening to audio-books while doing things.

Tom, 'Status'

User 01010111

Race: Zoomorphic Human (Human with many animal traits)

Age 80 Level 23 (exp 1900/23000)

Condition: Semi-Optimal (Aged organ failure delayed due to gaining of Zoomorph perk, 2-3 years life span until death.)


Strength 20H

Dexterity 20H

Constitution 26H

Intelligence 22H

Wisdom 22H

Charisma 12H


Cooking H, Maintenance H, Marine Martial Arts H, Shooting H, Mathematics H, Basic Languages G, Enhanced Smell F, Enhanced Hearing H, Enhanced Swimming F, Enhanced Vision F, Parallel Thinking H


Stoic, Zoomorph: (Cow, Chicken, Pig, Salmon, Turkey)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ants (.00278), Deer (.5) Earwigs (.00004), Mice (.85), Moth (.00016), Raccoon(.25) Rats (.18), Pill Bug (.00012), Slug (.00006), Spider (.00004)

Abilities: Sealed (Tutorial Pocket, Flight I)

Achievements: Family Man, Survivor

Karma: 18 Total Positive

[Tutorial Reward for completing Task of absorbing an Essence. Reward generating due to essence being an animal, uploading the skills and Traits of Shoyo Hinata from Haikyuu! Skill gained Volleyball G, Perk Uncommon Physical Growth. This Perk allows for a 5% increase speed in learning physical skills/abilities and a 5% increase in training physical stats. Final step for Tutorial completion. Once an animal/insect/plant essence is complete no more essence can be absorbed.]

'Why did I gain this reward? Why no stat increase? What happened to my Karma? What's my last step needed?'

[The reward is for completing major step in Tutorial, no stat increases because no corpse to absorb, Karma lost due to being in negative Karma locations. Last step is applying Karma on next rebirth. Reward granted Karma left over, the more Karma left the less reward given.]

'Whelp I have things to do in this universe so that last step will have to wait'