Alpha Prime
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Alpha Prime.


A gigantic floating black citadel, created by Suzuki to be the base of her guild.


The citadel has a circular base and graphite in color and It has twelve extensions. At the end of each extension, a large blue crystal glowed beautifully.


Suzuki's idea was to create a gigantic citadel similar to a futuristic citadel, because of that, there were shops, factories, and even small institutions, but for the most part, the citadel was made up of military buildings.


In these buildings' surroundings, several machines and different NPCs roamed all over the place.


Each military building within the citadel had a unique purpose, and it was very easy to differentiate them since they all had different sizes, colors, and names.


The biggest building was in the center of the citadel. It was a gigantic black tower with blue outlines that glowed with blue neon light from time to time. That created a frightening and mysterious atmosphere around the tower, as if that tower was made by alien civilizations or if perhaps the tower was alive.


The tower was so big and wide that the other facilities looked like mini-buildings, and that's where the Command Center was, where Suzuki was located, that's where all the information was stored and it's also the place where the machine that kept the citadel floating was.


And of course, it was the most protected facility.


The citadel has been customized to the hilt to look like a giant sci-fi fortress.


Inside the Command Center was Suzuki, who was desperately trying to log out, but without success.


What the hell is going on here?!


Calming down, she started to think about the situation, and soon had an idea.


She put her finger in her mouth, and her finger was a little salty with a strong iron taste. With this test, she realized she could now feel tastes.


Then, for better testing, from her inventory, she pulled out a big juicy chunk of meat, which was just a normal in-game ration that improved the attack status by a bit.


The meat appeared in her hands, and at the sight of such succulent and beautiful meat with a strong spicy smell, Suzuki swallowed hard inside. Not even in the best restaurants, did she see such a beautiful and appetizing piece of meat.


Wait, I can smell it, and the meat no longer feels like something from inside a game, but something real. - She thought as she came out of her stupor.


Putting the meat back in her inventory, she clears her throat with a cough.


''Testing: A-E-I-O-U.''


She could now actually speak too, but unlike her original voice, it was a calm, beautiful voice with a clear tone, and this new voice was strangely monotone as if there was not an ounce of emotion.


''Testing: I am Eve, the strongest Automaton,'' She tested her speech again, this time trying to speak as if she was excited, but again, her voice sounded monotone.


Suzuki began to tremble internally.


This is a joke, right? This has to be some kind of prank! Wait, that's it! Probably the YGGDRASIL ADMs are making a prank as a final farewell for the players! Yes, that must be it! - She thought, trying to find an explanation for the strange situation.


But her hopes were dashed when black lines formed in one of the corners of the white room, forming the outline of a sci-fi door that was very common in futuristic-style games.


The door opened horizontally, and two people entered the large white room where Suzuki was reposed on her silver throne.


Although they weren't two players, but two NPC's that Suzuki created in her gaming days. Strangely, they moved as if they were alive, and their expressions that were once utterly stoic are now different and vivid; but the strangest thing is, that she doesn't remember commanding them to come to her!


The first was a girl with a cheerful expression, her name was [H-006M Lily], she is a black-haired girl with several pink streaks and her hair is tied in a double ponytail style. She wore a custom pink maid dress, her arms are made robotic and on her chest was a piece of armor, both of which were mostly painted in pink. But what drew attention was her weapon that was on her back, a giant pink chainsaw.


The second person was a woman with blond hair and light eyes and she sported a small confident smile, her name was [H-002E Enola]. Her arms and legs are robotic, on her torso she wore a simple outfit that matched the colors of her mechanical parts and on her head, she has a hat that resembles a wizard's hat, if we ignore the fact that it's made completely of metals. And in her hands, she relaxedly carried a long gun that resembled a sniper rifle.


Suzuki's friends and other YGGDRASIL players always thought that she gave names and serial numbers randomly to her NPCs, but Suzuki had a pattern, and that made it a lot easier to identify NPCs and where she could find them, as she would hardly remember them all.


The first number in the serial code referred to whether they were Automatons or not. For example, NPCs that weren't automatons, but that had robotic characteristics, were classified in category H, while the classification category for Automatons, was category A.


The number referred to the order in which the NPC was created, and the last letter of the serial code referred to which facility the NPC belonged to.


Let's take [H006-M Lily] for example. She is human, but with robotic features, she was the sixth NPC created by Suzuki, and she is the only maid in all of Alpha Prime. As there was only Suzuki in the Guild, she created only one maid, which was Lily.  She is a maid, so the last digit of her serial code is the letter M, which is the first letter of the word 'Maid'.


"Kakakaka! Eve-sama looks as beautiful as usual!" Lily said with a bright smile and a cute pose.


Enola, who was next to Lily, hit the top of Lily's head with her fist, which made Lily crouch and whimper in pain.


"That's not what we're here for, Lily!" Enola said with a frown.


"Urgh! I know! But it doesn't hurt to praise Eve-sama's beauty!" Lily complained.


Suzuki, who was listening to the conversation silently, was completely stunned.


Holy crap! Lily and Enola are talking and interacting like living beings! This is...fucking awesome and scary at the same time! - She looked at the two of them with fascination, never imagining that they would come to life.


Enola coughed lightly to get Suzuki's attention, who seemed to be thinking about something else.


Managing to get Suzuki's attention, Lily and Enola knelt and lowered their heads in complete sync.


"Eve-sama, our drones, and scouts brought some truly alarming information as they patrolled the sky around the citadel," Enola informed.


Worrying information? What the hell is she talking about? - Suzuki thought.


As she didn't know how to respond, the room was silent for a few seconds, until Suzuki hesitantly opened her mouth.


"Order: Report."


Suzuki cringed inwardly as she heard herself speak. She doesn't know why her speech was so weird.  It was so…robotic.


Enola rose and gave a military salute."Yes, ma'am! A few seconds ago, the citadel was flying over the fields of Nilfgard, but now we find ourselves flying over an ocean."


Lily did the same and said,"Yes, ma'am! We have no information on how this happened, but the Operations Center has already started investigating!"


Enola's left eye twitched, and she smacked Lily on the head again. "Stop imitating me! This is a serious situation!"


Lily massages her aching head with a with a tearful expression. "B-But...I just wanted to look nice in front of Eve-sama...! Sniff, you're so mean!"


As Enola punished Lily, Suzuki was thinking about what Enola had said.


We're not in Nilfgard? So where are we? - Suzuki thought worriedly.


Nilfgard was one of the continents in YGGDRASIL that housed most non-human Guilds. Not being on the continent of Nilfgard, which is where her entire alliance was, was the same as being vulnerable to the damn Prohuman Guilds.


"Order: Inform the Operational Center to use anti-magic shields at full power," Suzuki ordered.


"Ma'am, do you happen to know what could have happened?" Enola asked.


"Answer: There are three possibilities. We have defenses for only one of the three cases, which is if the phenomenon is related to magic," she replied.


Suzuki is unsure of anything at the moment, as out of nowhere, she seems to have transmigrated, and now she is Eve, her character from YGGDRASIL. 


So, thinking about how she got there, there were three possibilities. One, it could have been related to magic; two, it could have been something related to the divine, and three, it could also have been something related to physics, like for example, an anomaly may have happened near her.


"As expected of Eve-sama! So smart!" Lily said with stars on her eyes.


"What would the other two cases be, ma'am?" Enola asked curiously.


Suzuki closed her eyes and replied, ''Answer: I don't want to repeat myself, so prepare the hologram as I will make a statement about our current situation to everyone.''


''As you order, Eve-sama!/ Ma'am!'' Lily and Enola replied in unison.


The two then bowed respectfully to Suzuki and left the room, leaving Suzuki alone.


Finally alone, I can now organize my thoughts for some time. - Suzuki thought with relief.