In the thick of it 2
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"He's been injured multiple times recently. I'd like to perform a checkup to make sure there are no underlying problems." Aayla stated.

Nodding, "I don't see a problem with that. In fact my son Wang Too, is the village healer. I'm sure he would be happy to help you with that." The Chief replies, gesturing at the lurmen at my side.

His son, eh. Guess that's why they look similar, even for lurmen standards.

But fuck that man, I was getting all excited for Aayla's checkup, and now you're telling me that the hairy little lurmen is going to be the one doing it.

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my night is ruined.

"That would be great." Aayla respectfully accepted the help.

Turning to the other two Jedi, she asked, "Are you fine with this arrangement? If not, we can leave together after I'm finished with him."

Glancing at Ahsoka, probing for an opinion, which he quickly got in the form of a shrug, Anakin responded, "I'm sure me and snips can handle it." Giving his Padawan a nudge on the shoulder for good measure.

"Yeah, we've got it covered. Just make sure the big guy's alright for me." Ahsoka said, jabbing her thumb in my direction, then sticking her tongue out at me when no one was looking.

"I'm grateful for your understanding." Aayla replied.

"Don't worry about it. I already owe Lycan one for saving me back when we were escaping the ship." Anakin said, giving a thankful nod and smile in my direction.

Little things like that make you wonder how a genuinely nice guy like Anakin became a monster. The Jedi order probably being the main culprit in the creation of Vader for not helping Anakin with the many chips on his shoulder.

What he really needs is a therapist, and some friends he can confide in. Bottling everything up and waiting for it to burst won't help anyone, not Anakin, nor the Younglings.

Especially the younglings.

Maybe I should invite him to the bar and get him properly shitfaced. Then me and Wires can watch on from behind the bar as he spills his heart out, while he comes down with a severe case of the booze blues.

That's a plan more solid that a durasteel block.

Turning to address Bly and Co. Aayla orders "You will all temporarily go under General Skywalker's command, make sure to help him to the best of your abilities." Singling in on the Medic of the team, "Cameron leave me one of the medpacks before you leave."

"Of course General." He promptly responded, saluting along with the rest of the clones.

After that the majority of people left for wherever the Chief is taking them, leaving me and Aayla with Wang Too, the guide/healer.

"Come this way, there is a place not far from here." he said.

Keeping up with the lumens' brisk pace, we arrived at one of the tall nut houses within the  minute.

Staring at the minuscule door, I wondered out loud, "How the hell am I supposed to fit through that?" Using dramatic gestures to emphasise the dog flap I was supposed to squeeze through.

Before the lurmen could think himself into a knot, Aayla told me, "Don't fight it"

Not knowing what I was supposed to be fighting, I was taken by surprise when I felt the force surround my body, in an attempt to pick me up. Dispelling the protective force barrier around me, I let the force touch me and carry me through the air.

Aayla moved her fingers like a master puppeteer pulling my strings with the force, all the while I dumbly spun around as if I were in zero gravity.

"I don't think I'm going to make it" I said as the ground and edges of the door came dangerously close to the tender scar tissue.

My worries were unfounded though, as Aayla's masterful control over the force safely passed me through the narrow space completely unharmed.

It was only after I watched her crawl inside after me did I realise the show I just missed.

Lamenting the unjust nature of life, Wang Too and Aayla began my checkup. With them poking a prodding all over my body, it felt like I was some kind of experimental subject, doubly so when the lurmen healer started putting weird plant paste over my scar tissue.

Apparently it makes the skin regrow faster. I just shrugged and decided to wait and see if the paste works or if the little monkey's taking out his arse.

After they finished the checkup, I was cleared. Everything was in order, no bones out of place or organs missing. All I was prescribed was a good rest to let the medicine do its job, and I was told to stay off the drink as well.

Wang Too left, and Aayla instantly began enforcing the no drink policy.

Or as I realised when I reached for my flask, she was already enforcing the policy the second she squeezed me through that door. Must've slipped it out with the force during the process.

Too bad she never thought about checking my other pockets.

"It's a good thing I always bring a back up." I replied by taking a flask from my robes inner pocket.

No doubt resisting the urge to force choke me for my antics, Aayla brusquely snapped, "Where do you even pull these from."

Flicking open the lid, I answered cryptically with all the grandeur of a master alcoholic, "A magician never reveals their secrets"

Downing a quick swig, I give her some solid advice, "But for beginners such as yourself, keeping a backup, backup should suffice for most situations."

Man, Rael would be proud of my preparations.

I wonder how he's doing anyway. The guy kind of fell off the grid since the war started, only caught him a couple times since it kicked off.

Pulling the backup, backup flask from my grasp, Aayla yells "I am not an alcoholic!"

"Those two flasks are telling me a different story though" I said while eyeing the alcoholic beverages in her hands.

Somehow, this seemed to enrage her further.



After an uncomfortable night's rest on the floor since the Lurmen sized bed was too small for my stature. I woke up, in surprisingly little pain.

That medicine definitely did its job, it even has me smelling like flowers.

If the clones were actually paid, I'd ask for the recipe and start punting it through the entire GAR. Have the clones smelling so nice the enemy won't even want to fight them.

I took a cursory glance round the tent to find that I was the only one still here, Aayla must've got up early to welcome back Anakin and Ahsoka. Realising that I felt a good few flask light than normal, in alarm patted myself down only to find that my entire supply of alcohol was missing.

"Bastard! She must've taken them while I was sleeping" I spat.

I knew the jedi were going down hill but this is a new low even for them. Stealing! Have the protectors of the galaxy devolved into common thieves!

Who would've thought that they stoop so low, that they'd even steal from one of their own. No matter how improper it is to be drinking on the job.

I thought I taught Aayla better.

Annoyed and Ultra sober, I left the tent. Shielding my eyes from the morning sun that infuriated my alcohol cleansed system. How was I supposed to make it through the day at this rate?

Looking around the village, I noticed that everything was unusually messy compared to last night. Yesterday when we found this place everything was in pristine condition, but now the paths are littered with randomly placed Lurmen utensils.

Is that a fucking Luremn on the roof?

Training my eyes onto one of the sloped roofs, I gawked at the passed out Lurmen who was lying in what must have been an exceedingly uncomfortable position. I mean the guys spine's literally in an upside down 'V'.

Someone's going to be in agony when they wake up.

Letting the force channel through me, I allowed me to sense the location of the other Jedi. Them, along with the clones were all sitting around a rock on the outskirts of the village, probably waiting for me to wake up.

As useful as the whole force Gps thing was, I found it tremendously creepy at times, because if you don't go out of your way to cloak yourself from other Jedi. They can genuinely sense you from nearly anywhere in the galaxy.

It's so bad that even when I don't intentionally try to sense the other jedi, I still get this weird feeling in the back of my mind that tells me they're all alive and well. It's as if we're all connected in this massive force spiderweb that lets everyone sense your status.

That's why I tend to cloak myself whenever I'm out and about in Coruscant.

Can't have wee Yoda peeking at me going to town on some hot burd I met at the bar.

On my way out of the village, I mulled over what the fuck happened while I was sleeping. The entire village looks like a house the day after a mad party.

Skywalker and Aayla were locked in conversation so the first to notice my arrival was Ahsoka who promptly sprang up from her seated position to taunt me at her earliest convenience.

"Look who finally decided to show up" The adolescent Torgruta gibed, pushing a fist out in my direction.

"Come back with that attitude after you've been blown up. We'll see if you can walk about the next day." I remarked, fulfilling her wish for a fistbump in the process.

Laughing it off, Ahsoka replies, "Keep dreaming. I'm too good to be caught out like that."

"If you're so good, why'd you trigger that tripwire on Christophsis?" Interjected Anakin, finished talking to Aayla, he adds, "Or what about the time you and Master Luminara let Gunray escape?"

While Anakin humbled Ahsoka, I straight up asked Aayla what she did with my flasks since she clearly never had them in person. Those skin tight clothes weren't hiding anything, neither her curves nor my flasks.

"Your flasks? I gave them to the Lurmen for safe keeping." She stated, before her lips curled into a mischievous smirk, "Though I'm not sure how well they looked after them"

The scenes of the messed up Lurmen village flashed through my head as I pieced in the missing parts of the puzzle.

"Seriously! They drank that." I exclaimed, honestly shocked that the small creatures stomached that, "Half of them won't wake up today. The stuff in those flasks were a midgets ball hair off pure ethanol, there's now way their tiny bodies could handle that."

Nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders Aayla told me, "I wouldn't worry too much, Lurmen's livers have one of the best filtration systems in the galaxy. If I never knew any better, I'd say they could give you a run for your money."

Well, well, well, colour me impressed. Clearly some kind of multiversal shenanigans have given these irish accented monkeys, the high alcohol tolerance of the singing pricks back on earth.

"Eh, it could've been used in a worse way." Walking away from Aayla and towards the hills I said, "Guess I better get to distilling the local flora then."

Yanking me back into place, Aayla says "You're not going anywhere. We've got some bad news, the Seperatist are stationed on this planet."

Escaping for Skywalker's lecture, Ahsoka was eager to get me up to speed, "They've got a whole outpost a few miles from here. Their defences are tight, looks like they're protecting some new tank."

Adding on to his Padawans statement, "It's huge, bigger than anything they've used till now. Looks like it's using a new kind of ammunition as well."

While he spoke Lucky handed me a holodisc that projected an image of the Seperatist compound. Zooming in on the tank, its bulky image jogs my memory and I remember what we were up against.

It was from an episode of the clone wars, I can't remember the name of it but I do remember what it does. The real problem isn't the tank, but the ammunition it uses, if he recalls correctly it's some kind of anti-life weapon that only burns living targets.

An incredible weapon if your entire army is made of droids. Not so incredible for the republic though.

But the good news is that this is the only one in service. So by destroying it and apprehending Nemodian running the operation we'll have saved millions of clones from a painful fire induced death.

Suddenly an image blurred through my mind. The massive separatist tank was charging through the tall grassy plains, ahead of it were several companies of B-1 battle droids. The angle of the vision changed, turning and allowing me to see the Lurmen Village directly in the Seperatist's path.

While I shook my head and regained my bearings, Aayla explained, "We'll attack the base come nightfall. Should the attack be successful, we can use the long range communicators to contact the Republic for an extraction."

"I don't think we'll need to go anywhere. They're coming to us."



"They're what!?" Everyone shouted in unison, save Bly whose eyes widened an imperceptible amount.

"You heard me" I stated while rubbing my temples, suddenly wishing the Lurmen left some booze for me, "I just had a vision. That big ass tank's heading over to the village, along with an escort of droids. Three-maybe five hundred in total."

"Are you sure?" Aayla asked.

"Damn sure. Unless the force is just fucking with me. In Fact…" I said while glancing between the clones, "...Lucky let me borrow these for a second."

Pulling the binoculars off his utility belt, I held them tight before bending my legs and performing a giant force aided leap straight into the air. Reaching the apex at about twenty metres, I quickly put the binoculars to work and took a brief look around.

Managing to catch sight of several moving objects, I jumped back up to make sure it was the separatists. With confirmation that it was them, I gave everyone the bad news.

"About five klicks out in that direction" I said, pointing to the slightly hilly plains to the north, "We've got about half an hour before they're in firing distance. So… anyone got any ideas?"

The group quickly began to come up with a survival plan, while increasingly more incredulous idea's were being given by Anakin, Aayla reminded everyone about something they overlooked till now.

"We need to wake the Lurmen up and get them out of here." She said, reminding everyone here that at least half the village is comatose.

"I'll handle it" I told her. Bringing my finger's up to the corners of my mouth, I let loose a disturbingly loud whistle that clattered off the sleeping Lurmen's eardrums.

What followed was a symphony of grunts and cusses, the Lurmen clearly weren't happy with being woken up so early after a night of heavy drinking, but survival sadly takes priority over nursing a hangover.

Rounding the grumpy Lurmen up, I told them their current predicament, "Listen up ya thieving bastards. The Separatist are on their way over here right now, and if you don't make a decision on what you're going to do very soon, you who be able to make a decision at all."

"So, are you going to run away and hide, or stay here and help up fight them?"

There was a brief period of silence as my words sank in, but breaking it was none other than the village elder, "What menace have you brought upon our village now Jedi?"

"Father, you can't blame them." Want Too contended, seeming fed up with his father's neutrality.

Pitching in, Anakin states, "He's right. The separatists don't know we're here, and if they're rushing over here with a battalion of droids, I doubt that they will come in peace."

Staying stubborn,the elder argues, "Your presence here endangers us. Leave before they arrive and we may still be able to enter talks with them."

This cunt's got a few screws loose. I can't claim to know what he's been through that made him his way, but can't he see that nothing they have is worth anything in the Separatists eyes.

How can you talk them out of whatever they're about to do, if you don't have anything to appease them?

Following in her Master's footsteps, Ahsoka refuted, "But they won't listen and you'll have no way to defend yourself. You'll need our help to fight back!"

"We won't fight at all." The elder stalwartly stated, "We would rather die than to kill others"

His word drew mixed reactions out of the other Lurmen, before our very eyes, two factions were forming. You had the pacifists that wanted to do anything else but fight, that was mostly made up of the older members of the tribe, from what I could gleam, most of them would've rather left the village than try to bargain with the Separatists, but never voiced it since the elder had already made his mind up.

Rallying behind Wang Too were those who wanted to aid us in defending the village against the Separatists. Those who followed Wang Too were mostly of the younger generation, who didn't want to risk losing the village they grew up in without a fight.

"You do realise that droids aren't alive" I said, pointing out a flaw in the elders argument, but it was easily ignored in favour of Ahsoka's passionate rambling.

"But how could you-" In the middle of another speech, Ahsoka was cut off by Aayla.

"Ahsoka, stop. If they want to remain neutral, we won't force them into war." She told the Padawan before shifting her gaze to the elder, "See to it that you're people temporarily leave the Village. I know the Separatists, and I can guarantee that their arrival won't end with a talk, all I'm asking you to do is to vacate the area so that we can handle this."

"We can't let you do this yourselves!" Turning to the elder, Wang Too passionately says, "Father even if we don't fight the Separatists, we must defend ourselves!"

Showing anger for the first time since we arrived the elder attested, "Mounting a defence is still engaging in battle! If we sacrifice our beliefs, we're no better than they are! Our philosophy has helped us survive for generations, why should we change it now!"

"Because times have changed! There's a war going on in the galaxy, how can we hope to live peacefully if we aren't willing to defend that peace! What will happen after we abandon this planet, will you continue to run away every time trouble finds us?"

On an entirely different note. Captain Rex and Flash just arrived and told the generals, "The shield generator is ready sir/ma'am."

Quality, they must've brought it back from the ship wreckage. At least we won't be blown to smithereens by artillery fire now, nor will the Lurmen Village get torn asunder from the battle.

While walking away from the village with several other Lurmen, the Elder shouted, "You can still come with us! It's not too late Wang Too."

Aw aye, I might have used a mind trick of subtly convince the elder to fuck off. Can't be arsed putting up with his peace rants while I'm chopping fuck out of battle droids.

With a complicated look in his eyes, Wang Too shook his head, turning away from his father. Bringing the Lurmen that decide to say over to us, he asked, "Please Jedi, give us something to do. We can't just stand by and watch while you risk your lives for us."



Nodding his head, Anakin called out to his second in command, "Rex, you came up with the plan. Have you got anything for them to do?"

Stroking his chin, Rex said, "I do, but you might not like it. It involves using the empty houses as a protective perimeter."

"Don't worry about them. What's a few houses compared to our entire village." Wang Too assured the clone trooper.

"Good, with that kind of attitude you'll make it through this no problem." Grabbing a stick of the ground, Rex began sketching out where he wants the makeshift barriers to go, as well as a few traps that the Lurmen could use to stall battle droids.

While the Lurmen got to work on fortifying the village, I asked Bly if there was any scrap metal lying about inside, or nearby the village. I had something I wanted to test out, but I'll need to make something to try it.

"No sir, the Lurmen don't have any metal's stored in their village, and the closest crash site is miles away." Bly concluded, putting an end to my idea before it even started.

"Bastard" I spat, before getting blinded by the glare coming off my body armour's wrist guard, "Ah ha! It's all good Bly, don't worry about it. Tell the general that I'm doing something important in case she thinks him slacking off."

"Why don't you tell me right now." A pleasant accented voice said from behind me.

"That I will" I responded, pivoting around to face my outrageously hot master, "Basically I have a method that should be able to take out the huge tank that's on its way over, but I'll need to make something to help do it."

"And that's why you need the metal?" She probed.

"Yep, going to use my armour for it, there should be enough durasteel if you total it all." I responded.

"Be honest with me, what's the chances of it working?" Aayla questioned.

"A solid ninety percent, if worst comes to worst we'll just follow Rex's plan. There's not much risk if something goes wrong." I answered, keeping to myself that there's a massive probability that I'll be taken out of commission if I do it wrong.

Satisfied, Aayla nodded, "Well, get to it then. I'll tell the others about it."

Walking away, she left me myself to unequip my armour and throw it into a pile on the ground. Once I had finished removing everything apart from Jango Fett's mandalorian wrist guard, I grasped the pile of durasteel with the force and made it levitate at eye level.

Igniting my lightsaber, using the heat from the blade, I began to melt the armour down to its malleable liquid form. As the durasteel turned into a bright mess of molten metal, I used the force to hold it in the air and shape it to my will.

The scalding hot liquid was quickly shaped into a long cylinder that slightly resembled a rocket, then I started to rapidly spin it, until the durasteel cooled down enough.

When it had reached a lower temperature, I fine tuned the design adding a coned nose and a few fins at its rear end, giving the missile-like block of durasteel its final shape.

Happy with it's design, I lugged it over my shoulder and lifted it over to the the makeshift wall everyone was making


"They're here!" Ahsoka shouted from her vantage point on top of the wall.

With Ahsoka's early warning, Jedi, clones and Lurmen all poked their head over the seed wall to glance at the Separatist convoy. Even at a distance, we could still clearly make out the shape of the colossal tank that menacingly hovered towards us.

The holograms never did this beast justice, the tank was like a moving mountain, and its huge barrel seemed as if it would pierce the sky if it were any bigger.

Not as noticeable as the tank, were the small specks of dark grey and cream dotted around just ahead to the behemoth. Companies of B1's and B2's were marching in large square formation, their steps were all synchronised, sending dull booming sounds across the plains that slowly got louder, and louder.

Having never seen anything quite like it in their lives, the Lurmen that stayed behind were filled with nervous tension that only seemed to get worse the closer the droid's got. Though holding them in place was a fiercely resolute determination that prompted them to hold their ground.

I sensed nervousness permeating from Aayla that she seemed to release by chewing her bottom lip, as she asked, "When are you going to do the 'thing'?"

"Wait for them to fire whatever's in that canon, I'll need peace of mind before trying this or I might just fuck up." I responded, holding the metallic pike up to my eyes, preemptively adjusting my for when I let it rip.

Before Aayla could reply to my words, the thunderous noise of screeching metal resounded in everyone's eardrums, prompting many to try and block out the noise by cupping their ears.

The cause of the ear-splitting grinding was the huge Separatist tank raising its mammoth canon to the skies, preparing to blast us all to oblivion. It slowly picked out the correct angle for firing and started to build up charge.

Just before the tank's charge could build up to critical levels, I heard Anakin shout an order to one of the clones, "Now! Turn the shield generator on!"

Due to the clones keeping the generator's engines warm, a white pillar of energy shot from the oddly shaped device near instantly. Once it reached a certain height the white pillar fell to the sides forming a blue dome of energy that would - hopefully - protect us.

As the edges of the shield's curtain touched the ground, the tank's weapon fired a large, obscurely shaped projectile that slammed to the ground a few tens of metres away from the shields.

From the impact crater spewed a veritable sea of ravenous flame that quickly scorched across the long grass filled plains, stopping at nothing but the inanimate shimmering shields, which stood completely out of place in the blackened fields.

The Lurmen were horrified at the devastation wrought by the Separatist weapons, silently clenching their fists, they prayed that the group that left made it far enough away to avoid the all-engulfing fire.

"Lycan." My master called me, urging me to start. She had the same worries as the lurmen but kept them hidden behind a stoic mask so as to not demoralise our new allies.

Flicking my neck to each side letting the build up tension disappear in the form of two pops, I say, "Guess it's now or never then." Stepping up to the peak of the wall, I let the force carry the durasteel projectile into position.

With the rod floating in place in front of my face, luminous yellow lightning began to crackle on my palms, "Drop the shield when I give the signal." I told my allies.

The Lightning intensified, cackling wildly as it was applied to the durasteel, but that was just the start. Pushing even harder, the streaks of electricity grew to the size of my forearms as the magnetic imbalance created from the technique threatened to send the durasteel flying.

Multitasking I forced the rod to stay in place as the pressure continued to build. Wild arcs of lightning began to slip from my control, charring the ground around me and a few even coming close to the lurmen but Anakin and Aayla used their lightsabers to block for them.

Feeling my grip on the durasteel about to slip, I balled at the shield generator cunts, "Now!"

Thankfully they heard, and the blue curtain began receding, giving me the room necessary to let it fly.

And fly it did.

With a grand gong, the sloppily made rail gun ammunition launched off at ridiculous speeds, fully intent of decimating the Separatist battalion.



Upon release, the magnetic field created from the Force Judgement forced the rail gun projectile to blast away at perverse speeds. In the process causing a loud sonic boom at point blank range that shattered my eardrum and made my internal organ tremble.

The blood spurting from my ears signified the sudden deafening of the world around me and my vision started to go blurry. Both of these symptoms were accompanied by a sudden bout of dizziness, compelling me to fall on my tattooed arse and nearly fall head first off the wall.

Luckily I just managed to change the direction of my fall - which ended with me tripping to the side and getting a ninety degrees tilted view of the devastation my force rail gun just caused.

The previously mighty Separatist land force was reduced to rubble with barely a few stragglers still marching towards the village. The survivors had a - in my humble opinion - a picturesque backdrop, that consisted of thick black smoke and flaming mechanical parts that further accentuated the damage done.

It was beautiful. A truly magnificent display of the destruction someone competent in the force can cause, and I was damn chuffed that said person was me.

Patting my own back could only last so long though, as having both of my eardrums burst at the same time cranked my nausea up to max level caused me to lurch and dry heave as I attempted to rise to my feet.

While I used the force to restore balance to my body, I silently thanked Aayla for keeping me away from the booze. I don't think I could've held back from spewing if I had some, and nothing ruins a badass scene more than vomit.

Luckily the damage I sustained was healed up quickly, because while the effects were annoying and immediate, the injuries themselves weren't particularly bad.

Now back to full fitness, I rose to my feet, ignited my purple saberstaff and charged ahead to scrounge for some- destroy the rest of the hostile combatants.

It was only when I was halfway there I realised that I was the only one attacking…


{Anakin POV}

I'll admit, I was on the fence about going along with General Secura's padawans idea, but having saved me from a nasty injury yesterday, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

It wasn't just General Secura's faith in her abnormally-large-for-his-species padawan, nor my own at times reckless protege's chatter about her giant horned friend that brought me to my decision. It was my own personal views on teaching that allowed me to take a backseat for once.

As much as I… respect? The traditional teachings of the Jedi, I'm of the small group that think that practical experience is what truly makes a great warrior.

Especially experiences like these where you're forced against a wall and have to get outside of your comfort zone to achieve victory. No matter how nonsensical an idea it is, if you manage to bypass the hurdle you always come out stronger in the end.

Momentarily, I debated asking for Ahsoka's opinion on how we should proceed, but discarded it a moment later. As skilled as young Snips was, she still has a long way to go before she can stand by herself on her own two feet. Giving her something like this is too much, too soon, and could cripple her futures if handled incorrectly…

I confess, I was precarious if Lycan's 'idea' could've made a difference but when the droid battalion appeared and I saw the devastation their weapon wrought, my doubts were cleared.

Thankfully, this was one of the rare times my instincts were pleasantly wrong. Lycan's force technique really went over and above what was expected of him, there wasn't even a need to defend the village anymore.

There were no attackers left after the force aided...railgun?

Maybe I should ask Obi-wan if he knows anyone that would be willing to teach me this lightning technique.


{Ahsoka POV}

"Master. Pinch me." I half jokingly said, only to yelp in pain when he really did it.

Rubbing the assaulted patch of skin on my upper arm, I took a second look at the metallic mess that was the Separatist ground force, and thought how Lycan was able to pull off such a feat.

It was a jaw dropping experience. I've not even seen Master do anything close to it with the force, and honestly I'm not sure if I want to.

For all its glory, that kind of strength scares me.

Using the force to cause such destruction was a perversion of the orders teachings, even so, when it comes to battles I couldn't help but think the order was wrong. As none of their pacifist teachings have helped me during my time as a commander of the 501st.

Lycan, though, has never seemed to care about what the council, or anyone for that matter, thinks. He's always been a bit of a deviant ever since she could remember, it's like the philosophies went in one ear and out the other with him.

It's strange, sometimes he'll sit down and act as wise as Master Plo, then two seconds later he'd be leering at the older - female - Jedi with a questionable intent and cussing at Knox, putting shame to everything the order stands for.

But there has to be a method to his madness if this is the kind of power he's wielding.

So far my thoughts on the matter were staggeringly contradictory, I'll need to request guidance from Master when we return.


{Aayla Pov}

I could sense darkness in Lycan.

More than myself, Master Vos and even Master Windu. It's like he's walking on a tightrope of equilibrium between the dark side and the light.

I knew it when I was first assigned as his Master, everything he does, everything that makes him-him, is in direct opposition to what the Council would call a model Jedi. But this war has skewed that balance, it's taken a toll on him, as it has for all of us.

It's made him more violent, more volatile, and despite my assurance that I've got him under control, it's made him a cause for worry in the council's ranks.

Though me and many others who know him have managed to keep them off his back for now, even Master Windu couldn't sway the decision of the other Masters any longer.

The spectacular display of power he gas just gave everyone will only further fan the flames threatening to swallow him whole.

There's no putting it off any longer. Once we return to Coruscant, Lycan will be faced with fate defining crossroads, and the outcome all depends on the decisions he makes.

But no matter how it turns out in the end, I'll be there to support him.

As much as it goes against the core principles of the Jedi, my heart can help but ache knowing our time as Master and Padawan would soon be coming to its end.



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