Chapter 2: The Minotaur Guarding the Exit
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Yelling that to my face, was a two and a half meters tall Minotaur with a large cleaver on his left hand.

We were currently together alone, in a large dark cave. With the only exit situated behind the massive monster in front of me. Although the visibility inside was almost non existent, a few luminous rocks scattered around were able to bring some slight visibility to our dark cave. Although by this time, my eyes had already grown accustomed to the darkness.

Looking at the angry Minotaur in front of me, I was sure that he was growing as tired of me by now as I was of him. After all, we had been repeating this comedic routine for the last 3 hours.

Get cleaved in half. Die. Revive. Repeat.

Such is the routine being we’ve been playing out in this dark cave, and to be honest, I think it’s getting stale by now.

Yeah, it might have been funny the first 20 or 30 times. But by now, I think even the Minotaur would agree that it’s time to switch up the show.

However, it appears my that my old buddy is not yet prepared to end this repetitive routine. Despite him clearly looking so frustrated, it appears he will continue to do the same futile thing over and over again.

Look, here he comes.

As I thought this, the Minotaur released a loud growl and began making his way over. Despite having a massive body, this mythical creature was far more agile and faster than me.

Raising his left hand that was holding the massive the cleaver over his head, I could see that the Minotaur was clearly planning on cutting me in half yet again.

I, however, had no plans on allowing this to happen yet again without putting up a good fight. After all, this time I had a good plan to end this stalemate.

As a result of having witnessed the sight of him swinging his cleaver many times, I was beginning to get pretty good at predicting the Minotaur's attacks despite my slow reaction time.

Thus, having waited for the moment in which he fully committed to the downward swing, I rolled to the right and began making my way towards his back before throwing a rather weak punch to one of his legs.

I had learned not to roll to my left, as if I did he would grab me with his right hand before crushing my head, something that wasn’t exactly pleasant. Not that getting cleaved in half was anymore pleasant either, although a clean cut could be rather painless when it passed through the right area.

Seeing him turn around in anger, I jumped over his downward swipe and followed the trajectory of the swing before throwing a kick to his legs and retreating towards the direction of a wall while turning to face his direction. As I made my way back, I continued to barely dodge his attacks until my back had touched the wall.

At this, the Minotaur released a large amount of air from his nostrils, with the anger he had compounded from being forced to play this little game with me for so long clearly apparent on his face.

With me cornered, the enraged Minotaur thought that I no longer had anywhere to run. Thus, prepared to execute me once more, he grabbed the cleaver with both hands as he raised up high in the air.

Looking into his eyes, I could see both the rage and desperation inside of them. Which clearly told me his hopes that this swing would be the one to finally put me to rest.

Unluckily for him, I had no plans of dying to him any longer, and before his rage induced swing could go down, I kicked him in his abdomen before fully putting my body on the wall.

Despite my kick not even moving him, the Minotaur become even more enraged as he took a step forward and swung down with all his strength. This time, definitely too fast for me to dodge. 

However, I didn’t need to dodge. Before the giant cleaver could cleave me in half yet again, the giant knife stopped just inches above me as its trajectory was stopped by the thick wall behind me..

Smiling at this outcome, I quickly made my way forward and picked up a knife I had found earlier. Throughout one of my multiple deaths, I had been thrown to this very wall and before I had succumbed to death, I had found this knife lying inconspicuously behind a small rock. Seeing as it was the only weapon I had found until now, I had decided to leave the knife there hidden from the Minotaur until I had come up with a plan.

Now, picking up the knife, I put my plan into action as I slashed with all my strength across his Achilles’ tendon and began running away towards the opening in the cave we were in before he could grab me with one of his massive arms.

Behind me, I could hear the loud growl from the Minotaur as I continued to run, undoubtedly releasing both the pain and frustration that had been the results of my actions.

I, however, had no intentions of looking back and enjoying his expressions, as I continued to sprint with full force to the exit.

Finally reaching the exit, I couldn’t help but let a smile creep onto my face after finally being free from-

At that moment, I felt a large object collide with me from my back as I tumbled forward. Falling to the ground, I was able to gaze at the Minotaur and see his visage, where in he was kneeling on the ground with one arm fully extended, clearly as a result from a throwing motion. Seeing the disappearance of the large cleaver from the wall, I understood what had happened as I slowly felt darkness claim me yet again…