Chapter 6: The Dungeon
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As I made my way through the passage leading away from the boss room, I couldn’t help but constantly look back as the fear of one of the hounds chasing after me kept me in a high state of tension. After having finally walked through the passage for thirty minutes without any disturbances, I was finally able to let out a sigh and take a moment to relax myself.

The last few hours had been rather chaotic and stressful. I had faced against a mythical Minotaur, which bodied the shit out of me for almost three whole hours. Followed immediately by fighting seventeen fucking hellhounds, which was honestly a worst experience for me. Now that I was outside the boss room and there didn’t seem to be any other monsters nearby, I could finally relax for a moment and allow some of the stress and worry that I had built leave my system.

Taking a seat in the dungeon floor, I took a good look at the rather tight passageway and questioned if there really wasn’t anything skulking around, feeling slightly paranoid. After all, the passage was quite dark, and I could only make out the outline of things at best. The passage seemed to be made of the same dark and uncomfortable rock as the cave, which once again made sitting down not exactly relaxing. Although at the moment, I felt too lazy to do anything about the discomfort my ass was feeling.

Looking around, I could see a few plants growing from cracks on the rocks, and wondered where the hell they were getting the moisture and sunlight to grow. Even if they were using the light coming from the luminescent moss, that still left the question as to where the moss was getting its source of light. Or do moss not need light? I can’t really remember… No they don’t. But still, it’s not like there was a source of moisture I could find for any of the plants to be growing, so I was still a bit skeptical about whether these plants weren’t special and actually valuable in someway.

After having relaxed for about 30 minutes and thinking about other stupid things, I got up and resumed my journey out of this dungeon once more. Not to soon after that, I came across a fork in the passage as I suddenly found myself unsure of what to do… 

Hmm, my first instinct was to head left. Which means I should head right since my luck is shit and I probably shouldn't trust my senses right now. Or maybe, that’s how my bad luck works. By making me doubt myself and making me change from the correct choice to the incorrect one. Or maybe… AHHH whatever, let’s just go right. If I can’t find any sign that I’m heading out of this place, then I’ll just come back and take the left side.

Thus, having made my choice. I took the right path as I continued on my journey to make it out of this dungeon. Not too soon after, however, I came across a rather shocking sight as the remains of four, no, five adventurers entered my sights. Approaching them, I wasn’t really able to infer much about their appearances from their mangled remains, although based on the armor and outfits covering them, I could make at least make a guess at their classes. It appeared that they were a party consisting of a mage and an archer at the least. Two other bodies were wearing heavy plate armor, which made me guess that they were the vanguard or other melee builds. While the last one was wearing a dark outfit with some light leather armor that I couldn’t really make a good guess from it as it lacked any easily identifiable weapons, although I guessed they were a support class.

All five of the bodies were rather close in proximity. And their remains, as well as the marks on their armor, made it seem as though they fought a large and powerful beast. One capable of dealing damage with a large bladed weapon, as well as blunt damage with what I imagined was its body. Sort of like a Minotaur… 

Making a silent prayer to these unknown adventurers, I scoured their remains, I began to ransack through their clothes and armor in order to pick an outfit for myself as well as to find any usable items that could aid me in my journey. And after looking for around 15 minutes, I had finished picking out a usable setup for myself as well as packing a few items in my new backpack.

I was now wearing the dark outfit from the support dude, no longer walking around naked in this dungeon. As for shoes, I was now wearing the archer’s boots while using tape in lieu of socks  While there were a few cuts here and there, it was a rather comfortable outfit, although there was a rather repugnant smell coming from it. I also relied on the archers leather breastplate to cover me as well as their arm guards and shin guards. Also scavenged from them, were a few throwing knives as well as a shortsword, a few potions which I didn’t really know their proper uses, and some cores that I guess they got from monsters. I also took any of their food that still looked edible as well as their water canteens, although I had some doubts about my need to consume foodstuffs as I had yet to feel any hunger or thirst, or even sleepiness at that. I had a feeling that my hunger and thirst ‘reset’ whenever I died, very similar to minecraft if I had to say so myself.

Finding myself decked out in some pretty sweet gear, I almost felt myself tempted to end my life in order to regain use of my arm and be able to put up a proper fight. However, shaking my head to get rid of such thoughts, I simple applied some basic first aid with some of the equipment the lads had brought with them, before consuming a red potion for which the color screamed out ‘Recover HP!’ to me. After consuming it, I felt my arm immediately improve as a smirk came on my face at having guessed correctly.

Although it wasn’t completely better with some pain still remaining, I could now at least use my arm once more and be able to rely on it during a fight. Improving my odds of winning a future fight tremendously.

Done preparing myself from the scavenged remains of the adventurers, I once again let out a prayer to them before continuing to move forward, hoping that the goddess would be more tolerant with them than she had been with me. However, before I could take more than a few steps, I heard the pitter-patter of a multitude of steps as I turned around to look at the source of the noise. Once I had done so, I waited for a few seconds before a surprising sight came before me.

Moving in an organized manner, was a rather large group of what looked like to be goblins or something alike, as they made their way towards the remains of the adventurers. The goblins had dark brown skin, and were wearing some rather conspicuous green laborer uniforms with a white hat and everything.

Once they had gathered at and surrounded the remains of the adventurers, they began to drag them all next to each other before they separated the items and armor from their bodies. Leaving behind only the mangled rotting corpses. Once this had been done, they began to eat the remains of the adventurers, including their bones and everything until there was nothing left. Seeing them devour the rotting remains, I could feel my stomach churning as the desire to throw up that I had been suppressing since the moment I had seen their remains almost overtook me. 

Once their feast was over, they began to pick up the remaining items as a team as they transported the entire thing back to wherever the hell they came from. And, it was in this manner, that there were now no remains of that adventurer party having ever been here. Making me wonder if these odd group of goblins who had ignored my existence were the janitors of the dungeon. And seeing the direction which they returned to, made me feel that I had taken the correct choice in where the exit to the dungeon was.

After having witnessed this ludicrous sight, I could do nothing but stare in awe and confusion as I released a simple, “What the fuck…” into the empty passage…