Chapter 8: Office Visit
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Chapter 8:

Office Visit

My wife is a killer. She murders others without remorse, and treats it like the most normal thing in the world. No different than swatting a mosquito. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anything about this, but I'd also be lying if I said I wanted her to stop. Slowly, I was falling for her.

I am, or was, a poor man from a poor family. Coasting through life on disability and just hoping that life wouldn't get worse. She came into my life and everything changed. I now lived in comfort. Not wanting for anything. Though I never asked, I felt too guilty.

A bleeding heart inside of my chest, I did feel bad for those she killed. I was just glad it wasn't me. For some reason, I was the exception. One time, I had gotten a papercut and found my entire hand in a cast. Afterwards, I had to keep her from burning down the company who made the paper.

Needless to say, she'd never harm me, but part of me was still scared of her. Perhaps I was crazy, but I liked it. How my heart beat so fast whenever I saw her. That fierce gaze of hers was like a drug. I couldn't get enough of it.

"That's love, dear," My mother told me over the phone one day, "Honestly, you didn't even invite us..."

I didn't tell her everything, just the feeling I felt towards Cecelia. I had called my mother to check in on her, as well as explain my marriage. She had been surprised, even a bit skeptical. My visit before was cancelled, and I had to apologize for not inviting them to the wedding. It was so sudden I didn't even know what happened until it was all over.

"Love, huh?" I thought to myself, staring out the window at the city, "Maybe it is, but..."

As much as Cecelia has done for me, my heart just couldn't completely open up to her. It was holding back. Guarded. Perhaps it wasn't fear of her that I felt, but fear of what she represented.

Someone who cared for me genuinely. It was impossible, and I didn't deserve it. People didn't cheat for no reason. There had to be something wrong with me, and one day I feared she'd realize that.

I was afraid of my own heart. Perhaps, I needed to do something about it, and so I found myself being driven by hovercar to the Ishikawa-Alden Corps HQ in NYC.


"Mr. Alden!" The secretary exclaimed, surprised to see me, "I didn't know you were arriving. I'll inform Mrs. Williams right away!"

"O-Oh, it's alright," I reassured her, "It was just a spur of the moment visit. I thought I'd surprise her."

"Oh! I'm sure she'd be delighted!" They gave me a wry smile, "My lips are sealed, promise."

I nodded, giving her a friendly smile.

"Sometimes I forget my last name changed..." I mused, walking to the elevator.

Waiting for the elevator, I glanced at the security following me. It was a bit stuffy having them always follow me. Working up the courage, as the elevator dinged, I was able to speak up and have them wait down here. They obeyed without a single issue.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, I slumped against the wall. My breathing quickening as I could finally breathe easy. I had time to myself, finally. Those two only did their jobs, but it was so hard to ask them to wait somewhere or to leave me be.

I had to remember who I was now. Alexander Alden. The short version of my new name. Mr. Alden, the husband of famed head of the Ishikawa-Alden Family. It was a lot to live up to, and while she attempted to live privately, she was the owner of the largest megacorp in the world. That was hard to hide from.

With the hovercar landing me partway up the building, it was only a few floors to her office. Not giving me too much time to think, but just enough to breath. She kept me sheltered as much as she could, but if someone learned of me, I'd hate for them to use me against her.

The elevator came to a stop with the AI's female voice chiming "One hundredth and thirteenth floor."

"...Too damn high," I sighed, taking a breath, "Why do we build such high-"

My thoughts were interrupted as the doors opened. A spray of scarlet as a man, clothed in what looked like combat gear fell into the elevator. My wife stood where the man fell, her face cold and focused. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Even in this situation, I was captivated.

"So fierce..." Admiring her, her eyes coming up to meet mine.

The moment they did, her entire demeanor changed. Her eyes went wide as a bright smile appeared upon her face.

"My love!" She exclaimed, her smile like the sun, "This is such a nice surprise."

"Y-Yeah..." I breathed, unable to take my eyes from her.

As I stared, I saw from the corner of my vision a man. Full business attire and posed to attack her. Without missing a beat, she caught his hand, spun and twisted his wrist. The sound of snapping bones followed by what could only be described as a wilhelm scream assaulted my ears.

"...Honestly," Her cold eyes taking the man in, "In front of my husband? Tch."

Irritated, she dragged the man through the room by his wrist. Approaching a door on the other side, she paused.

"Dear," She called back to me, her face softening slightly, "Would you mind waiting here for a moment? I have some business to take care of quickly and then I'll be right with you!"

With that, she stepped through the door. There was a finality to it as the door closed shut. The room fell silent as I listened to what she asked. Stepping over the man on the ground, just as the elevator doors began to close.

It was a waiting room, complete with a secretary's desk. Several chairs positioned along the walls, and it was there that I found a place to sit. Looking around, I found myself in silence save for the rhythmic thumping of the elevator doors trying to close on the man's body. It was as if I was in a complete daze. My thoughts not completely sane.

"Hmm, perhaps..." Pursing my lips, I brought my hands up to them as if I was praying, lost in thought. "I should be more worried for those who would try to use me against her."
