Ch: 11.5
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Ch: 11.5

He watched from above, it was like the dream he had experienced only a few times since meeting Shai, that hospital dream. 

Looking in on a performance from the nosebleeds, even though he was pretty much still on stage. He tried to operate the meat that he was from here, but nothing worked. He was a balloon on a string, not a puppeteer. 


With practiced moves, Shai tethered him by one ankle to the side of the pool and waded off to berate the old men. Tawny stepped up to the edge and began prodding his form with her wand and mumbling her spells. He watched his body twitch and get more alive looking, but nobody was home. That darn string was just too long.


Liam had his uke out and his metronome too, good boy. He settled in and was doing a decent job of noodling in chromatic scales, obviously waiting for the wizards to figure something out. 

Gary reached for the music, stretching tendrils of his gift from his strangely distant locale. He used just  a trickle of his gift to hook it, to slowly reel himself back in. Doing the Tighten Up, if you will, or even if you won’t.


Before long Gary’s meat was whistling and dragging Liam into time and tune with him. It was always hard to get his hooks into Liam when he used his gift in sparring matches. Now Liam was ‘fighting’ in Gary’s arena and with Gary’s own uke in his house, it was hopeless. The poor fool had no idea. 


Shai felt it and was relieved and furious at the same time. “No Gary, tis nae the time fer yer silly…” 


Otho had his instrument out and was strumming along, picking up the lead from Liam. 

Liam was still trapped, but was now playing rhythm, while Ivy’s drum started to thud along, driving the beat. 

The lilting whistle stopped and a high throaty falsetto began:


Why are there so-many, 

Songs about rainbows

And whats on the ooooother siiiide…


He dragged them through ‘Rainbow Connection’ against their will, making it the angriest arrangement of the song, on this world at least.


“A little more fun folk and less folk punk next time gang, good sesh though, good sesh.” He croaked, “My earhole hurts and I feel dirty. Anyone wanna clue me in on why you all look guilty and my earhole is sore?” His eyes swiveled to take in who he could, since most of him was still largely immobile. “Nobody?” 


Liam was still strumming in the corner, lost in the magic of music for perhaps the first time in his young life. When Liam felt the tendrils of magic tighten again, he went along for the ride, swinging right back into the pre chorus of ‘Rainbow Connection’ with ease. 


Otho was playing along, grinning like an idiot. “I like this song. The kids will love it!” 

“Otho!” Shai barked. “I did what ye asked, an aye, ye were right, but he did say to tell him everything, he were explicit in that ye great dancing clown.” 

Otho stopped suddenly, muting his strings. “He did? Everything? How delightfully ironic!” He mused for a moment then brightened. 


“Gary has been offered Contract, with the god of Secrets.” He waited for the hubbub to settle. “It is theoretically possible to conclude this Contract in a place where the gods of our world hold no sway.” 


Shai chimed in, “He did say tis at the party where they must meet, tis not in this world.” 


“Excellent, now we need only facilitate that meeting.” Otho said, “So there we are, questions?”

Gary feebly waved from the water. “I have questions!” He waved harder “What the hell are you guys talking about and why is there blood in my ear?”


Otho coughed. “You have been offered a Contract by the god of Secrets.” When Gary did not react Otho poked him. 

“I’m awake Otho, I'm waiting for you to say something important.”


“Gary,”  Amicus called out. “Secret does not offer contracts that we know of to anyone. Ever.” 

“That we know of.” Otho added in. 

“Yes, that we know of.” Amicus agreed.

“So?” Gary challenged. 

“Secret has no clergy nor worshipers, that we know of.” Otho said. “No doctrines that we know of.”

“Or does he?” Amicus asked, obviously fuel for an old debate. “What else would the cult of the god of Secrets be? ‘That we know of’ might even be a secret call sign to their adherents… for all that we know.” 


Otho groaned. “Curse you Amicus! Now I wonder whether I'm the only one not in the cult of Secrets!” 

Otho sighed. “In all my long life I have never met a person with a contract to the god of Secrets… That I know of.”

“For all that we know…” Someone called. He smiled slowly. “Or maybe it's ‘for all that we know’ that is their secret sign… insidious isn’t it?” 


“Amicus…” Otho growled. “Anyway, the god of Secrets wants you to get things moving by finalizing a Contract with him in the house between dimensions you can only reach in your deepest dreams.”


While Gary choked on that word salad from Otho, Shai came in to clear his mental airway. 


She spoke very calmly and carefully. “There be, in the deepest part o your soul, a house set out for a party. Uninvited guests do try and sneak in, but your soul blocks the way.” He frowned but nodded along.

 “Different parts o you are busy setting up, an trying to keep yer body, mind and soul together, though they be fraying at the edges.” 

Gary nodded again, more slowly. “Go on.”


“So I did slip into yer soul when the spore wasps did sting the pair o us. Otho do have theories, but I found mine and your souls entangled.” 

She looked a little embarrassed. “Tis a comfortable knot, but one made by chance, magic, emotions an sex.” 

Her voice was rougher than usual. “Aye, an such knots may be cut should one choose it. Tis sometimes the right choice an good cause given.” She almost whispered.


“So I have to get into my own soul to make a Contract with the god of Secrets.” Shai nodded gravely. “And you know the way to get there?” He asked.

“Nae, when I dream I am there. I dont go there, I just am. Ye were only there fer moments, on the evening ye did wear that suit and play for us all.” She shook her head. “Nae long enough to answer the door.”


Otho got back into gear. “When Shai is there she is dreaming, but in your soul. She has limited control and autonomy there. She is mostly a witness at this point…” He looked shifty now. 


Amicus picked up the thread. “There is a ritual, used to facilitate mental communication in certain circles… It allows a person to enter the mind of another, briefly and harmlessly. More of a party trick really, a gag, you might say…”


Shai barked a cruel laugh at them. “When the Justiciars of Order did outlaw the practice a hundred years ago they did so under the law named ‘Statute Against Ear Rape’ ye filthy pigs, an I did let ye convince me were great need tae plumb his brain with me thumb an all! Ye did sully mine honor an his brain fer naught.” She fumed.


“You did what to my what, with your what, in my where now?”

Slowly he did the math and put together the pieces. 

Thumb. Ear. Brain.

“Shai, did those two mojo your thumb into magically probing my brain like I'm some truckstop rube you can just sweep up in your tractor beam?”


“I dinnae ken some o those words but aye, tis true. I did wish hard fer a less intrusive way, they did say nae tae jamming me thumb up yer arse.”


“There is a lot for me to unpack here, let's put a pin in that. Why did your ‘Harmless prank’ leave me floating in my own soup again?”


“We Forgot to have you keep up practice with your Contract spear during the assessment week…” Liam said, looking guilty.


“Everybody but Shai Fuck Off!” Gary shouted feebly.


When it was just the two of them, Gary asked. “Ear Rape?” 

“Aye” She replied with shame on her face. “I…” He cut her off gently.

“I’m letting those clowns stew a while longer, so maybe they will think next time.” He tugged himself closer to her. 

“You don’t need to think about it next time. You do what you think is right and I will be there no matter what. I trust you, that means you can still be wrong or screw up. I just trust you to do what's right.” He said tenderly.  


“Anyone else can shove off. I don't care who wears the captain’s hat, as long as we are steering by the same star, Shai.” 


“Ohh ye do fire me up wi yer salty sailin talk.” She purred in his ear. “An ye can stand again, play me more o that yacht rock?”

“Will I still be able to stand after?” He asked in wide eyed innocence.

“Nae, but t’will be a pleasurable crippling.” She promised, shoving him off to drift aimlessly. 


“While I float here derelict, oh dread pirate Shai, tell this poor sailor a tale of this god of Secrets they all think I should sign articles with. What's your take on him? You met the guy I guess?”


“Aye, my take be this, he do be Secret by name an secret by nature, tis all shadows and nothing. Neither yae nor nae, only mayhap. He do dwell in places in between that be why he is on the midwinter’s night. Such he be the changeable shifting moon.” 


“I’ve been meaning to ask. Which moon? The big one or the little one?”

She looked at him blankly. “The one that be the moon foolish boy.”

“We will have to check something out tonight. For now, let's try this walking thing, I hear it's all the rage.” He summoned his cane and hobbled out to a cafe to sit in the afternoon sunshine and play for Shai. 


All of Jimmy Buffet’s hits and almost hits were popular with the river barge crowd. Tom Jones and the rat pack did ok as well. They loved the familiar favorites though. 

‘Tea with Stella’ was a rollicking country dance that everyone knew different lyrics to. ‘Bakers Boy’ took a more dixieland feel but still firmly a country tune. Lots of traditionals that Gary knew worked seamlessly. ‘Whisky in the Jar’ and ‘Marie’s Wedding’ fit right in. It was funk that really got Shai going. He needed to finish building that bass. 

She helped him back home at sunset and gave him a good soak. He made the awning vanish temporarily, but heavy clouds obscured all but the faintest moonglow. She helped him to bed and tucked him in, by tucking herself right against him.


“Tell me of your childhood boy o mine” She whispered. 

He shared those tender memories, growing up different, an immigrant mom. Weird dad and grandpa, with weird jobs. Weird people coming to the shop, but mostly music. How it soaked into his bones and lived there, the same way it lifted her feet and swayed those hips. That was where his mind was when sleep found him.


The party was finally getting started, they went downstairs together arm in arm. He was in his ridiculous white suit and she in her party dress. The fool and his smart sexy manager. Just the look for a negotiation. 

Downstairs the Notgarys were holding the line while a few Shai-lites (that is what he decided to call her dopplegangers) were helping out where they could. The one in dark skirts at the rope was brutal. “Check the list for ye? aye lemee check. It do say; Get lost loser.” Her attitude was punishing.


Together they opened the front door to receive their guest. Gary didn’t take Secret’s appearance very well, some occult tradition or another was directly on target with their boogeyman monster, leaving him unnerved.


“I dinnae ken ‘dementors’ boy, but that be Secret, he kin nae lie in this place.” 

“Come out into the light then…” Gary coaxed unsubtly. 


“I can't,” The creature explained. “I am Secret, I exist in liminal spaces, the inbetween and halflights, I don't exist in the light or the dark. You have to step into the shadows with me.”

“That really seems like the kind of thing an evil ghost would say.” 

The entity looked to Shai for support. She shrugged, “It do sound like a trap.” 

She sighed. “Secret, an we dim the lamps kin ye enter the foyer here? Gary do say it be betwixt inside and outside culturally.” 


As the lights dimmed it slipped inside. “Ohh, very cozy. A public space in private is very nice.” His voice was smooth and soft, always a whisper but always clear as a clarion call. He was much more demonstrably male in manner inside the house. 


“I must tell you how excited I was to hear you started a secret society already. Bathtime Yacht Club? I think a silly name makes the secret more delicious.” He was much more animated, his colors vibrant but still somehow muted. 


“As you know, I am new to this Contract thing… as far as you know and need to complete my Contract with you in this place. Preferably before it comes apart.” He looked around, perhaps a little unsure.

“What happens if it does?” Gary asked 

“To me? I miss an opportunity. To Her? She cries a while and moves on with living. To you? You just stop being alive.” 

He shook his tattered cowl. “Really kid, everything about you is broken except your connections to me, Joy, Beast and Crafts. Joy wont have you yet, because you are already hers and too foolish.”

“Crafts wont have you yet because he is too loyal to Order and you did not do your paperwork. Beast can’t have you because you are not ready for him yet. Almost, I can see it in you.”

“That leaves me. You bumped into and grabbed directly on to me as you passed through the veil, only someone with secrets with a capital S can do that. You bound me to your Resilience on instinct, and that's good, but now it's time to close the deal and get the walls of this place patched up.” 


“I thought we were negotiating…” Gary started lamely, realizing too late he had already lost.


“Kid if we negotiate, those slimy douchebags are going to pollute this whole place. Your soul that is, those assholes in your soul.” He held out a tattered glove. Gary looked out over the sea of creatures, some beautiful, most abhorrent… and shook it. 


The world of weird party went away, dumping him into normal sleep.


He awoke from a perfectly ordinary erotic dream about a beautiful red haired girl with hips that.. 

“Good morning Shai.” He said cheerfully, feeling much more alive than he had the night before.

Her red rimmed and cranky eyes were set in a face composed of sour milk and grumpiness. “Go. I will be down. Later.” She groaned, pulling the covers over her face. 


Down in the kitchen Ivy and Tallum were lounging, seeing him alone they cast looks at the stairs. “Shai had a rough night. She’s sleeping late.” He hooked his thumbs in his belt and sighed. “I can be a lot to handle, she needs her rest.” He said smugly. 

“I can see that,” Ivy nodded. “like an infant.”


 Tallum thought that was funny too. 

“Ivy, you have a lot to say for a drummer.” Gary said with disdain dripping like venom. “Your boy is a real funnyman too, here's hoping he can smile like that when the curtain goes up and the lights are in his eyes.” 


“He’s starting to talk that way again… we need Tawny or Shai” Tallum whispered to Ivy. 

“Tawny is in the temple all day, Go wake Shai.” The big man tried to slide upstairs, but Gary caught him. 

“No no! Shai needs her rest, you need to come downstairs and help me with some things.” He grinned. “New inventions Tallum, new inventions.'' The giant looked hungry now. “Ivy, like that drum? Wanna play with big kid’s toys?” 


Down in the workshop Ivy got her first taste of working on her crafts under Gary’s influence. She found it almost frightening, like sliding down a snowy hill on a rickety sled. Barely controlled, but still safely headed in the right direction. 


He kept passing her oddly shaped parts to inscribe with her newly learned enchantments for vibration, amplification, resonance and transmission. She kept handing them back in exchange for new and different oddities in metal, wood, bone and stone.


Shai had appeared, looking fresh and perky with bells on her hips at some point. Ivy collapsed into a chair that had not been there a moment before, when Shai winked at her. “He do be exhausting tae work with.”


As a spectator, the process made much more sense. Tallum and Shai were filing and polishing geared metal parts by the dozen, while Gary was manipulating thin sheets of wood into round hoops, laminating them into sturdy barrel shapes. 

On completed hoops, shining metal gears and rings were stretching taut hides. Brass and bronze dish shaped cymbals and a bronze gong were already gleaming in the shop lights. The individual drums and cymbals were familiar, if not ordinary. 


The geared arrangements on the heads looked like they would allow the skins to be balanced and tuned much more accurately than the simple stretched skin or rope tuned drums she was familiar with. That was a nice innovation.


The arrangement of multiple drums and cymbals on a stand for one player to be able to access the entire percussion section was… compelling. 

As the light from the shop windows turned golden, Ivy sat on a simple swiveling stool holding a pair of sticks. 


“When I was little we lived out on the edge, I was sick, my heart wouldn’t stay in time. Healer said that she couldn't fix me, but Joy could.” A slow roll started from the snare at her knee, sticks barely caressing the drumhead. 

“They gave me a toy drum and said I needed to hit it a thousand times a day, every day.” The kick bass began to thump softly. “For the rest of my life. I can skip a day, but I start to wind down.”

“I was in the temple for a month after the ritual… I never got to go home.” Her sticks and feet began wandering over the kit, experimentally. “Just like I can never stop drumming, at least a thousand a day.”


“When the message came it was already over, the village I was born in was gone. All I had left was Joy and Otho here.” Her beat picked up, becoming more sure and steady. “Just the thought of being bound to War makes me feel sick. Not like poor Liam, but I know it's not right for me.” 

Anger and heat began to suffuse her beat, aggressive and fierce. “I'm not some pawn to be sent here and there, Contracted to a god just because someone says so!” She growled, stepping up her pace. 


Tallum and Shai were in the far corner of the shop, pushed back by the intensity and volume crashing over them. Gary slid up and pushed a ball of beeswax into each of their ears, reducing the impact. “It’s more of an outdoor setup…” Gary shouted over the crashing waves of violent percussion.


They left Ivy to work some things out, Otho the dog had seen where things were going and had taken his sensitive ears far away. 

They were in the shop front, feeling the vibrations through the floor. “Since she is doing such good work…” Gary mumbled, as a grill appeared in the floor, bringing a small measure of Ivy’s thunder upstairs.


From his Pockets! he drew another project, he had started a while ago and let fall by the wayside over the last few busy days, now the prototype was ready. 


“Ivy is a monster, Tallum. If you are going to keep up with her, you need to break out of that shell and I mean now.” 

He pressed a huge guitar into his friend's hands. It had four thick strings and a round metal disk inscribed with runes filling most of the body of the instrument. “You know I don’t…” He started to protest.


“Tallum… I’ve seen you dance with Shai in the workshop. I've seen you dance with Ivy. Shit, you danced with me.” He reached out and strummed the instrument in the giant’s unwilling hands. It let out a throaty rumble that startled everyone except Gary. 


“Lesson one. Finding the One.” Within a few minutes he had Tallum thumping along to Ivy’s emotional breakthrough. “Once you have it, go downstairs and play along with her, leave the wax in your ears though.” Gary shouted over the din, before pulling Shai out the door.


“Will Ivy be still having ears after this?” Shai asked once they were out of the percussion splash zone. 


“I enchanted the sticks. She has no idea how loud she is right now.” Gary smiled like a cat with a belly full of cream. “If she knew, her own inhibitions would pull all that noise back inside.” 


He looked around at the other people in the cafe, staring at him. “Shai, what are they staring at? Am I being weird again?” She mutely held her two small balls of wax up for him to see.


“Ohh,” He said in human volume, once the wax was removed. “Sorry, anyway, Tallum’s bass is like the sticks but the opposite. The more softly he plays the louder it gets.” He smiled smugly again. “Like the sticks he will have no clue.”

“An what sneaky magics di ye hide in my gift, oh foolish boy?” Shai purred. “Do ye seek to ensorcel me oh great fool of a man?”


“You? Never, you I plan to seduce into my shadowy plots, with promises of new songs and dances.” He gave her a smile so open and without guile that she knew it was a trap.


“Ye be different this day. I kinna be sure.” 


He grinned again, “Its Secret!” he whispered entirely too loudly.