Chapter 15
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Racqein’s trust in Paen was measured on ever shifting scales. And Paen dropped a heavy weight on the ‘untrustworthy’ side when they reached Engroch.

“This is too much. We can’t accept.” Racqein kept his voice even and emotionless, an arm around Marisol to press her close to his side.

Paen smiled like a charlatan, “nonsense!  A room is the least I can do.”

Behind Racqein and Marisol’s backs was an open door leading into a clean hotel room with two beds that were far nicer than anything the siblings had slept in before.

“The ‘least you could do’ was ignore us completely, you’ve done more than enough. We should really focus on looking for Orfen...”
Paen waved his hand dismissively, “I could never ignore a couple of Kreishan children in distress. Now just rest for the night. You can look for your kitty cat in the morning.”

“He might be dead by morning.” Racqein took a small step forward and glanced around, Issa and another one of Paen’s men were at the end of the hallway chatting in a way that almost seemed casual.... But not quite.

You’re being paranoid, Cruxion’s voice said.

“I have some of my men still looking for him. If he can be found, they’ll find him,” said Paen. “And children need their rest.”

The protest that he was not a child died on his lips as Paen slung an arm around him and gently pushed the two siblings into the room, “just let the grown-ups deal with it.”

Paen let Racqein wriggle out from under his arm, “tell me what you want. Now.” Marisol slid behind him, knowing his thoughts.

Paen’s eyes widened and he raised his hands, taking a few steps back towards the door. “No need to look at me like that. All I want is for you...” Paen reached the door and started to swing it closed. “... to stay out of my way.” Racqein bolted for the door, too late as the lock clicked into place.


A few hours into the night, Orfen woke up. His injury still ached but he felt like he regained some energy. He slid out of the bed and crept across the darkened room. Surprisingly the door opened easily, unlocked. With one hand on the wall he slowly made his way through the hallways. He was unconscious when he was brought in so he wasn’t exactly sure where he was going. Between that woman’s outfit and the walls around him he could tell he ended up in a temple to an Ascendant much more popular than Cruxion.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, Orfen stumbled upon an open door, moonlight pouring out into the hall. As he approached he saw shadows moving. He slowed down, softened his steps. He wanted to take on his small cat form, it was far easier to move unnoticed or at least unhindered as a cat. He pressed a hand to the bandages around his torso. Shifting would definitely reopen his wound... if it was even actually closed.

“Please don’t undo all my hard work by changing forms.”
Orfen jumped, his tail going rigid, the end puffing up.

The woman, the priestess, stood in the doorway, backlit by moonlight, her face in shadow, “just walking around like that is bound to undo my work. Why don’t you come in and rest for a little bit?” She held out a hand.

Orfen’s tail slowly relaxed and exhaustion flooded in, his wound throbbed. He sighed and took her hand. She gently led him into a room that was not unlike Cruxion’s shrines. It was bigger; the room, the altar, the statue of a softly smiling woman.

The priestess knelt down on one of the prayer mats closest to the altar and Orfen laid down on one behind her, quickly falling asleep.