Chapter 1 Curiosity Killed the Vampire
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In a desolate park, when the moon reached its highest point, there was a young lady with long golden hair and bright golden eyes. The young lady was resting on one of the columns at the entrance of the park. When she heard a familiar voice. The legendary vampire, feared by everyone, was talking to a boy about opening a portal.

- Huh, I haven't heard something from her in a long time, what is she doing here? – The young lady said

The lady leaned out to hear what they were doing. When she suddenly noticed they were approaching where she was. Scared, the lady hid, hoping not to be found. Luckily for her, the vampire was just examining the columns. Suddenly the lady heard how the vampire cast a spell and a portal in the middle of the two columns suddenly opened and the lady was sucked. She tried everything to avoid it but she couldn't.

- What is this place? I can't see anything; I can't touch anything either. Where am I? It seems that I was affected by poking my nose into other people's business. If I remember correctly, these are the words the vampire used.

The young lady recited the spell in the same manner as the vampire but was unsuccessful.

- Huh, it didn't work, maybe it's because of the spectral energy of the place and its pillars... Damn, I don't have a way out.

Despite the great problem that the young lady was in, she did not look worried or scared, it is as if she did not care what happened to her life.

- Now what do I do… how will I know how much time has passed? Humm… for the time being I will begin counting.

Thus, the lady began to patiently count the time that passed

- Ahhh… (sigh with boredom) it's been three months and I'm getting hungry, but there's nothing to eat here… I know! For emergencies like these, the only food available here is me.

She grabbed her leg and ripped it. Her fresh meat made her stomach rumble loudly and she without hesitation took the first bite.

- Mmm… delicious, just as I expected of myself, I am an exquisite dish. But... it's not to my liking, to think that there are vampires out there that eat themselves... Like that crazy friend of the self-centered one who ate herself because she couldn’t find anything to kill and eat. I'll have to stick with this method to survive.

The young lady spent years waiting for the right time to leave and nothing happened. Suddenly after 7.5 billion years, a strange portal opens and the young woman without thinking twice goes through it.

- Oh, I'm finally free, I'd like to know where I am.

The clueless girl looked around every corner and noticed the small ordinary room in which she was in it, there was a desk, a closet and a bed. The young lady approaches and sees a boy with white hair sleeping on the bed

- I can finally eat something other than myself. - She said happily

- Stop, I can't let you eat us. We taste bad I assure you. – The white-hair boy said while standing up

The lady looked around the room and noticed that there was no one else besides the two of them.

- What do you mean when you say eat us? it's just you and me in the room.

- You are only thinking in the physical body girl. Although there are other ways to exist, like being locked in someone else's body. If you don't eat us, I'll give you something as a reward, you'll love it I assure you.

The young lady was confused when she noticed the strange way of speaking that the boy had. But tried not to think much about it.

- Anyway, get something to eat, I'm not willing to continue eating my body parts to satisfy my hunger.

- You were eating yourself???!!!

- Of course! I have 7.5 billion years of eating the same thing in a vacuum so as not to starve.

The surprised boy looks at her carefully with a strange-looking face.

- But... you look like a little girl... – He said surprised

- Uh, yeah. This way I can last longer without eating, I was on a type of "diet" if you can say so, but it's been so long so I am more used to being in this body, but if you want, I'll show you.

The young woman was slowly growing into a voluptuous tall woman.

- You see? That's how I really am, but in this form I'm hungrier so I'll go back to my old form.

- But a human can't possibly do that.

- I have many other abilities, I am a vampire after all.

- Well, it doesn’t matter, so, will we go for your food or not? 

- Yes! I'm hungry hurry up let's go.

The young vampire grabbed the boy and flew out the window, she circled around enjoying her first day of freedom, the happiness of feeling the air on her skin, the beautiful light of the moon and countless stars made this a nostalgic experience for the young lady. Then suddenly her stomach started growling.

- Uhhh, right, food. 

The young woman stopped in the sky and quickly dropped to the ground together with the boy.

- Well, where's my food? – The girl said excited

And you say it now after flying everywhere, come on let’s go

They both walked to a 24-hour bakery shop.

- Wait for me outside, I'll come back in a minute.

The young lady sat patiently waiting, thinking of what the boy will bring. The boy walked to the counter and ordered the dessert that he thought was the tastiest, when suddenly a man with a mask, a long hood and a cropped shotgun came fiercely into the store saying.

- Give me all the money you have or there will be consequences.

The cashier raised his hands scared and from the fright he dropped what the boy had ordered, the boy looked at the ruined cake on the floor, turned around and with a carefree sigh said.

- Are you seriously going to rob a cake shop? And with that line? You should have stayed to live with your parents because that was seriously pathetic.

- Shut up you white-haired boy you are not in position to talk!

The man fired his gun right into the boy's chest, making a hole in him and spraying blood behind him, covering the entire cake display case. The boy look down to his chest carefree and said.

- Seriously, this isn’t even my body…

The boy's eyes turned red with a black symbol in his pupil and he stared at the man with a macabre smile. The man's gaze was lost and he was pointing the shotgun at his own head.

- Boom. – The white-haired boy said as he turned around

The cashier threw himself to the ground sweating, trembling and out of breath for witnessing such an act.

- Uuhmm… could you give me whatever cake that is not spoiled? – The boy said with a big hole in his chest

- Su… Sure! Here take this and leave please, I am done I am out of here! – The cashier said as he ran away from the place.

- Well I think is a normal reaction. – The boy said while laughing

He calmly walked out of the store and touched the shoulder of the girl who was sitting moving her legs up and down while humming a song.

- Uhm, hey lady do you think you could heal this?

- You just had to go get some food how di…. WOOOAAA THAT’S A HUGE HOLE!

- Why are you so surprised didn’t you hear all that noise?

- Yeah, but I couldn’t care less.

The girl approached to see the hole closely and passed her hand through it and while laughing she said.

- You look like a donut Ka Ka.

- Just hurry I think he could die soon. I don’t want that.

The girl cut her arm and put it into his mouth forcing him to drink all the blood that came out of it and the great wound began to heal.

- Thanks, now take this. – The boy said as he gave her the box.

- Feed me. – The girl said while crossing her arms with her eyes closed and opening her mouth

- You are seriously annoying…

- What was that?

- Nothing…

The boy opened the box and took out a cake, grabbed a spoonful of cake and gave the impatient vampire a taste. When she tasted it, the happiness of being alive and being able to taste such an exquisite creation was reflected in her eyes. The feeling she felt was more pleasant than when she first flew after such a long time. Then she took the box from him and started to eat it all

- You like it that much? – The white-haired boy asked reluctantly

The vampire lost in her thoughts because of such an exquisite tasty cake and ignored him for a good moment and continued eating until she finished it.

- Uhum… yes, uum it was fine, if you don't get me more of these, I'll kill you, understood?

- Hah, It is not up to me, tell the other me to do it and take into account that if you kill him you will not return to your world.

- Ugh… - The girl complained. And by the way, how come you were alive if you had a hole in your chest?

- That's because this body is not mine, I can't feel anything at all, no flavors, no pain, tiredness or anything you can think of. Even so I can assume that this body can die, the good thing is that I have mistreated it a lot so it resists several things. It was good to go out for that cake, now I know he can resist with a hole in his chest for 2 or 3 minutes. Well whatever lets return.

The two walked back and the vampire was still confused, (Why must we return before dawn, is he also a vampire?) - she thought. Then when they returned to the room, the boy laid down on the bed and the vampire stares at him and slowly his hair turned black, a few moments later he wakes up.

- Oh, you finally woke up.

- Huh? Who are you and what are you doing here. What the fuck is this shirt full of blood?! – The boy said exalted and confused

- You are fine calm down… I am Ravenous-Melancholia Alice Grimoire-Heart. I am a vampire

- Whoa that’s a long name, cool. But still, doesn't explain anything. And a vampire? What a good joke

- Ugh… read the first two paragraphs at the beginning and you'll know, I don't want to explain it again.

- Do you come from another world? And of all places, you showed up in my room? At the middle of the night? How convenient…

- Find a way to send me back I know you can, ooh and you must also give me those cakes every week or I'll kill you. "Ka Ka he doesnt know that I cant kill him" - She thought

- What? You are serious? Can you at least say please? And no, I will not give you anything, sassy girl.

- Oh? so you will not fulfill my request.

The young vampire released a little of her energy generating a pressure that took the boy to the floor. It was so strong that it was difficult for him to breathe and it was impossible to stand still.

- I get it! I get it! Stop!

- I'm glad you understood, and you didn't tell me your name.

- *pant pant* my name is Roy Schwartz

- Roy! you will be late for school. – Roy´s mother shouted from downstairs

- Already It's so late!? I'm going to get kicked out for being late again!!! I must go, stay here

- What? No! I will go with you.

- Ugh! The sun is out, you will get burned

- No if I hide in your shadow, the vampire vanished in the shadow of the boy who was stunned that such a thing had happened in front of his eyes, now go

- Will you keep standing here thinking? You're going to be late

- What?! You are in my mind? What the hell!

- If you won't do anything, I'll do it.

The vampire inside the shadow controlled the boy out of the house as fast as she could until he finally came to his sense.

- Wooa that was a weird feeling, what else can you do?

- I learned to do many things in my 7.5 billion years of existence, another day I will explain to you, for now, run.