Chapter 15 – An Old God’s Power
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So merry christmas everyone, I dont have much to say this week, so have a good one

Finally some solitude…

This is basically the only time I can use my powers comfortably, as even if I use them near someone like Nadia, I don't doubt she will become insane at some point.

First I moved my hand and a single greenish gooey liquid started to drip from my fingers, falling to the floor and quickly forming something similar to a type of small worm.

As it wriggled in the ground violently I quickly grabbed it and ate it, once I swallowed it I could feel it moving around in my throat until it disappeared; this kind of creature, which honestly is more like a type of substance is one that inserts itself inside of the host's cells and eats harmful poisons.

Its appearance may be somewhat grotesque, but it is indeed very useful; I can't really use my powers on the entirety of the body without being quickly detected by those pesky priests and paladins, so even if it's not the choice I'd prefer, it is the better, I think.

As I finally removed the poison from my body, I figured I'd have to find out who exactly poisoned me; to be honest being damaged to this extent is unacceptable.

From the same greenish goo that still stained the floor another small being appeared, one which looked similar to a spider and a centipede mixed together, it didn't need any orders unlike those useless humans, it knew exactly what it needed to do…

Before I even said anything, it quickly started moving around and quickly disappeared from my sight.

The poison may be gone, but that doesn't mean that my body is ok; I feel lethargic and weak; I still laid on my bed, covered in a thick blanket as I had difficulty even breathing, I only forced some strength while I still had visitors in my room.

Although it is easy to understand that my powers were truly the only thing mantianing me alive; even if I had known this fact for a long time, it is still something I really need to take into account.

This whole situation was being way harder than expected, I have to figure out a way in which I would be able to survive without having to modify this body too much, it is as if I was continuously fixing a broken pot, healing the body doesn't mean it will become stronger or healthier, it's just maintaining its current state. Fortunately, at least this time I didn't lose connection to any part of my body, perhaps because I was better prepared than before, but I also think that this kind of poison was too strong for a normal person to acquire; given that I had already prepared this body to handle most poisons, but this one was extreme.

It seems as if I'm really being targeted by someone in the academy… 

I started to finally walk around the room after some rest, it seems the recovery of the body was faster than expected, and it was then that I heard a knock on my door.

"Just come in…" I said in an annoyed voice, and he quickly entered the room. 

It was Heinrich once again, he seemed estranged for some reason, but I quickly asked him, "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Ugh… When are you going to let it go?"

"I don't want to talk about that."

"Good, it happened like 4 years ago, let it go, alright?"


We had met some years ago, he had to do a last mission in the Grand Duchy, and I was his support, although it honestly was the other way around. I still don't really understand what made him garner such hatred towards me in that short amount of time; the mission was a success and we won…

Regardless, our relationship was a hostile one, and honestly I would have killed him before if he wasn't a main character in the book; if I were to kill him I would surely be sent back to the start.

He stood there waiting for some time, looking out the window at the dark sky that enveloped the night; he had his hand on his sword, but I felt at ease, as I knew he wouldn't kill me, even if he wanted to he couldn't, his goddess was quite limiting in those aspects.

"I know you are not here to kill me, so tell me; why are you here?"

"I have been thinking for a while; you are as hateful as always, but for some reason you caught the eye of the crown prince; so for the sake of us having worked together in the past, I've come to warn you."

"About the crown prince? Don't worry, I know he's not right in the head."

"And how did you figure that out?"

"He said I was interesting…"

"Well, that's a red flag alright." He said in a mocking voice.

It was something interesting, we didn't really get along, but among all of the humans he must be the only one which I found somewhat tolerable, he is not stupid, actually he seems to be one of the most competent guys out there.

We quickly got back on topic and I started to think just who would be the one who wanted me dead.

"He may be a red flag, but I don't really think he is the one who poisoned me; but he did send some assassins my way."

"They ended up in quite a sorry estate, didn't they?"

"Not as bad as how I ended up after I was poisoned; I still can't believe I passed out right in front of you, I think I have never felt the need to die so badly."

"Was it that bad Lilith?"

"Of course, falling unconscious in front of one of the people who hates you the most and receiving his help must be one of the worst experiences ever…"

"It was a shameful event, that's for sure." He said while stifling a laugh.

"Fuck you." I said while gritting my teeth, I'd love nothing more than to simply kill this idiot.