Chapter 1
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"Wake" I heard a voice between cuts, who could it be? I thought as I curled up in bed.

"¡Wake up, Leo!"

"Mmm, ¿what's wrong?" I said as I looked in the direction of the voice.

"¡Get up Leo, or you'll be late for the first day of the academy!"

"¡¿What?!" I shouted and got up abruptly from the bed.

"Hurry up and get dressed and come to breakfast," the voice said as I hurried to the clothes closet and picked out a new set of clean clothes.

Quickly putting on the new set of clothes, I put on a pair of black formal shoes and ran out of the room, down the stairs until I reached the dining room.

In the dining room, there was a boy with his eyes closed sitting in front of a couple of plates, one with crumbs of food, and the other filled with bacon, eggs and toast, without paying attention to him I sit down next to him and quickly start gobbling down the already warm food.
"I told you not to stay up late last night leo" said a voice behind me.

"(swallowing) I did, but I couldn't sleep," I reply as I get up from my chair and look towards the source of the voice.
"Don't wait for me, I'm late from work today, you can order pizza for dinner," said the voice while giving the boy a gentle pat on the head.
"Take care mom," I replied as I grabbed the two empty plates and took them to the dishwasher.

"See you later, ma'am," said the boy slowly.

"See you guys later," replied mom sweetly as she walked out of the dining room.

"Get up, we have to leave now or we'll be in trouble".


Leaving the house, we started running towards the nearest subway entrance, going down the stairs we got to the platform waiting for the next train, I glanced at a clock which indicated that it was 3 minutes until the next train.

Taking my eyes off the clock I look at Jack who was looking around the empty space, ignoring everything around him.

"Let's sit down"


Taking a few steps we arrive to some steel benches and we sit down, I take out my cell phone and start checking the notifications, giving a slight glance to jack, I see him scribbling something in a small notebook.

"¿What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

"Secret," he replied briefly as he put the notebook in one of the inside pockets of his coat.

"For God's sake, you can't be so taciturn, you know, you're going to an academy, if you don't talk they'll see you as an anti-social weirdo, you know".

"Got it," he replied briefly.
"That's what I'm talking about, I really don't know how you're going to survive in the academy with that anti-social attitude".

"I can't help it".

"Well, at least you said four words, at least it's a start," I sighed as I looked away from him and looked at my watch again.

Only 1 minute before the arrival of the train, the station started to fill up with people in different clothes, being the formal clothes the majority.

"Come on, we have to get closer to the train" I said without looking at Jack.

Approaching the crowded platform, feeling a bad premonition I turn around only to see not Jack but a human wall in his place.

"¡Jack!" I shout as I try to break through.

Unsuccessful in getting through, I start pushing, trying to find an empty space to pass through.

"The train has arrived at the station, the train has arrived at the station," repeated a mechanical voice.

Taking the voice as a signal, everyone begins to board the train as I am pushed inside as if I were a log being dragged in a river.