Arc2 Chapter 3 : The Journey Begins
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After Yuuji and Amilia departed Wintervale to head towards Aetherland they came across a lot of villages either related to the kingdom or free domain under the rule of some noble these villages seemed to be in good shape sustaining food and good trade and a decent enough military for a village to have one village they came across even had a school for magic they even offered Amilia to stay and teach magic
It took Yuuji and Amilia about 21 days with those stops to reach Aetherland
Upon reaching it they were met with a massive wall one could say it was 30 feet tall with watchtowers and soldiers watching the gates
On approaching the door
"Hello, Good sir and his lovely acquaintance! may i please see your travelling id or your adventurer's pass!"-asked politely and strictly a soldier
Yuuji got nervous as he never got an id from Wintervale for all the chaos
"Here you go sir, sorry my brother here lost his id somewhere in the forest from Wintervale he'll be under my watch if you may consider it"-said Amilia with confidence in her eye and posture
looking at her id and her rank as a high-level mage the soldier could only nod in agreement and allow Yuuji and Amilia to head inside the city
going inside Yuuji took a moment to take in the beautiful look of the city buildings with beautiful architecture the neat looking shops the nice smell of food from a restaurant
Yuuji was so amazed Amilia had to pinch his cheek so they could get going to the Adventurer's Guild
after a 10 minute walk walking beside brilliant looking buildings they arrived at the Adventurer's Guild a place as Boryana said is like a beating heart for Aetherland while Adventurer Guilds don't usually belong to a certain kingdom and aren't involved with politics this one is involved with holding the elections for ministers or helping fund or even train some military soldiers
it's truly fascinating how a place could be as influential as this adventurer's guild
They entered the seemingly large place on entering it they see it kind of crowded but after some smart manoeuvring they found their way to the Adventurer's signing window
"May the wind guide you dear adventurers welcome to the adventurer's guild i'm Katelyine how may i help you"-said a beautiful woman dressed in green and light blue
"Hi! i'd like to register both me and him as adventurer's in here"-confidently again Amilia
"Alright may i see both or one of your ids ?"-said Katelyine
Amilia hands her id over to Katelyine she then starts to look for an Adventurer's pass to fill the details in
"Please fill these in dear adventurers. you don't have to fill in the id corner Yuuji-sama"-said Katelyine handing over the empty pass
Yuuji and Amilia start filling the pass while Amilia writes in this world's language Yuuji casually writes in Japanese until Amilia notices
"YUUJI! NO NO NO NO! you write in our language not in yours!"-said Amilia
"Ah! I'm sorry what should i do"-replied Yuuji with a nervous look
"Leave it to me hehe"-said Amilia looking more confident than ever
Amilia takes Yuuji's pass and starts to cast a spell she calls 'The Translator'
"Here. now any thing you write in Japanese will be translated into our language"-said Amilia after she handed over the pass
"Thank you, Amilia"
After filling the pass they handed it over to Katelyine who instantly stamped them with the official stamp of approval
"Now you can both accept commissions from Bronze level or Silver let me explain how the system works. if you accept a commission from silver level while you're on bronze level you're granted double the points for success if you accept a silver one and you're gold you're granted half the points"-explained Katelyine
"seems easy enough like an MMORPG"-said Yuuji now with some confidence in him
"you can accept commissions from the bulletin-board over there. May the Wind Guide you"-continued Katelyine
After Talking with Katelyine Yuuji and Amilia went to pick out a commission