Chapter 5- The Turning point
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It was strange; at first glance, it appeared to be a tree root, but closer inspection revealed that the root was actually a huge chain. This chain appeared to have been left here for a very long time, but Yuko was unable to determine for how long it had been there. However, given the chain's foreign design and the rust that has developed over the years since it was left here, it was undoubtedly left there many years ago—possibly a few hundred years or more.


 The fact that this chain did not resemble a typical chain piqued Yuko's interest. This chain was enormous, looked too foreign, and was too massive to be considered a chain. It appeared to be chains of connected rectangles. This piqued Yuko's interest more than ever; he was eager to discover what was attached to the chain since it might contain cash, an incalculable artifact, or even an extraterrestrial weapon.


 Already daydreaming about what is beyond these peculiar-looking chains, Yuko Since it was already six in the morning on a workday, there were already a lot of people passing the public park. All of the office workers were waking up at this time after a 15-hour shift with no sleep at all.


Yuko pulled the chain even though he didn't want to take the chance of being spotted because he was interested about what it was. It was simply too hefty for Yuko to pull, despite its weight. There was something the chain was tied to, and whatever it was, it was either a small and extremely dense object or it was something enormous, but however it was, Yuko was now adamant about viewing this thing underneath the soil. It did not even move an inch or two from the soil.


He used all of his strength to pull the shackles, which raised the chain just enough to reveal a bird's beak. Yuko was now certain that whatever that beak was, it was undoubtedly an heirloom or a relic from a long-since vanished civilisation that existed thousands or maybe millions of years in the past. He pulled back the chain once more, revealing an eagle's dirty head. It appeared to be a golden eagle or something similar, and Yuko was now anticipating what was emerging from beneath the earth. It was too detailed to be an object that was believed to be more than a million years old, or at least that is what Yuko believed.


 Eventually, he would pull even more forcefully than before, putting all of his strength into the chain and tugging it as if his life depended on it. He tugged the chain repeatedly till his chubby face turned as crimson as a dried plum. The expression on his face was that of a monster, and if anyone had seen him do this, they would have screamed until they died. Yuko fought and fought until the eagle emerged from the soil, knocking him off balance as well.


It was an eagle, yeah, but it wasn't really what you'd call a golden eagle when it emerged from the earth; rather, it was a golden eagle with 30 heads, 99 claws, and 150 wings. Yuko sprang up from the ground and wiped off the mud that had gotten on his rag-like clothing, which was all he possessed.


Due to his "hobbies" and his need to work overtime at jobs that pay pitiful wages, he had no time to buy clothes. However, he continued to work because no one would accept him as he was; all jobs in Tokyo require absurd personality "traits" in addition to having an attractive or even "easy to talk to face." Yuko turned to face the object he had taken from the ground, which he called the eagle.


 He spent a lot of time pulling the chain—exactly 15 minutes—but it continued to move. Yuko saw that there appeared to be more objects with shapes resembling this peculiar bird. However, Yuko wouldn't be able to tolerate it any longer if he pulled another one, especially given his frail body and his bulky frame. Yuko, who had no more energy in him, resolved to just take the eagle by hitting the rusted chain with a rock in the hopes that it would snap.


The chain did not break when it went bang, bang, bang. No matter how hard Yuko pounded the chain, it never snapped; instead, the rock she used to strike the chain broke into numerous pieces.


The worst part of this endeavor was that it was only 6:40 in the morning. Yuko's arm was red with rashes because he was not used to being outside for this long. He had no more strength to pull the chain and he still did not leave the park. As the minutes passed, the park was gradually becoming much more crowded with people. Due to the chain, Yuko had lost all of his strength and was covered in sweat. He also smelled horribly and looked disgusting.


Yuko was now in a panic as thoughts like, "What if people do this or that?" inundated his mind. Up until a group of thugs suddenly burst into the open park a short while later. They were covered up from head to toe in heavy jackets, displaying their tattoos below loose white long sleeve polo shirts.


Metal pipes, wooden planks, rebar, and baseball bats were the most typical weapons these gangsters would have. They carried their weapons in their coats. Eight years ago, when Yuko first moved to the big city, these guys mugged him. Eight years later, they seem much older than they did before. When Yuko saw and recognized who they were, he gritted his teeth in wrath.


 What could he do, though? Will they still have memories of him? What even has Yuko ended up getting? Get beaten up once more? He was gritting his teeth in fury over his sense of helplessness; perhaps this was the reason his family and the others of his hamlet despised him. If you had a child like this, how could you even react as a parent? It wouldn't be a happy reaction, that's for sure. He was ugly and useless. The gangsters went over to look when they spotted Yuko hiding behind the tree, all of these negative emotions now stabbing back into Yuko's thoughts once more.


“Hey! What are you doing there!?”

“Hey boss! What is he doi-

“Oy!Oy! Damn, sniff* sniff* it smells like shit here! Is it that fat pig laying down the ground?”

“Yeah, it is. Fuck, I can’t take the smell anymore, come on let’s g-


“Huh? What do you want you punk?”

“LOOK! Isn’t this GOLD!?”





“Imagine all the women we can buy boss!!!”

“We can buy them all!!!”


“Hehe.. you’re right.”

“This fatty looks tired anyway, so lets take it.”

“I think he won’t mind.”

“And if he fights back, you know what to do. heheheh..”

“Im counting on all of you, do it once and do it right.”


“YES! BOSS!!!”

“YES! BOSS!!!”

“YES! BOSS!!!”

“YES! BOSS!!!”

“YES! BOSS!!!”


The thugs kicked the worn-out Yuko so forcefully that he bounced to the tree bark without flexing a muscle. The gangsters started locking up the public park, preventing anyone from using it as a shortcut to get to work, and they also manned the front and back exits and entrances. The other gangsters began digging out the chain after getting equipment out of their cars.


They initially tried to pull the chain, but when they noticed that it was immovable, they were even more motivated because they believed that there might be additional gold connected to the chain in addition to the gold eagle they had previously seen. Depending on the purity of the additional gold they could uncover, they could sell it for hundreds of millions or even hundreds of trillions of yen, making it a jackpot for the gangsters. All Yuko could do was watch it all play out since he was now firmly entrenched inside his own mind, where every memory, trauma, and act of abuse had resurfaced.


He realized that he could do nothing and that he was completely useless. He may have thought about taking his own life to avoid suffering any further in the future. One tear dropped from Yuko's eye, signaling the end of his existence. He was now damaged and unable to endure anything. He disintegrated piece by agonizing piece.


But just as Yuko was about to commit to despair, a miraculous thing happened right in front of him. The other gangsters were digging as if their lives were on the line, and there were latin phrases flying in the air with a magnificent brilliant blue and golden tint on them, but Yuko wasn't sure if they saw. When they appeared in front of him abruptly, Yuko didn't even recognize them, much less understand them. Yuko was aware that Latin was a dead language. However, that was all he did; he made no attempt to learn or use the language because he was more concerned with much more important matters than some archaic dialect.


The words emerged in front of Yuko after emerging from the golden eagle. After remaining there for around 30 seconds, the words vanished, never to be seen again. Regardless of what the message was, and regardless of whether Yuko comprehended it, he knew in his heart that it was not good—in fact, it was awful. Yuko had the impression that this eagle was never meant to be discovered, or that if it had been, it might have revealed its location to whoever or whatever was uncovering the bird. This idea made her feel as though the earth was going to end soon.


He was initially only concerned with how to make a livelihood, survive, and perhaps avoid interfering in other people's personal affairs, but now that Yuko has found this eagle, something horrible is going to happen, Yuko just knew it immediately. The gangsters excavated a large, deep hole behind the tree; the hole was already nearly 5 meters deep and the chain did not seem to budge at all. Their efforts were in vain; the chain did not appear to move even a centimeter when the boss and five of the strongest gang members tugged on it.


 The gangsters discovered three further items that were linked to the chain in the five-meter-deep pit. There was an iron gauntlet with 99 fingers, a bull with 20 horns, and a sword with 12 wings.

The sword with wings was forged from solid platinum, the bull with 20 horns was created from solid ruby, and the gauntlet with 99 fingers was crafted from black diamond. These three were not made of gold, but rather precious metals.


The gangsters' mouths dropped when they saw just these three; they couldn't believe what they had discovered; they had struck gold. If they could sell these three, they would be financially independent for the rest of their lives; they wouldn't need to work. In fact, with the money they could make from selling just these three connected to the chains, they would have enough to have fun for the rest of their lives and still have plenty left over for their subsequent lives.


 Their boss made a disgusting face unworthy of his position as they appeared to be eager teens poring through a pornographic magazine as they imagined what their life may be like if they sold these three. The other gangsters were busy daydreaming about what their life would be like at the height of their power if they sold the treasures in front of them, but the gangster boss was not content with only these three; he was really growing more and more avaricious.