Chapter 005
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Chapter 5

"Looks?! To hell with your looks! Which is amazing by the way. You missed out on the luck bonus you Ding bag!" Robin shouted.

"Fufufu, I knew you would like it. As far as the luck bonus is concerned, I had other priorities.” Mia replied with a shrug. “You told me that when the game ummm… well after 2 years, we would look like our in-game characters. So I spent my time on something that would have an effect on my life forever, then a luck bonus that only lasted 3 hours. Also, look at me" Mia did a twirl and Robin saw that her butt was as thick as a bowl of jello.

"I say that it was well worth it. Also, I have a surprise for you.” Mia beamed “I got both an SS-Tier talent AND an SS-Tier race!” Mia put her hands on her hips and pushed her breast out proudly. Robin’s jaw nearly hit the floor when she heard that.

“OMG! I didn’t even know there WAS an SS-Tier race. Though I should have figured that out before. What did you get? Tell me tell me!” Robin asked excitedly. Although she had an SSS-Tier talent, she only had an S-Tier race. Even with the Angel’s Grace, she wasn’t able to get an SS-Tier race or background. Her envy and greed were growing.

“For my Talent, I got Mana Source! Every point into Spirit will add triple the amount of mana. Also, my mana regeneration speed has doubled.” Robin's eyes almost popped out of her head. But before she could think of all the crazy nonsense that having three times the mana could do, Mia dropped the other bomb. “And my race is called the Holy Aurous Dragon. It gave me FIVE skill masteries. Although my background is only A-Tier it did give me 3 expert skills to make up for it.”

Robin thought that her greed was abnormal, Mia wanting a higher tier background on top of FIVE freaking masteries is ludacris. Robin felt her head heat up and sat down on the grass, looking up at the blue sky.

“So we officially won right?” Robin said to no one, but Mia heard it.

“Why do you say that? What did you get?” Mia asked curiously, taking her own seat.

Mia told her about her character and how she stole Angel’s Grace. She told her about what happened at the church and all the gold coins she got. She didn’t however tell her about the quest or what Angel’s Grace does. That information was under the Soul contract but she could still say general stuff. She told her about fighting the Fanged Rodents and how she already got an epic weapon and is already at Level 4.

Hearing Robin's story made Mia’s jaw drop, which she made look sexy. (If she wasn’t my sister…) Robin thought but immediately squashed that train of thinking. To distract herself from thinking about whatever she was going to think about, Robin continued talking.

“What was the story of your race choice? Did it have a rival that they fight?” Robing thought back to the Moon Dragons and their lifelong rivals the Hellfire Dragons. Hoping that Mia didn’t choose something that had an already brooding blood feud. Unfortunately, her hopes were dashed.

“Yeah, It said something about keeping the peace of the Higher Realm and combating the Chaos End Dragons that live on the 25th floor of the abyss. Or something like that.” Mia said nonchalantly. Robin on the other hand freaked out.

“Are you crazy! I told you this game was real so treat all stories and back stories as fact! Why would you sign up to fight demon dragons?!” Robin snapped. Her plan for the future was to lay low and enjoy whatever life they are able to carve out for themselves.

Mia rolled her eyes and stated plainly "Says the lady who stole from an angel known for ushering in the apocalypse."

Robin couldn’t think of a comeback so she sighed and changed the subject "Did you at least choose both genders?"

Mia's smile grew and took on a more sinister appearance. "I did and may I say it the best looking c*ck I have ever seen. Perfectly shaped, with a slight curve. Long but not TOO long and with a nice weight to it. Also the veins.."

"STOP!" Robin interrupted. Putting her hands over her ears

"But I didn't even tell you about my balls yet. It's important not to be too smooth. Having a little bit of hair will.."

"I said STOP!" Robin cried out.

“Fufufu Don’t fear the smut, Robin. You were the one who insisted that I have one. Speaking of which, how does yours look? Come come, pull your pants down.” Mia teased.

“I didn't pay any attention to it!” Robin snapped. “I was trying to hurry up so I can put the luck bonuses to good use. I’m glad I did too. If I didn’t have the Angel’s Grace, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to get that Epic Weapon so quickly.”

“Robin, listen to me.” Mia said in a serious tone. This startled Robin since Mia only used this tone of voice when she said something extremely important.

“I know that you are under stress because you know that the world is going to end. And I 100% understand that BUT you cannot let that take over your life. We still have 2 years before shit hits the fan. Don’t spend every waking moment plotting and planning. It won’t do either of us any good if you become so overworked and hyper-focused on the future that you miss out on the present.”

Robin thought about what Mia just said. Had she been too focused on preparing for the future? Was she wasting her time?

(No. That’s not what Mia meant.) Robin thought. (No, she was just reminding me to come up to breathe and not get my head stuck in one place too long.)

Robin took a deep breath and released whatever pent-up stress she was feeling. Oddly enough, she became much more relaxed. Robin was shocked at how tightly wound she was. A smile blossomed on Mia’s face when she saw her sister finally relax.

Seeing Mia’s smile Robin rolled her eyes and said “Don’t get all smug because you were half right. I still need to prepare for the shit show that’s going to happen but you are right. I have time and I don’t need to rush. Though I will still try to power level as fast as possible, I just won’t care if some asshole SS-Tier race catches up to me.” Robin gave Mia an envious glare.

Mia’s smile widened “Now that we got that out the way, tell me more about this FlowingPhoenix. Who looks better? Me or Her?”

“You are both cows!!” Mia screamed and hung up the call. If her face could change color, it would be red with embarrassment. It’s not like she’s super into women, it’s just that she can appreciate their beauty. Yeah, that was it.

Robin looked at her friend list and saw both FlowingPhoenix and GoldenSun ‘Mia’s Name’ next to each other. She made a weird face as she imagined them two next to each other. Both would outshine any fashion model in history with their looks. If someone asked her who looks better she would reply “Can’t I enjoy both of them?” At that though Robin blinked.

(Why am I thinking of Mia like that? I never have before. She’s my sister for christ's sake. Thinking about FlowingPhoenix is weird too. I just met her. This… this is something to think about later) She shook her head of the confusing thoughts and got up from the grass.

“It’s time to get back to work. Mia is going to start leveling up like crazy soon and I can’t let her get the best of me. She’ll hold it over my head forever! It just sucks that we can’t meet up till we reach level 10.”

In The World Tower, all starting towns are separated from each other and all players are randomly put into one. At level 10 the player gets the option to teleport to the nearest starting city. In the starting cities, there is a teleportation device that will allow players to travel to other starting cities. This will allow players of different factions to finally meet up with each other to create massive armies.

Robin’s town is 5265 and Mia’s is 89541 so the only way they can join up is if both of them reach level 10 and go to the same starting city. This gave Robin more motivation to power level. Pulling up the map, Robin looked for the next area she needed to go to. There were 3 areas, players could go after the starting rodent-infested beginning. A dense forest, rocky cliffs, and extended plains.

The area Robin needed to go to was the extended plains. That's where the Tri Horned Boars are. Like the Fanged Rodents, she needed to kill 100 of them to complete the quest. But first, she had an experiment to try.

"Since God Hand Activates on hit, I'll find a weak Fanged Rodent and punch it for a while." Robin said with an evil grin. She then walked back to the starting plains with level 1 and 2 monsters. If she wanted to hold one down and wail on it, the rodent needed to be the weakest. Plus she got the Fanged Dagger from a level 2 rodent so to replicate her success, using the same level of monster is optimal.

It didn't take long for Robin to reach the starting area. Much like before, there were way too many players here killing Fanged Rodents. In fact, it seemed like more people were there. Robin guessed that many players were like Mia and spent an obscene amount of time on their characters.

“Shit. Finding an unclaimed rodent will be ha…” At the moment a Fanged Rodent spawned literally 3 feet from Robin. “Ard… I guess not hahah. Come here cute little mouse.” Robin said with an evil grin. She un-equipped her daggers and walked towards the Fanged Rodent. For its part, the rodent let out a roar of a squeak and pounced at Robin, trying to bite her thigh.

Robin pulled her leg out the way just in time and punched the rodent on top of its head. A dull red -9 flashed and the Fanged Rodent cried out. It went in for another bit but Robin was faster and pinned it to the ground. It struggled to get out and Robin could just barely hold it down.

“Shit this isn’t going to work! How can I hit it if I’m spending most of my time just holding it down!.” Robin said, aggravated. After giving it 5 hits of 6-9 damage, robin got fed up and equipped her daggers and stabbed it in the head with the Fanged Dagger. A bright red -1196 flashed above the rodent's head.

[God Hand (Pick Pocket) Activated - You have stolen Fanged Rodent leather x1]

Robin rolled her eyes at the prompt. “I just wasted 10 mins on leather.” she said with a frown. Robin discontinued her experiment and decided to just head to the extended plains. Though her experiment failed, it still gave her an idea of getting help from someone else. Have them pin the monster down while she attacks it. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know anyone that's doing a strength builds. Mia is going mage and she’s not familiar with FlowingPhoenix and AbsoluteZeroG enough to ask them for help.

“Sigh, looks like I’ll have to shelve the idea for now. Poison does a good enough job. Wait, I can't use the dagger on the rodents because It deals too much damage. I'll need to find another way to poison them."

While thinking of ways to activate God’s Hand, Robin made it to the extended plains. This area had barely any players hunting and that's exactly what Robin wanted. With a pep in her step, she sprinted through the plains looking for a target. She found some after only a few mins of running.

Three large Boars were grazing on a small hill. They were as big as cows and sported 3 curved horns on the top and sides of their head. Like a pig-faced triceratops.

"I think I can take three of them. If things get too dangerous I'll just high tail it out of there. Or better yet, just poison them and run away as I did with the rodents. Yeah, let's do that." Thinking that it was a better idea than going toe to toe with a cow-sized boar, Robin sneaked up to one of the Boars.

Right when the lead boar spotted Robin, she struck out with the Fanged Dagger.


[You applied [Weak Rat Rot Poison] to Fanged Rodent]

[Your skill [Poison Mastery] Activates! [Weak Rat Rot Poison] evolves into [Deadly Rat Rot  Poison]]

The Tri Horned Boar squealed out in pain. It's two brothers charged at Robin. She didn’t retreat but instead jumped forward over one of the charging Boars. While in mid-air, she spun around and slashed the charging Boars back. Another group of notification chimes went off as the boar was poisoned.

When Robin landed, she dived to the side, narrowly avoiding the tusk of the first boar she attacked. Although this was a perfect time to counterattack she held off on it. Tri Horned Boars of this level have around 1000 HP. She took off halve with her first hit, so she wanted to let the poison run its course before dealing the final blow. That way God Hand will have 7 chances of activating instead of just two. Since the deadly point will shave off 25% of its health with 5 poison hits.

Robin dashed towards the boar she didn't hit and sliced its hind leg. It squealed in pain and tried to kick Robin but she already rolled out of the way. Next was 30 seconds of evading before Robin delivered the final blow.

[55 exp gained]

[58 exp gained]

[55 exp gained]

Even after 21 confirmed hits, God Hand still didn't activate. This pissed Robin off. This was supposed to be an SSS-Tier talent. Something so broken that every player would kill to have. Sure she gets to steal the rarest item a monster has but she could only use it once every 12 hours. The second effect of God Hand shows up once every blue moon now that she doesn't have the luck bonuses.

“This is fucking bullshit!” Robin said, stomping off towards more boars. To get rid of the frustration of [God Hand] not activating, she spent the next 2 hours hunting as many boars as possible. She didn’t even try to use the poison damage to trigger God's Hand. Just going for the quick kills. As the last Tri Horned Boar fell, Robin breathed out, letting out the stress that built up. The only reason she stopped was that she finally killed the 100th boar. Over the course of 97 more boars, God Hand only activated 3 times. Two were common drops and the other was an uncommon piece of armor… that she couldn’t use.

[Tri Horned Boar Leather Boots  (Uncommon)

Slot: Feet

Equip Requirements: 30 Str, 15 Dex

Physical Defense: +50

Gain skill [Charge]]

In order to use it, she would need to dump 20 points into strength. Something she wasn’t willing to do just yet. Though she did level up two times while killing the 100 boars, Robin only added ten points into strength. She added the other 20 into dexterity. This made her attack power 420 with the Fanged Dagger and 840 when Dual Wielding was applied. If she could land a hit on the boar's head then she could one-shot it by dealing nearly 1600 damage. Being able to one-shot Tri Horned Boars was an amazing feat. Even killing them in 2 hits would be a cause for celebration but Robin couldn’t let go of the fact that [God Hand] wasn’t giving her the payout she wanted.

“Sigh~ Maybe I need to not think about it anymore.” Robin said in a defeated tone. “No! I can’t just give up on it! Maybe if I could find a trap or something. A spike trap would deal damage over time but not too much damage as deadly poison would. I’ll have to check the town later. Maybe a shop sells it or something.”

Since she finished killing the boars and still had a few hours before nightfall, Robin decided to head to the forest area for the last monster on the list. The Feral Green Goblin. This was a fight Robin was looking forward to. Feral Green Goblins are pack hunters with the skill to summon other nearby goblins. They are nefarious for surrounding players and overrunning them with sheer numbers. If a player doesn’t kill the watcher of the goblin group then it will continue to summon more and more goblins. Plus these new goblins would have their own watcher, so that one would call for even more goblins.

A near infinite amount of goblins could be called… and that’s exactly what Robin wanted. Not only for the SS-ranked quest but for experience and the chance to activate God’s Hand.

“The more goblins, the better. If I don’t get a rare weapon from killing 1000 goblins then I’ll file a complaint. Not that there is anyone to complain to. Maybe Mia would hear me out.”

Robin walked back to the starting area, thinking about her plan of action against the horde of goblins. She was sure that with her 420 attack power, she could kill any goblin with one hit but she still wanted to have a plan for things if she gets overrun.

While walking back she bumped into an unlikely person. Someone she wanted little contact with.

“Oh if it isn’t Ms. too good for us paupers!” BrightEyes said in a pleasant but mocking voice. Some of the players that were following him snickered. There were at least 30 of them. Most were still wearing the standard novice gear but there were five that had on better, more expensive gear. These were the players who snickered at BrightEyes’ stupid joke.

“Oh if it isn’t Mr. BrightEyes.” Robin said in a deadpan voice. She tried to walk past the group of players but BrightEyes flicked his wrist and the group of players spread out and blocked her path.

Robin rolled her eyes and said still deadpan “Are you really going to do this?”

Brighteyes narrowed his perfectly shaped eyes. “Do What exactly?” He said with a devilish smile on his face. His cronies snickered again and some of them even took out their weapons.

“Sigh~ Why are the pretty ones always the dumbest?” Robin said, shaking her head. She pulled out her weapons as well and dashed into the group of players head first.


I want to Thank D-Man for joining My patreon

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