Pressurized Sarcasm: Prelude
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I didn't know how much life was worth until mine ended. It didn't end in the literal sense, I just lost everything that was dear to me. 


And yet, I had to keep living. I was forced to.


How hard is it to continue when you feel that your heart fell out way back behind you?


You can't turn around, can't go back and pick up the pieces. Droplets of blood, your life source, those small, happy memories, trail behind your lifeless body. You are now a walking dead, listlessly pacing out your journey to the end. With each step you take you feel the illusion of energy, finally, seep from your bones as you fall to the ground. Your rest is bittersweet. For while you are relieved, but you also know: It ends here.


What is innocence? Naivete or ignorance being sarcastic?

This story is quite old now, but I still think it was a fairly good idea when I first started writing it, I had intended it to be longer, but somewhere along the way I lost sight of where I was taking it and stopped writing. I think where it ends now is a little abrupt, (probably lacks closure too) but it's still pretty good. There are 2 chapters total split into six parts. So the nest few chapters will all be the same story.(=`ω´=)