Approaching To THE CASTLE
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Reports of Red and Vone's attack were spread throughout the magical world since both of them arrived spectacularly at the train platform with the train safely. Or, in this case, what was left of the train.

It was a rather major issue as the station master assumed they intentionally wrecked the train as an act of terrorism. However, due to Matthew Adhira's influences as the headmaster of Elderwinn, that explanation was barely accepted by the authorities.

In the end, both were released and safely crossed through the platform, back into their original world. More specifically, the bottom of the tower bridge from London.

"Now what?" Vone asked while staring outside at the bright hot sun.

"Now we infiltrate," Red replied, looking at the map to figure out what his next step was.

"Infiltrate what?" Vone asked while covering his head with a coat, trying to prevent the sunlight from creeping further into his body.

"The vampire society."

"The vampire society...? Wait, hold on." Vone stopped his step and started glaring at Red. Bloodlust filled the air as the environment turned cold, enough to send normal passers-by a shiver.

"What made you think I would allow that to happen?" Vone asked, this time revealing the fangs in his mouth, signaling it as a notion for threat.

"We have no choice, right? The person with the info is supposedly your Queen. Besides, someone outside your faction is turning people into vampire mages and might threaten your domain. You have no choice but to report right." Red replied nonchalantly, still figuring out how to use the map.

Vone stood there and pondered. Bringing his enemies back to his home is a direct threat to his species. But he can't defy or retaliate against his captor due to the magic spell cast on him.

Yet, on the other hand, humans were right. Someone outside has the ability to turn mere humans into lower vampires and is acting outside the jurisdiction of the vampire queen, which also poses a threat to his species. Furthermore, whoever is behind those incidents has allied themselves with the Lycanthropes and seeks to revive the vampire ancestor to bring havoc.

So, the question is, what options does Vone have?

Before he could make a decision, a raven swoops down on Vone, dropping him off on him before flying off.

"What's that?" Red asked curiously, surprised by how intelligent the bird was despite seeing even stranger things on a regular basis.

Vone unveiled his hand, revealing a large coin that had a bloody stain on it.

"Looks like you got your wish."


[Red's POV]

Following Vone's plans. Looks like we are heading straight into the vampire's lair.

My body was beaten up relentlessly, and I was cuffed.

"Tell me again, why am I in this state?" I asked, annoyed at how dumb the plan was.

"You really can't expect me, a Viscount vampire, to lose to a mere human and return to my queen empty-handed, can you?"

"Pshh, so? Why would a queen be interested in a mere human like me anyway?"

"Because you are the mere human who defeated the Nine-tailed Fox."


I swear beating the Nine-tailed Fox was a mistake. I always seemed to have new problems from that incident onward. It seems that posing as a gift for the Queen was the only way for me without the rest of them knowing what my intentions are. If I tried to disguise myself as one of them, a single whiff would have ratted me out due to their enhanced sense of smell. So, why can't Vone betray me by telling the Queen? Due to the spell that Headmaster Adhira cast along with the magic of the room ultimately. Since the spell is now bound to me and Vone, Vone cannot spill any details regarding the adventure he had and experienced to anyone unless he has my permission to do so. This means no matter how much he tried speaking or writing about it, the spell would restrain him so. Also, if I die, he dies along with me. In a way, this spell is a leash for him.

[Even with the spell, he might try something else. Be careful. Thou are all alone here.]

'I got it.'

[*Good luck Master! *]

'Where the hell did you come from?'

As I was dragged forward, we came to an alleyway at a dead end Vone just stood there and observed the pocket watch he had on his suit.

"What are we wa__" Before I could finish my question, Vone spoke.

"... Just in time," Vone pronounced before closing the lid from his pocket watch.

In a far distance with the thick and heavy clouds covering the skies, something burst out from one of those clouds as the image of the mysterious figure came to fruition, revealing itself as a carriage. Attaching from the front of the carriage were 2 horses. Not just any horses, horses made with bones. A skeleton horse.

Not going to lie, this was a rather cool sight to behold. The bones were all connected even though there were no muscles or flesh to bind them. They moved and acted like a live horse and had no problems moving at all even with the bones exposed out in the public. It felt as if there was something controlling these creatures. I could even sense mana from them flowing out.

[A horse made from bones? Must be the work of a reanimation magic. Thou have seen more hideous creature before, move.]

Vone stepped into the carriage carefully while yanking the chains around my arm inside it.

"Really, a skeleton horse? You guys are really emo as hell."

"It does its job well." Vone scoffed as I took a seat opposite him.

"So, you excited about going home?"

"With you beside me? If there's a god, I would have prayed that I have never met you."

As sarcastic as that sound, if only he knew how many gods there were in this world, I would love to see his reaction when meeting them.

Upon settling down in the carriage, the horse started grinding its hoofs on the ground before stepping on the ground twice and kicking off the ground, gliding in the air. It was rather comfortable, seeing the view of the city of London in the sky. From there the carriage slowly flew across the country into the sea as the horse started picking up its speed, galloping at a faster rate.

It was rather comforting. Looks like this was my one last time for a relaxed moment before going to the hellhole huh?

'God dammit. Why does it have to be me?'

[*There, there. Don't be a bitch, Master. *]

'Shut up.'

[Suck it up Red. Blame thyself for having shitty luck.]

'You too. Western dramas have influenced you too much.'

Vone remained seated the entire ride pondering to himself while I continued staring out the window to look at the scenery until the sight of mist was seen in front. Slowly and gradually, the mist started surrounding the entire carriage until there was nothing to be seen in sight, yet the skeleton horses continued galloping.

"Remember to follow the plan," Vone warned.

"Yea, yea, I got it," I replied lazily due to his constant nagging to follow the plan.

In a moment, something started shining on my face, revealing what was ahead of me.

It was a castle.

An incredibly big one. It was at least twice the size of Elderwinn Academy. Vone must have heard my reaction when I saw the castle as he started ridiculing and poking insults at me with a single word.


"You little bit__"


The carriage finally stopped. Vone immediately stepped out of the carriage in a rush and dragged the chains around my arms, yanking me out of the carriage.

"Welcome to THE CASTLE, home to the vampire queen."