Ch.39: Sleepless Night pt.2
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            “Okay, everyone food’s ready!” Rufus yells as he puts everyone gathers around a large table. “Since we’ve been running around all day, I used some of the extra monster meat we have lying around for dinner today.”

Everyone sits down and looks at their plates. Before anyone can say anything else, they devour the food in front of them without even looking. Rufus sits down and joins them before everyone lifts their heads and sighs.

            “Damn it, the war hasn’t started. An overzealous asshat is causing us trouble,” Faye says, shaking her head. “While the fighting wasn’t too bad, it was annoying to deal with all those monsters in one day.”

Zanrit nods. “The dungeon was quiet, so there were no issues there.”

Rufus smiles. “Yeah, Zanrit and I had a simple job today.”

Fiona throws a spoon at Rufus and scowls. “Next time you’re going in the front. Maybe getting mauled by a wolf will teach you how to fight.”

            “Come on, I can fight.”

Otso nods. “Indeed. Rufus can fight but lacks the skill to win.”


            “What that is correct?”

Ivar sighs. “We’ve let our guard down and we weren’t taking the war seriously. And we paid the price for it.”

            “Ivar’s right. We should maintain our vigilance and work twice as hard,” Sam says.

Tan chews on a cut of meat. “You know Rufus can’t fight, but he’s probably the best chief of the group.”

            “We already changed subjects from that!” Rufus yells out.

Miller looks around and notices Glyn’s absence. “Where’s Glyn?”

            “In his room, working on stuff. I already took his food to him. He’s super busy with everything, so I figured he wouldn’t have time to eat with us.” Rufus says.

Mila sighs, leaning down. “I wanted to talk to him.”


            “Because of Brother, I couldn’t spend the day with Glyn at all.” She says, pouting.

Miller turns away and glares at the others. “Who?”

Fiona stands. “Captain, you can’t keep treating Mila like a kid.”

            “That’s right!” Tan and Faye yell out.

Miller sighs. “That and this are two different matters. But anyway, don’t teach my sister weird stuff, okay?”

            “Come on, a girl has to use her weapons,” Faye says.

Tan nods. “And besides, she’s incredibly worried, so we were trying to ease her mind.”

            “When did you guys even have the time for this stuff?”

Mila turns to Miller. “Brother!”

            “Do whatever you want. Glyn’s funk or whatever is fouling his mood might fog his judgment. Don’t go too far, but try to ease his mind a little if it’s such a big deal to you.”

Mila nods. “Right!”

            “Speaking of easing minds. Anyone see Tisha around?” Ivar asks. “She disappeared the moment we got back to base.”

Zanrit nods. “I saw her in her room. She was gathering things to send off a message.”

            “She’s still dealing with that. I wish she would’ve told someone.” Fiona says.

            “Tisha is strong enough to stand for herself. Or at the very least, mask her pain. But I believe talking to Glyn might’ve eased her issues.” Zanrit says.

Tan turns to Mila. “Hurry it up. They're getting closer as we speak.”

            “What?” Miller asks.

            “You see, Mila is like Glyn, but Tisha may develop feelings as we speak,” Faye says. “If she doesn’t hurry, then Tisha might come in and steal him away from her. Is that what you want, Captain?”

Miller sighs. “Where do you find the time to gossip about this stuff?” He grumbles. “Love drama is not my forte, but I doubt Mila would lose in a contest of attraction.”

            “Can we not talk about this?” Mila yells out.

Everyone laughs as they finish up eating, with Miller taking Mila aside. “Brother?”

Miller blushes. “How serious are you about Glyn?”

            “I don’t know.” Mila twitches nervously as her tails swing around. “Glyn’s nice, and he’s a caring person. But I don’t…..”

Miller turns his head away. “Mila…. I dreaded when this day would come.”


            “Your first crush.”


Miller sighs. “Think of it as a prelude to love. An infatuation with someone where you possess romantic intent.”

            “But Faye was saying I’m in love.”

            “I might be on the way there. But that hesitation you’re showing. It shows me that you’re merely fascinated by him or you’ve developed a strong crush. Until you can tell me with all of your spirit, you have a future between you and Glyn. No matter what could happen, I doubt it’d be love.”


            “When you can proclaim your love with all of your heart, I will accept it. No matter what.”

            “Brother.” Mila smiles, hugging Miller. “Thank you, Brother.”

            “But if I deem the guy as unworthy of you, I’m going to beat his ass. And don’t move too fast. You could end up hurting yourself or each other if you try to speed things along.”

Mila laughs. “Brother. I’m going to try my best. So please watch over me, okay?”


            “Look at the Captain,” Fiona says.

            “He’s such a softie for his sister.” Faye says.

Tan laughs. “It’s so cute.”

            “You’re all pushing your luck,” Ivar says.

Rufus sighs. “Seeing stuff like this makes me miss my siblings.”

            “Didn’t they bully you relentlessly?” Otso asks.

Rufus sighs again. “That should tell you how sweet this moment is.”

Miller turns to the group. “Are all of you done cleaning? Because if you’re done, then we’re going to do one last round of late-night training!”

            “Come on, we’re tired,” Faye says.

            “No excuses, grab your gear. Let’s go!”

Mila laughs and then turns upwards. “Glyn….. I’m going to help you, even if you reject it.”


Glyn sits in his room looking over his notes, the makeshift map of Albert Island, and a map of Jubert Island. He crosses spots on the map as he shakes his head before turning back to his notes.

            “No. They wouldn’t hide there.” He sighs, shaking his head as he crosses off another spot on the map of Jubert Island. “They might be moving. I have to find them before they can strike again. But what could they be planning next?”

            “Maybe we should try patrolling some of the remote areas. But that leaves us open in the village. I heat sneak attacks, they're so unfair. Which, I guess, is the point.” He says.

As he works, a knock comes from the door. Sighing, he watches as Mila opens the door. He smiles and stands.

            “Mila, now’s not the time I have….”

Mila rushes forward, slamming her hands down on Glyn’s desk. “Glyn!”

            “Yes!” He yells out stunned.

            “Please talk to me!”

            “What?” He asks confused.