Prologue 6: The Queen’s Madness
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Morgan Walsh only child of the Walsh household. Originally a family of warriors, their ancestor joined the king on his campaign to slay all demons. After the battle was over, their family was given a vast stretch of land and become the rulers of the southern lands. Acting as stalwart protectors who kept their lands safe from bandits and monsters. But this slowly changed over time.

In recent generations, the modern holders of the Walsh name are more bureaucrat than warrior. Money became the new power behind the Walsh name, using their funds to pay for mercenaries, monster tamers, and all kinds of other defenses to keep their lands safe. Never again would a member of House Walsh step foot on the battlefield until Morgan took the throne for herself.

Using her house's funds, she invested in a great airship, an old device from during the old wars used for bombarding enormous areas. This airship, Harmonia, became her greatest weapon, but the vast fuel costs made it difficult to use for long periods. But the ship could easily overpower any forces against her, nearly destroying entire islands and wiping out all of their defenses.

            “Sebastion, how is the most recent batch?” She asks, sitting on her throne as she eats a large piece of cake.

A tall man in a dark suit stands at her side with an unflinching smile and closed eyes. “They're being processed as we speak. Anyone with high magical abilities is being sorted out for further processing.”

            “Why waste so much time in processing? They're all going to be fed to it, anyway. We should just dump them all in and wake it up sooner.”

The man shakes his head. “Patience Mistress, in due time all will become one with the great one and it shall awaken.”

She shoots up with a smile on her face. “With that at my side, I’ll be able to take the throne and maintain power for as long as I live. No one will dare look down on House Walsh or me ever again!”

            “Of course, Mistress. All will be in awe of your power and you will take your rightful place at the top of all things.”

She glances out of the window at the center of the airship, where a large white orb sits. Various wires, straps, and pillars reach out, restraining the orb in place. Something writhes underneath the surface of the orb as a loud gurgling sound echoes from within the sphere, shaking the airship.

            “Look like it's hungry.” She says.

He nods. “Of course. It’s still growing. We still need to feed it plenty of food for days to come before it can be born.”

            “If we had someone with a ton of magical energy, we could use that to make a ton of progress at once.”

            “There were those readings from a few weeks ago.”

            “It came from the other side of the islands and we haven’t seen a spike like that since. Are we sure it wasn’t a fluke of some kind?”


            “Fine. Keep the feelers out. Hopefully, we’re closer to the source now. But if we’re too far, we still have plenty of fuel we could use.”

Sebastion smiles. “Yes. Speaking of fuel. I think it’s about time we begin today’s daily feeding.”

            “Good. Let’s begin. It should be an entertaining show.”

A long platform extends from the airship out towards the orb. A group of people are marched out, forced to approach the orb as it thrashes about. People in armor force them ahead, as a strong sense of foreboding takes over the group. As they approach, the orb stops moving and the guards rush back.

A large hand emerges from the orb with a mouth forming in the palm. The prisoners scream out in terror as the guards make it to the door. They shut the door, trapping the prisoners on the platform as they panic, the hand reaching out for them and swallowing them in a single bite.

The people scream as terror overtakes them, with Morgan watching on with a smile on her face.

            “Do you not feel guilt, Mistress?”

She laughs. “Guilt? Please, Sebastion. These peasants should thank us for achieving a higher purpose. They would’ve wasted their lives otherwise. At least this way they can be of some use to someone of worth.”

            “I should expect no less from my Mistress. You’ll become a queen worthier than any other, I promise you that!”

She laughs. “As if there was ever any doubt. I’ve been blessed by the great one from day one. With it by my side, there is nothing to fear. I am the one destined for the throne, after all.”

            “Yes, Mistress. There will be nothing that can stand against you and your name will go down in history as the greatest queen in history.”

She scoffs. “Was there ever any doubt? I’ll go to whatever lengths I need to so I can achieve my true destiny. Standing over everyone as I sit upon the throne, directing the very fate of this world!”