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After changing from my nightclothes to my regular clothes, I contacted Salvia at the Bardia territory's information office and told her that I had arrived safely in the Imperial Capital.

I then asked if there were any problems in the territory.

(No, there is no particular problem. Ah, but I heard that Fara-sama was worried when she didn't hear from you about your arrival. From now on, it might be better if you let us know next time, even if it is late at night.)

(Understood. Tell Farah I'm sorry for worrying her. Then, if you need anything else, call me immediately.)

( Then, I will tell Fara-sama that as well.)

(Yes, thank you.)

After the communication with Salvia was over, the door to the room was carefully banged on.

'Rid-sama. When you have finished changing, I will show you to the dining room."

'Alright, I'll be right there. "

In answer to Sylvia's voice heard through the door, I move to the dining room.

'Good morning, Father.:

'Mm, looks like you slept well. Unconventional Windstorm.'

Father's mouth slackens in a sneer, and he places the intelligence magazine he's been reading on the dining table.

'...... please don't make fun of the Sword of the Empire.:

'Sword of the Empire is a term used to refer to the House of Bardia. Unfortunately, I don't have two nicknames like you.'

'Ha...... I see.'

I took my seat and looked at my father, who was smiling, glaring at me.

'Father this commotion. Did you already know about this ?'

'The commotion ......? 'Ah, you mean that the story with 'unconventional windbag' in it s making the headlines. Of course I knew about it. I've been in contact with Carlo in the Imperial Capital since I was in the territory of the Fox People."

"Isn't it going a bit far to celebrate me as an 'unconventional windbag'?"

As I had been busy dealing with the postwar situation in Bardia territory, I had left the Imperial Capital's movements in my father's care, so I was completely unaware of the fuss that had been made.

In addition, in the event of a major problem, Silvia in the Imperial Capital was supposed to contact me directly.

I leave the movements and public opinion in the Imperial Capital to my father, and I don't receive any direct contact from Silvia.

So I thought there would be no problems, but they called me an 'unconventional windbag' and treated me as a man of the hour.

I feel like making a complaint.

So I asked him sarcastically, but he cowered his shoulders and made fun of me.

'Well, it's good if public opinion is on the side of the Bardia family in any way. Besides, this time in the Imperial Capital, we will also hold business negotiations with the Saffron Trading Company for the re-establishment of the Fox People's territory. If you have any complaints, you can tell them directly then.''

'Mmm, I beg your pardon.'

As per Father, after the audience with Their Majesties and the report, we will also have a meeting with the Safron Trading Company, which is run by Christie's trading company

In fact, the Christie Trading Company does not have a business outlet with the beast nation of Zubera.

When Chris became independent, the Safron Trading Company was already doing business from the western side of Zubera, so they took care not to overlap trade areas.

That was fine until now, but that can't be said now that a secret agreement has been signed between the Bardia family and the Grandok family, which rules the Fox people, and a dramatic change has taken place.

From now on, strengthening the cooperative relationship between the Bardia family, the Christie Trading Company and the Saffron Trading Company is a must and a top priority.

The Safron Trading Company is headed by Chris's father, 'Martin Safron', and her mother, 'Lorraine Safron', is the treasurer. Her brother, 'Mighty Saffron', is said to be in the role of deputy representative.

What kind of people are Chris' family?

I'm really looking forward to meeting them, but I'm a little concerned that Chris didn't seem very enthusiastic about it.

Also, when I held a reception in the Imperial Capital before, I was busy dealing with various noblemen and the other party was not able to meet up with me due to their own circumstances and availability.

"Thank you for your patience."

As I was thinking, the waiters and maids, led by the butler Carlo, set out the dishes one after another on the dining table.

Starting with white rice, miso soup, grilled fish, raw vegetable salad, half-boiled eggs, rare beef steak, chicken thigh steak and many more are still to be brought in.

I was stunned to see all these dishes lined up in a narrow space in front of me.

'...... what a huge amount of food, even for a morning.'

'Because we're going to the Imperial Castle today. Worst case scenario, we might not be back until nearly midnight. Make sure you have a good breakfast."

Oh, that's what that means.

Having reached an agreement, I'm going to have a hearty breakfast with my father.

But I still think this is too much food for breakfast.

Even though I was trying not to waste the tasty food that was prepared for me, even though I'm in my growing-up period, I've reached my limit

"'So, I'm sorry, I can't eat any more. Pardon me, may I leave some for you?"

The father nodded his head, "Yes?" And then

'Of course. The rest of the house will eat what we cannot finish. That's the way it always was."


"What? Didn't I tell you?"

"No. I wish you had told me earlier."

Even at breakfast in the Bardia territory, part of the food is for us to eat and part is for everyone who works in the mansion to eat, and they make a lot of food together.

But we never have such a large amount of food on the table, so I assumed that we had to eat it all .

After saying good-bye with my hands together, I leave the dining room with heavy steps and return to my room, thinking that I have a long day ahead of me.

Then, I worked on my preparations until it was time to leave.

◇ ◇

When I got into the carriage from the Bardia mansion to go to the imperial castle, I got into a struggle with the reporters, gatekeepers and knights at the gate and had to leave amidst a commotion.

Charcoal trucks are too conspicuous in the imperial capital, so we basically travel to our destination in a carriage, but this time we are attracting attention just because it has the Bardia family crest on it.

Looking out of the car window, various people were waving at us.

"It's kind of a bigger scene than I thought it would be."

'In recent years there have been skirmishes near the border, but no major military conflicts. The fact that the Grandeks had invaded must have caused a great deal of anxiety among the public. So the news of our victory must have come as a big shock to them, but in a good way."

By skirmishes, he refers mainly to the border areas of Bardia territory, which is adjacent to Barsto and Zubera, and the border areas of Kelvin territory, which is adjacent to the Teaching Toga and Zubera.

'I see. But it's good for us that public opinion is on our side, right?'

'...... Mm. I would like to think so.'

Just as the father is about to say a few words, the carriage comes to a slow halt.

Looking out of the window, I saw the towering Imperial Castle.

After getting out of the carriage, the imperial knight guides me and my father through the imperial castle.

The nobles have already gathered in the audience hall and are waiting for us.

Therefore, it seems that this time we are not going to the guest room, but directly to the audience hall.

As we walk along, I look around and see that the knights and soldiers in the castle are looking at us more favourably than usual.

It seems that the information from the bulletin has not only reached the imperial capital, but also the imperial castle.

Not long after we had proceeded inside the castle, the Imperial knight who was leading the way stopped.

'I have brought with me Frontier Count Rainer Bardia and his son Rid Bardia-sama.'

In response to the knight's voice, the luxurious doors slowly open.

Looking around the audience hall, the imperial nobility are all standing posture straight and looking at us with sharp gazes with stern expressions.

The room was filled with an atmosphere of intimidation that was incomparable to what it had been before.

Ah, but the Marquis Berluti is nowhere to be seen, although the Marquess Bergamot is there.

Where is he?

'Don't look around too much. Let's go."

"Yes . Excuse me."

I gulp, as my father points out in a whisper.

Looking at the throne at the far end, the Emperor Empress is already seated, with Prince David, the Second Prince of Kiel and Princess Adil (Adi) sitting alongside her.

Apparently, the entire royal family will be attending this meeting.

While basking in all the attention of the occasion, I advance to the front of the throne and bow.

When I look up, the Emperor is smiling fearlessly.

"Rainer, Rid. I congratulate you on your victory. I have heard of the situation from the letter received earlier and from Emma of the Christie Trading Company, but I would like to hear your story again on this occasion."


The father nodded his head and began to tell the story of how the battle of Fort Narrows came to be and the details of the battle in a dignified manner.

T/ n . Well. guys .. Congrats on reaching  most recant raw chapter of this series ! Can't belie we  had finaly reached  this point  .  It's kinda unexpected even for me . I  mean  one month ago I  have  in stock chapters only up to 235 , but now  it's changed . Probably is the most longest  jp wn that I  have ever read . There only   13   chapters that I  didn't published ( chapter 148-161 ) since  for some time that series was under another group . It was waste of time on their part , i mean I  have all chappters on my hands  , I want to comfort you that author of that series posting more often then for example  , author ofEroge Reincarnation, Struggle of a Golden Pig Aristocrat Against Fate . https://www.scribblehub.com/series/322820/reborn-in-eroge--the-struggle-of-a-trash-nobleman-against-destiny/

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