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"What's the matter, Father? I can't believe you suddenly said that. ......”

"It's not sudden. This time, you were kidnapped by the Foxmen. Leave the merchant company to Emma and the others, and come back to the Saffron merchant company.”

When Martín told Chris's puzzled question with a serious look in his eyes, Mighty leaned forward as well.

"Father is right. If you are short on staff, I can get you some good people from the Saffron Chamber of Commerce. They may not be as good as Chris, but I'm sure they can keep the Christie Trading Company alive and prospering."

"Please wait a moment."

It may have been tactless, but I was in on the conversation.

"What we need is not exactly the Christie Trading Company . It is the Christie Trading Company that Chris is running. It is no exaggeration to say that Bardia has developed so much thanks to Chris. If the representative of Christie Trading Company is someone other than Chris, I would like to put an end to all future transactions with the Saffron Trading Company.”

There is no lie in what he just said.

I can assure that because of Chris' presence, the mother survived and the Second Order was established and the territory of Bardia became prosperous.

That's why we can't back down either.

When I told him in a strong tone, Martin's eyebrows twitched.

"A blank piece of paper, huh? Are you serious about that?"

"......There is no way I can say such a thing in jest."

As the two sides exchanged glances, Mighty coughed and looked at each other in shock.

"At this point, I am afraid to say this. As Rid himself said, the development of Bardia, Christie Trading Company, and Saffron Trading Company. I believe that the development of Bardia was made possible by the sales power and commercial distribution that the Saffron Trading Company had throughout the continent. If we were to cancel the agreement, we would be in trouble, but it is clear that it would be even more difficult for your family. Business is a two-way street, and we should coexist and prosper together."

"I understand what you are saying. But the only person we can trust as a business partner is Chris. There is no one else we can trust as a business partner."

"I see. Well, then, I have one bitter word to say to you."

Mighty gave me a sharp look as he said this.

"You said that you can trust Rid, but what do you think about the fact that you made the mistake of being abducted without any reason? The other side treated Chris politely and saved her life, but if she had made a mistake, she might have lost her life."

“Well, that's ......"

When I was at a loss for words because he hit a sore spot, he took advantage of the opportunity to explain.

"As Father said, when valuable goods and large sums of money are at stake, merchants are bound to take risks. However, life is the most important thing. Even if business is successful, it is not the end of the world if you die. Most of the things and problems that exist in the world can be bought or solved with money. However, money can't do anything about the life of a deceased person. Above all, Chris is our family. It is only natural that we worry about her.”

“...... I, all of us, the Bardia family, consider her as if she were family. Isn't that right, father?

“Mm-hmm. Yes, indeed.”

What is it, ......?”

Mighty frowns when Father phases in, but Chris blinks his eyes happily.

"Master Rid, Master Reiner. Thank you.”

'Oh dear, hmmm.'

Lorraine's eyes narrowed and her smile overflowed.

The Bardia family has come this far thanks to Chris.

She's the reason I told her about my memories of my previous life.

There is no substitute for Chris, I will never give up this position.

"The Christy Trading Company was attacked and Chris, Meldie, and other members of the family were kidnapped. If it is said that it was our family's mistake, it will sound like an excuse no matter what we say. However, the fact that everyone who was kidnapped was treated with respect and was safe is undoubtedly due to the backing of the Bardia family. If there had been no such backing, there would have been no life."

That's a technicality, is it not?

"No, it is not a technicality."

I was quick to assure Mighty's words.

It is an objective fact from the results. I understand that Mighty's affection for Chris is very strong, but to bring her back to Saffron is overprotective,......, or perhaps a “caged monkey”.

"You say that we are “caged monkeys...... that we are restricting Chris's freedom and not letting her live the way she wants to live. I think that is an exaggeration, no matter how much you want to say it. Master Rid.”

If you say it is too much, then you are more or less conscious ...... that you are restricting Chris's freedom, aren't you, Mister Mighty?

"Oh, you are right. He was an unconventional child prodigy, or rather, an unconventional child. He lives up to his nickname and has a bright future ahead of him."

"No, no, no. I am not even close.”

Mighty and I smile at each other with narrowed eyes, but we are not smiling behind our eyes.

In fact, we are glaring at each other with a light of anger that is the exact opposite of our facial expressions.

“Hmph, hmph, .......”

"Ha ha ha ......”

As I glared at Mighty and the two of them were laughing at each other with sparks flying, my father deliberately clears his throat.

"Rid, Mister Mighty. That's about right. What is important in this matter is Chris' intention. We should confirm that first. ."

"Yes, that's right. What do you think, Chris?"

Lorraine asked, and Chris got the attention of the audience.

"I'm .......”

Chris took a deep breath and looked around at everyone with a strong gaze.

"I will not return to the Saffron Trading Company. The Christie Trading Company is a trading company that I raised from the ground up. Even if it was my father, mother, or brother, No matter what my brother says, I will not hand over the position of representative to someone else."

She looked at Martín and Mighty as she said this.

'Besides, the reason I became independent was to prevent an inner division in the Saffron Chamber of Commerce. If I return now that I've become associated with the Bardia family, that problem will surely flare up again. I cannot leave now.”

As Chris announced firmly, Lorraine narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Okay, it's settled,”. Okay, Chris. Do as you please."

"Mother⁉ Are you serious?"

Mighty rolled his eyes, but Lorraine shook her head.

In the first place, it was you who caused Chris to leave the Saffron Trading Company and allowed him to become independent.

"Mmm. .......”

"Well, that's ......"

Lorraine sighed as Martin and Mighty both made their usual awkward faces.