Chapter 185: Birthday Gifts
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Chapter 185:

Birthday Gifts

Jace had never celebrated his birthday much, save for when Liana or his mother had attempted to, before his mother entered into her coma. He had always thought he was a mistake. Someone who shouldn't have been born. His father always told him such vile and cruel things.

He remembered that Liana would always, always make him a cake and give him a card on his birthday after his mother entered the hospital. She was too sick to celebrate and Jace had always been focused on working for his mother's hospital bills that he didn't really care to celebrate something he felt was a mistake. However, Liana never missed it.

She knew he worked hard, and while she had always invited him over to celebrate, he'd always make some excuse. This didn't stop her from leaving him a card with a note inside of it with encouraging words and a delicious cake for him to consume. Thinking back on it now, he really cherished those small moments.

Now, he was finally truly celebrating his birthday. Everyone was happy and smiling. His mother was cured, and everything felt right. They gathered together in front of a large, multi-tiered cake that Jace wondered just how they would eat it all. Together, they sang the most embarrassing rendition of happy birthday.

The cake's chocolate and vanilla frosting was topped with ice cream and served to everyone after all twenty-four candles were blown out. A truly moist cake that exploded with sugary goodness the moment it hit your tastebuds.

The inside was mixed with berries of several kinds from blueberries to strawberries. Everyone got some, including the Mercer Agents and security staff. This meant Sasha.

"Relax, Commander," Jace laughed as she took the bowl with the cake and ice cream in it reluctantly, "It's a party, my party. Don't make me order you to celebrate it."

"N-No, you don't have to do that," Sasha smiled slightly, a light blush across her face, "I'm happy to celebrate your birthday with everyone. Which, I know you've probably been told this a million times, but...Happy Birthday, boss."

"Heh, just Jace is fine," he told her, chuckling with a sigh, "But, I know you probably won't call me that. One day, maybe. This whole being in charge thing is strange. The titles and formal's a headache, right?"

"As you say, sir," she laughed light, looking up at him with those gorgeous violet eyes of hers, "Respectfully, sir, it is a headache, but that's part of the job and your position."

"I guess..." Jace rubbed the back of his neck, "Just makes me feel a bit awkward. Wasn't so long ago I was just a street kid. I hope that everyone can just be comfortable with me one day."

"Maybe," Sasha replied with a smirk, "Well, I should go and eat this, and you have people waiting you. Thanks for the cake and ice cream...Jace."

"Aha!" Jace exclaimed in triumph, "You said it!"

"Heh, I have no idea what you're talking about, Boss," Sasha chuckled, her face lighting up before she turned to leave, "I'll report back later!"

Jace shook his head, but was glad to see that even the stringent Sasha Breen was relaxing, if only a little bit. Ever since the Biorganix takedown, Sasha had been doing her best to be diligent and as orderly as possible. It was like she refused to relax. As if doing so would cause something bad to happen.

Jace felt like she blamed herself for part of what Biorganix did as well as failing to protect some of her fellow workers who weren't able to make it out. Jace made a note to one day ensure she was able to take a vacation, and to also address that guilt of hers. He knew how horrible it can be when you let it build.

For now, he took solace in the fact that he was able to at least get her to smile and say his name while going to enjoy the cake with her unit who were there doing security with the Mercer Agents. It was good seeing them get along with each other. He had been worried there would be bad blood, but they all, Mercer Agents and Sasha's security forces from Biorganix, had quickly bonded.

Jace turned his attention to everyone else, taking it all in. Camilla and Dorian with Evelyn. Balek and Nadine talking with his mother and Zahra among the Nobles. His Angels with Rachel and Briana chatting along with Gloria and Gabriel who sat together arm in arm. The Mercer Agents mingling amongst each other with the security forces of Sasha. It was extremely warm.

As the cake and ice cream was eaten, and the food all done. Jace was called to the center of the room. The grand chandelier above them with its rectangular metallic fixtures gave off a warm, golden light. He was surrounded by his Angels as well as Briana and Rachel. They gathered together with his mothers; Delilah, Nadine, and Olivia.

Balek was with his sister's family. Gabriel, Gloria, and Zahra were all together among the Mercer Agents and security forces. Before Jace was a basket filled with cards along with the presents awaiting him.

"You didn't have to get me any presents," Jace told them with a sheepish smile, "I have the best gifts I could have ever asked for with me already."

"You big sap," Liana chuckled, playfully hitting his arm before giving his cheek a gentle kiss, "Just shut up and open them already."

Jace chuckled and began to open each letter in order. They were from everyone gathered. He read them out loud so everyone could know what they said. Many of them were well-wishes and happy birthdays. As the letters finished, it was time for the presents.

There weren't many, as it was hard to get gifts for someone who could get anything he wanted in the world now that he was literally at the top of it. However, there were plenty of thoughtful ones, particularly a gift given to him by Briana.

It was a scarf she had knitted for him. A dark blue that seemed to shimmer slightly in the light. He absolutely loved it, giving her a grateful hug and loving kiss, which caused her to swoon slightly as Rachel helped to hold her steady.

"I...wasn't able to get one in time," Rachel told him sullenly, "I promise, I'll get you something..."

"Don't worry, Dove," Jace told her gently, caressing her cheek, "You showing up is my present."

There was plenty of teasing, rolling of eyes, of playful groans at his affectionate display while Rachel blushed happily at his words. Choosing to ignore their remarks, he went on to open several more. One of them from Evelyn was particularly cute.

It was a drawing of him that she had made. It showed him beating up bad guys in a very heroic, albeit childish, way. It had been obviously made with meticulous detail. He could tell the effort she had put into it which only caused him to love it even more.

Jace gave Evelyn a big hug as she ran over to him, asking if he liked it.

"Arthur," Jace called, looking over at the older gentleman, "Please find a good frame for this. I want it protected. Take great care with it."

"Of course, Sir," Arthur smiled and bowed, taking the picture delicately.

He handled it with care and Evelyn beamed as she ran back to her parents. They also had gifted him something, which was an elegant shoulder cloak, much like what he wore during the knighting ceremony. It was a dark, royal blue with golden embroidery. It came complete with a matching outfit.

They explained it was for him to wear as he pleased. It was a lot more casual than his knighting ceremony outfit, with a bit less embellishments, but nonetheless was expertly made and crafted to fit him perfectly. It was like and felt durable.

As the presents wore down, most of them sentimental gifts of little trinkets, the final gift was what looked like a long, rectangular container. As he undid the wrapping, his eyes went wide with surprise. It was a master craft wooden box with roses and vines carved into it with the words: The Sharpest Blade is One We Hold Closest to Our Heart.

" this what I think it is?" Jace inquired, glancing over at him.

Even Liana looked surprised as Balek smiled and shrugged.

"It' old tradition, and it should be given on your wedding day, but..." Balek grew embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck as Nadine gave him a wry, knowing smirk, "Yes, I had it made for you back in my homeland. My sister brought it with her, as it was made by our best Arcanesmiths."

Sliding the lid of the box off revealed an ornate scabbard of the darkest maroon with dark, golden vines that swirled and bloomed into leaves. The tip of the scabbard was adorned with a black metal that seemed to shine slightly green. Adamantine.

What drew Jace's eye, however, was the hilt of the blade. The handle was wrapped with a similar colored cloth as the scabbard in such a way that it looked near seamless. As if it had had fused to the metal of the hilt, but as he ran his fingers along it, he felt the material.

The pommel of the blade looked to be a dark, midnight gem of some kind. As the light hit it, it sparkled like the night sky and reminded Jace of Selene's eyes. That's when he noticed the guard. It was an intricate, swept hilt whose pristine silver metal swirled in such a way that it was hard to follow.

Within this guard were placed several smaller gems of similar color, along with gems of vibrant green with violet hues and deep, red gems that held an orangish pink hue. Reminding him of Liana and Kiera's eyes. They all seemed to be in some sort of pattern as he looked at it and not just randomly placed.

It took Jace a single moment to understand. The guard, in what Jace thought was a complicated design, was in fact a water lily. One of the species of Jace's favorite flower. Or, at least it was an approximation of it as the "leaves" of the guard folded in slightly to better protect the hand.

Each gem was placed in such a way along the leaves, leading to the center, where three small gems, one of each color, were perfectly aligned together.

" beautiful, Balek," Jace marveled at it, "You said this really a magic sword?"

"Aye, that it is," Balek nodded with a wide grin, "I didn't now about those two, or I would have added a few more stones."

"It's alright," Jace reassured him, glancing and Briana and Rachel, "I might be able to do something about that...if what you said was true about this being a magic sword."

Balek chuckled, nodding in understanding as he urged Jace to draw the blade. Looking around, Jace felt suddenly nervous. Jace exhumed the scabbard with the blade from within its box. Holding it in his hands with reverence, Jace took a deep, calming breath.

In one smooth motion, Jace drew the blade. It unsheathed smoothly and without issue. It felt surprising light yet heavy at the same time. The blade was about an inch wide as it tapered to a fine point. The edge of the blade was sharp on the side of his knuckles when he held it, while on the false edge it was only sharp a little over half-way down the blade.

The sheen of the blade itself was silver, but as the light hit it there was an almost blue hue to it. "...Mithril? Seriously, how much did this shit cost?" Jace wondered but didn't deign to ask. This was a gift that Balek had given him, and a fine one at that. There was almost a low thrum when he drew the blade, as if it sung to him.

Closing his eyes, he felt the mana flow through him. He could feel the blade. His sensitivity to mana had already told him what this sword was, but as he expanded his senses and felt the blade with his mana, he knew it. He was one with it, as if it was made for him because it was made for him.

Liana was right. When things are done with intent, they hold great power, and this blade was made with great intent on Balek's part. He smiled, feeling how smooth the flow of mana was. He urged it into the blade, and it flowed as if it were one with him. As if it were a part of him.

There were gasps from among those around him, but he paid them no heed as he concentrated on this sensation. This sword took his mana and assimilated it perfectly. It molded to his whims as he felt each gem within it. He imagined Rachel and Briana, their eyes and the light within them.

From these images, he pulled forth the will of change and the sword listened. As he opened his eyes, the sword was almost alive. Dancing with sparks and thrumming as a thin sheen of electric blue coated its metallic surface. Jace looked down from the blade and smiled.

Upon the hilt were gems of deep gold and sky blue that resonated with the others already there. Within the center were no longer three, but five gems in harmony. Slowly, he released his power, and the blade went back to sleep. Sheathing it, his hands nearly trembled.

"Balek...this," Jace couldn't find the words as he thanked him, "Seriously, this is an amazing gift."

"I'm glad you like it, son," Balek's smile was proud, "I have some other blades on the way for the girls...I'll have to add a few more onto that. It's tradition, after all. Where I'm from, it's said that to settle disputes among married couples, they would fight using these blades."

Jace gulped, feeling a slight fear at all the girls have deadly weapons like this. Glancing at them, they all gave him sly, yet loving glances. Acting completely innocent, but underneath he saw that devilish glint.

"They're one on one duels, yeah?" Jace asked Balek nervously, to which he shrugged.

"Depends on what you did," Balek told him nonchalantly.

"What I did?" Jace looked at him incredulously, "Didn't you say they were used for any disputes?"

"I just said disputes," Balek explained, "Nothing about who caused the dispute."

"Don't worry, love," Liana placed a firm, yet tender hand on his shoulder, "We wouldn't do anything to harm you...much."

"Oh, very reassuring," Jace glared at her, then broke down and chuckled, laughing as the tension in the air suddenly disappeared, "Truly though, I'd hope it wouldn't come to that."

"It's an old tradition now," Liana assured him, "It's mostly ceremonial now, but the blades are effective at self defense. Technically they were given to protect themselves from an abusive partner. Still can be,'re safe in that regard, love."

"Now that is reassuring," Jace let out a heavy sigh, glancing over at his mother with painful eyes and slight remorse, "I...don't want to end up like him."

"If I can't blame myself, neither can you, my dear," his mother told him and a somber atmosphere fell over everyone, "We both did our best, right? We were stubborn won't end up like him. You're my son."

Jace smiled fondly at his mother and nodded.

"You're right, I am your son," Jace then looked towards Balek and Nadine, "As well as yours. Thank you, truly, for everything you've ever given me."

They acknowledged his words with a nod and a smile. His mother beamed brightly at him, her grin lifting the mood as he put the sword away. It was the last present, and he was about to get ready to finish the festivities when he noticed that no one was moving.

There was a lull as the somber atmosphere passed over everyone and a buzz filled the air as if in anticipation. Looking around, he saw Kiera reach for something she had in a pocket within her dress.

"Before we end things...There's one more, Hun," Kiera told him gently and with excitement as she produced a device in her hand, urging him to take it, "Go on. Activate it."

Jace took the device curiously into his hand. It was a small, black box with lines running symmetrically along its surface till it reached a circle on one side. Turning it over, he set it down on the table before him with the circular line face up. Placing his finger on top of it, the circle lit up with a light blue glow that ran along the lines.

Jace removed his finger, his eyes darting around, trying to follow the lines and await what was about to happen. What did happen was something he wasn't expecting. As the device came to life, a hologram erected above it. In it, he saw some faces he recognized and some he didn't, but for those they still felt familiar.

His eyes were illuminated by the colors within the holograms as videos of these faces, these people, played before him. His expression turned from awe and wonder to a teary mess as he became touched at what was before him. Messages of thanks and well-wishes.

They were all from people he had ever helped or saved in his years of running. At least, those they could find. "They" being everyone present. It seemed that Selene had ordered those available of the Mercer Agents to investigate every job Jace ever did.

Not only did Selene have a hand in it, but Camilla and the Nobles had all pitched in. Many of them raised their glasses to him as he thanked them. Some were found last minute with Rachel's help. When he heard this, he looked at her with a touching gaze and hugged her tight.

She blushed and was embarrassed, but gratefully embraced him.

"And you said you didn't get me any present..." he chuckled, laughing lightly through his choked-up words, "Honestly...this was so sweet. You definitely deserve a reward for this."

She blushed even more as she tried to dismiss it, stating that she really didn't know what she was doing when Selene had asked for the information. Especially given how short of a timeframe they had. She didn't know how much help it would be, but it turned out they were able to find a lot, thanks to her.

With the entirety of the Mercer Family working hard on compiling and getting this ready with Kiera's help to speed up the process, everything was finished on time. This was the final and best present that they all gave him.

They had hidden this well from him and was a welcoming surprise. He loved it. He didn't realize how many lives he had truly touched. It was like the entire city had come together to thank him and wish him well. As if the city itself was saying "Thank you for being born".

And for the first time in his life, he truly believed that it was a good thing he was born.


Yes, there are magic weapons and armor in this world. They're rare and/or expensive. I didn't really go into them because of that. Thank you for your understanding.