Chapter 194: Days go On (END)
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Chapter 194:

Days Go On

The dullness of the after festivities was only compensated by the fact Jace was with his wives. "Heh...wives..." It was a surreal concept, but a fact that was irrefutable. They were radiant. They were his. He was theirs.

He was able to get through the pleasantries of greeting each guest that came out of obligation. Those from the corporate and professional world. Government dignitaries, corporate representatives, and celebrities Jace had only ever really seen in advertisements and television.

Of course, Jace couldn't care less about any of them. Those that he did care about, were those that he had personally met. The one's he had saved. They greeted him politely, almost shy in their approach. Well, aside from Mr. Chen.

Jace was glad to see he didn't change towards him despite Jace's higher position now. He was friendly, clapping him on the back and congratulating him. He told some stories about Jace as a kid when he came around the store. It was heartwarming and embarrassing.

Liana was glad to see him as well. Thanking him for coming before Mr. Chen and his family left to enjoy the food that had been prepared. Circular tables were arranged before a long, rectangular table where Jace and his family sat. This included Rachel, Briana, and Zahra. As well as Gabriel and Gloria, who were best friends and practically sisters of Briana and Selene.

White cloth covered the tables with flower decorations and plates. Waiters served the people any food they wanted. It was eat your fill and drink to your hearts content...within reason. Jace knew that while he could have restricted or outright banned alcohol, he knew that it wouldn't be right.

People wanted to celebrate. He wouldn't deny them that. Though, they were warned not to overindulge. He wouldn't tolerate any drunk behavior. He, himself, did have a single glass of champagne again...this time, however, he was prepared.

While he held a faint buzz, he was more in control this time than before, but he still found himself staring in amazement at his wives. They were just so beautiful and amazing. Strong women who, for some reason, loved him. He couldn't have been happier, giggling slightly to himself.

He only had the one glass when they had made a toast before everyone began eating. His wives looked at him in wary anticipation. He couldn't blame them after the last time, but he was fine. The rest of the day he drank juice or water.

The food was amazing, and the conversation with his wives were good. Rachel and Briana were getting along, and he greeted them. He wasn't afraid to show them affection. Even his wives interacted with them, shooting down any unwanted looks of judgement. These mainly came from the corporate and professional guests.

Before Jace knew it, the day was over. Everything was done, and he was heading home...with Rachel as well. You see, in the past few months, a lot had changed. Not only did they, for all intents and purposes, bring Nadine back to life, but had grown with their relationship.

Rachel had grown close with Briana, sharing many interests. Something in Briana's eyes when she looked at Jace also told him that she had awakened to something that resonated with Rachel. It didn't take long before he discovered that Briana had some merch of his that Rachel had created. So, it didn't take a genius to understand that one of those shared interests was Jace.

Not wanting to keep her isolated, Jace inquired about moving Rachel in with them. They had the space. So many rooms in the penthouse that it still felt empty, despite how much bigger their family had become. This was agreed upon almost unanimously.

Even his mothers agreed. Excited to have her there and to share many stories about him from when he was a child. This, of course, was incredibly embarrassing, but endearing. Seeing them all get along was the best thing Jace could have ever hoped for.

What was more, is that Balek had come to live with them. After Nadine was restored, their reunion had taken place. The tears that man cried as he hugged her close could make a lake. He was a blubbering mess, but Jace could hardly blame him. Husband and wife, finally reunited for real.

This was also accompanied by something that Jace had expected but was still a little weird. His mother, Delilah, joined in their relationship. She loved Nadine, always had. The same could be said for Nadine. Balek cared about the both of them, and while he held no romantic feelings for Delilah, he loved her nonetheless. Caring about her wellbeing.

Jace and Liana had definitely expected it, considering their past history. However, because of their own relationship, this did take a little getting used to. Balek and Delilah were more like best friends while Nadine was her lover. This didn't bother Balek one bit, just happy to see them both smiling and alive.

Olivia, for her part, was friends with them all. They were supportive of her and helped her deal with a lot of the trauma around relationships for her. She was afraid of trying again. They told her to just take her time. She didn't need a relationship.

She agreed with them. Stating she simply wanted to spend time with her daughter. She felt like she was finally a part of a family for once. Jace understood what she felt. After all, this is what family should be. Loving and supportive.

Sure, there may be arguments, but if you were able to talk it out in the end and apologize to each other, that's what mattered. They genuinely cared for each other. Their home became warm and pleasant. A peaceful, relaxing life that would last for quite some time.


Chaos erupted throughout the entire penthouse a couple months later. Jace rushed in a disarray, his mind racing as he tried to recall what he needed to grab. Meanwhile, his wives were just looking on in amusement as they were rushed out into the awaiting medical vehicle.

He scrambled to catch up, jumping into the back with them, carrying several bags. Everything just seemed to fly by. From arriving at the hospital to being rushed into labor. He stayed with them every step of the way.

Holding their hands. Breathing with them. He watched as life was born. Twins with Selene, boy and girl. A daughter with Kiera. A son with Liana.

Their cries filled Jace's world. They were so tiny. Little Half-Elven children. His children. Though, they did seem to take a bit more of their elven side, their ears a bit longer than typical Half-Elves, yet not as long as Elves.

He was lost in the wonder and joy. An awe that took ahold of him as his wives looked on with pleasant smiles. They too were happy to meet their children. Holding them in their arms. Cradling them lovingly.

He caressed their soft skin gently with affection. He could hardly believe they were his. They were so cute. The twins had silvery blonde hair. Their eyes, when opened, shone blue with inner flecks of violet and green like stars in the night. Skin like their mother, if only a little lighter.

His daughter with Kiera had a head full of strawberry blonde hair, with more red than not. Their eyes shone fiercely in from a surprisingly calm face. There was a keen intelligence that he saw in them. Those amethyst gems.

Her creamlike skin was healthy with a bit of rosiness in her cheeks. She looked around curiously, her eyes darting around at everything. He knew she took after her mother, though Kiera believed she was more like him.

Then, there was his son with Liana. So tiny and precious. She held him carefully, swathed in a grey blanket. His peachlike skin looked so soft, and it was to the touch. He giggled happily as Jace playfully poked his cheek. His tiny hand wrapping around Jace's single finger.

This act alone was enough to melt Jace's heart. Vibrant green eyes with an inner circle of blue looked up at Jace with a smile. How could Jace handle their cuteness? He was overloaded and completely taken with them.

"Looks like daddy is at his limit," Liana teased to the little guy, "He's like that. He's a bit silly, but kind."

Jace chuckled as each of them introduced the babies to him. Seeing them all together like they were, in one large room of the hospital, Jace felt complete. However, next came the difficult part. Naming.

For the twins, they settled on Luna and Sebastian. For his daughter with Kiera, they settled on Lilah. For his son with Liana, they had settled on Lucien. A lot of names starting with L, but that's how it ended up. They laughed about it, but it was all in good nature.

The Ward Family was growing. They had all taken Jace's last name. Which, as it turned out, was his mother's maiden name. Somehow, she had convinced that bastard that was his father to take her last name. He didn't know how she managed it, but he was grateful.

He'd rather not have had that man's name taint their new family. Which is why when Jace found out from his mother, after having a crisis about it, he was more relieved to use it.

Luna Ward. Sebastian Ward. Lilah Ward. Lucien Ward.

His children. Their children.

Selene Ward. Kiera Ward. Liana Ward.

His wives. Their family.


"Oh. My. Gods!" Briana exclaimed in pure delight, "Look at them! They're so tiny!"

She squealed over the babies, holding Lucien to her.

"He looks like Jace!" She cried, playing with his cheeks.

"D-Does he?" Jace chuckled, "I think he looks more like his mother, but..."

"Nonsense," Liana chimed in, "He's definitely as cute as you."

"Pfft, please," Jace smiled, wrapping an arm around Briana and looking over her shoulder as his son, "He's much cuter."

"Hmm, I don't know..." Briana thought, looking up at him with love in her eyes, "You're really cute, Jace."

Jace felt his face become warm as he blushed. Rolling his eyes, he played with his son, his hand tickling his chest. He giggled, laughing and grabbing at Jace's fingers.

They had finally all arrived home. The baby room was set up. They would all share a room at first. The nursery had been prepared. When they grew up, they would each have their own room, but for now they'd have to share.

Gabriel and Gloria admired the twins and Lilah. Selene and Kiera proudly showing them off. It was the first time Jace saw Gabriel so unguarded as she played with Sebastian. He had hold of her finger and wasn't letting go. They would make great Aunts.

Turning to his mother, she smiled lovingly. She was just in complete awe. Her eyes were watery and Jace knew what she wanted.

"Alright, babies over here," Jace called, addressing everyone.

"Y-You don't have to do that," his mother stated, acting coy, "I can wait..."

Jace gave his mother a disbelieving look and the girls, one by one, brought the babies over for her to admire. She took each one of them in her arms. Holding them gently.

"Hey, little ones," she greeted, "I'm your grandma. Though...still a bit young, but hey! Your father was busy."

"Mother!" Jace exclaimed, with everyone laughing.

It was at this point that Jace saw something which tore at and warmed his heart. Selene was placing Luna carefully in Olivia's arms. She looked so shocked and unsure as she held her. It was awkward, but Jace could see how anxious she was.

This was the first time she held a baby in years. Only ever allowed to hold Selene a handful of times. This was a meaningful moment for them. He watched as Olivia grew surprised and happy as Luna reacted to her. Giggling and laughing.

Selene laughed warmly, helping her mother with Luna. Olivia was so excited. She looked like a natural despite her awkwardness.

Soon, Balek and Nadine also got to meet their grandchildren. Balek, as usual, was a complete mess. Nadine refused to hand off Lucien to him until he wiped and cleaned his face. Balek's puppy dog eyes made Jace realize just where Liana got it from.

"Hey, love," Liana rested her head against his shoulder, "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, hey, dear," Jace greeted her, noticing that his newfound wives had gathered around him.

Kiera took his other shoulder, while Selene wrapped her arms around him from behind, holding him close.

"I'm just thinking," Jace told them, "Our family has truly grown. It's like everything we went through is a distant memory. Like it never happened. I mean, look at them."

He motioned to the people before them. Rachel and Briana were with Delilah, marveling at Sebastian and Lilah. Balek and Nadine dotted over Lucien. Gabriel and Gloria crowded Olivia to get a better look at Luna.

All of them had smiles on their faces. As if their scars never existed. As if this is as it always had been. They each had helped forge new bonds and a history to outshine their past. A life to look forward to rather than one to run away from.

This was where they belonged.

"Yeah," Selene whispered lovingly, her hold on him tightening, "It's a wonderful sight, isn't it?"

"Mhm," Liana agreed with a nod, wrapping her arms around Jace's, "This is where I belong."

"Me too..." Kiera agreed shyly, taking his other arm in his, "This is where you belong, Hun."

" is," Jace felt a weight leave his chest, "It's where we all belong. What we all deserve, and I'll protect it till the end."

The people before them all looked in their direction. Smiles that outshone the sun on their faces. Beckoning them to rejoin them, and as they did, they all had the same thought.

Yeah, this was their life, and they would definitely protect it. Woe to any who thought they could harm that which defended Neo City.

The Ward Family has risen, and they would not fall.


Yes, this is the end of the series and this story. At least for now. I hope it didn't feel rushed or dragged on too long. I'm still learning pacing.

I'm unsure if I will revisit this story or series later, but for now it has come to an end. There's not a lot more left to say. Jace goes on to live with the girls and find love in a few more places, as hinted at in the previous chapter. Here's a little synopsis for you if you're interested, with some spoilers.


Briana and Rachel both end up marrying Jace later in life. Their household grows and they live happily together. Neo City becomes the true utopia it was meant to be under the guidance of Jace and his Angels, of which all lovers of Jace became known as to the people.

Nadine continues to live with Balek, given a second chance thanks to combined efforts. Delilah becomes healthier than ever before. Balek becomes a father once more as Nadine gives birth again to another daughter. No one expected her new body to be able to, but Selene had outdone herself with her Re-Write ability.

Sasha and Leslie eventually grow closer with Jace in the years to come. Sasha is a very strict soldier, but is a hopeless romantic. Loving little gifts like chocolates and flowers. Leslie is a bit more independent, but nonetheless is swept off her feet as Jace works closely with South Canal to better improve their way of life. She comes to fall for his genuine nature. The Drowned have truly found their hope.

The Stacks receive better health improvements. Specifically, better airflow through the duct systems. Zahra leads the Vixens into new prosperity and with Jace's backing, is able to broker a better peace between them and the Renegades. Not without some bloodshed on the Renegades side, for those too stubborn to work together.

The Nobles eventually become more legit. Turning away from their gang affiliation and becoming more like a neighborhood watch, but with more power under Jace's guidance. Balek takes a little bit more hands on approach with them as well, coming out of retirement to make sure that the future is bright for his kids.

St.Claire Industries and Empyrean eventually merge to create Olympus. Jace thought the name was amusing, considering its origins. In this way, the Ward Family becomes the protectors of Neo City, and a powerhouse throughout the world.


Thank you as always for reading and making it this far with me. I hope you enjoyed it, or even bits of it. I'm always learning and trying my best. ^_^

I will most likely be taking a break for a while as I gather myself and attempt to finally work on other stories that I've been teasing for a while now. Just be on the lookout for anything new, as I'm a bit all over when it comes to when I post. So, I may have something new soon or in a while. Who knows, but I hope you look forward to it!

Till then, stay well! Love your faces, and I will see you in the next one!

P.S. If you're willing to share, I'd love to hear who your favorite character(s) was/were in the story. No pressure! Just been a while since I did the poll from before, and some characters have been added or expanded on. Thought I'd ask instead of doing another poll. ^_^