Chapter 8: Dream of the Butterfly VI
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Content warning, this chapter contains sexual and physical abuse. So read at your own risk


The corridor was finally completed, creating a section similar to a prison. It was a cave system dug into a mountain and adapted to be minimally habitable. The bars in each cell had a large amount of rust but remained sturdy for some strange reason.

Each cell contained about 5 people, all of the different ages, from little kids to elders, and all races, from elves, beast tribes, humans, dwarves, and all the variety of humanoids you could think of. The different people locked in each one of them implied that, although the place was still in use, it was abandoned in more ways than one. All this gave it a gloomier appearance, added to the spider webs that adorned the walls and part of the ceiling, the smell of urine, feces, death, and the emaciated appearance of most of the residents.

Every one of them wore an expression that only a corpse could make, with their cloudy eyes devoid of all light, the thinness of their bodies, in which you could see their bones sticking to their skin, and the multiple scars adorning every inch of their bodies.

At the end of this section, there was a wooden door, the only thing that seemed stable enough and has been maintained. Reilan and Reilanis walked to the door and stood in front of it, just looking at it. Reilanis began to breathe deeply, doing her best to calm her pounding heart. Her grip on her hand tightened, and her mate did the same, to remind her that he was still there.

The girl took one last breath, closing her eyes before opening her mouth, just to say a few words to her "older brother" whom she had accepted like this in her heart.

“Reilan… once we get in here… - the girl whispered. Her voice was low and had a certain tone of fear in it. Reilan gently squeezed her hand, urging her to continue. – The things you will see may… no, they will definitely be horrible. So… c-could you please not let go of my hand?”

Reilan was surprised at her partner's request. He had no intention of letting go of her at any time, but her asking for it made him realize that whatever they saw behind that door was something really serious.

"I promise."

Reilanis saw the serious expression on her partner and with that, she made up her mind to open the door.




The place was relatively spacious. Near the wall to the left of the doorway were a couple of shelves with drawers. In the middle, there was a chair and a small table, with a bucket presumably with water, and a little further to the right a small cabinet with 2 drawers.

Reilanis was sat in a corner of the great room, a black leather collar tightening around her neck, magical runes carved along the surface of it. She was dressed in simple rags reminiscent of the sackcloth she used to wear when she was younger.

The girl was hugging her knees in the corner, her gaze lost and her body battered. There were some cuts, bruises, and scrapes on her arms and legs. Her face was the only place that remained relatively untouched. If it wasn't for the slight movement in her chest as she breathed, she would pass for a corpse left to rot.

A metallic sound echoed in the room. A door at the far end opened slowly and a slim woman, dressed in clothes similar to a nun's habit, entered, looking directly at the young Reilanis. She wore a happy smile on her face and seemed to be in the best mood possible. She closed the door behind her and locked it, and with a joyful rhythm, walked to the corner where Reilanis was lying.

“Ah my little girl, what a great day it is today. The Viranashia has granted me happiness on this beautiful day and I have come to share such joy with you.”

Reilanis shuddered upon hearing those words. She knew what her good mood and the mention of the “Viranashia" meant, but she still chose to lie on the ground, hoping that the nun-like woman would think she was unconscious or dead.

“Oh my, not even a reaction. Hmm, maybe I should… GIVE YOU SOME MOTIVATION!”


The nun, who changed her sweet smile to a sadistic expression, kicked Reilanis with all her might on the back. As the girl moved in pain, she continued her attack on her ribs, stomach, legs, butt, and arms. The sound echoed through the room like a percussion instrument beating out the music from hell. Each blow was aimed at a sensitive spot on her body, inflicting as much pain as possible, but carefully avoiding her face. After all, even if there were potions and magic capable of healing wounds and erasing scars, damaging the face of a "high-quality product" like Reilanis would lower her market price.

After a while of giving her “motivation”, the nun stopped, gasping for breath, leaving the Oni girl coughing up blood, and staining the place where she had been thrown.

“Tch. You should be grateful for the blessings I offer you every day. – The woman snapped, giving Reilanis a contemptuous look, and then, as quickly as she changed before, returned to her sweet smile. – Come on, we should start with our training routine, what do you think?”

The woman took a piece of cloth from the small nearby cabinet where the bucket of water was also. She dipped the cloth into the water, then crouched down next to Reilanis, and wiped her mouth, face, and hands, removing the traces of blood that had spattered her skin. After finishing, she took her hands and helped her slowly get up from the ground. Reilanis no longer had the strength to resist, and she let herself be guided by the woman who had become her worst nightmare.

She was led to the wooden chair near the center of the room. The nun let go of her hand and motioned for her to wait. She walked over to another shelf with several drawers and picked up a pair of items. The first was one of those short whips that riders use to train horses and the other was a leash.

The nun returned to the chair, she hooked the leash to the collar that tightened around Reilanis's neck and then stroked her hair with a cute smile, one you would give a pet when you want to take it for a walk.


And as if she was just treating her as such, she gave her an order as if she were a dog, to which Reilanis immediately obeyed, sitting on her legs on the ground, resigned to whatever was going to happen.

"Good girl."

In a cheerful tone, the nun praises the girl, then she moved away from her a bit and began to undress, revealing her naked body under her habit. She folded her clothes and placed them on the table along with her veil, revealing short bluish hair. Without the slightest embarrassed reaction, she fastened the leash keeping it steady in her right hand, she sat on the chair and took her whip in her left hand.

"Now, - she ordered in her cheerful tone, spreading her legs wide. - Eat"

Reilanis hesitated a bit, but when the woman flicked the whip in her hand a little, she rushed forward. Slowly she brought her face closer to the woman's crotch, a sour smell assaulted her nose, a combination of sweat, stale urine, and some kind of disgusting secretion coming from her body. Reilanis was sure that this woman hadn't taken a bath for several days, or even tried to cleanse her body in any way and she knew she had done it on purpose. Such a smell made her nauseous every time, but she couldn't afford to react or the previous situation would repeat itself.

With no choice, Reilanis put her mouth on the nun's dirty pussy, gently kissing her lower lips. Far from the meager amount of hairs stuck to her mouth, added to the bitter taste of the disgusting crotch and the smell that came from her, made her stomach turn, but she had no choice but to continue.

“Oh! That’s it, very good.”

Soft moans and gasps came from her mouth. Reilanis wasn't good at all, and in the months, she'd been forced into this disgusting routine, she hadn't gotten any better. But the nun was relatively easy to please and extremely sensitive, so the Oni girl didn't need much to please her.

Reilanis knew that the faster she made her come, the faster she would get this over with. She added her tongue to it and began to lick gently up and down, sometimes gently kissing the small nub that hardened at her delicate touch. The taste of her was just disgusting, and swallowing even a little of it made her grimace and want to throw up, but she had to bear it, she couldn't afford to offend her at the moment.

“Haaafu, keep it up, go more…ungh…faster.”

At her command, Reilanis quickened the movement of her tongue, traveling down each fold, sometimes even penetrating her cunt, wet from both the love juices and the Oni's saliva.

Reilanis thought that maybe if she used her hands to support her, she could speed up a little more, but as soon as she placed her hands on the nun's thighs a sharp pain shot up her back.

"What do you think you're doing!? – The woman shouted furiously, pulling the leash attached to Reilanis's neck, choking her. - Who permitted you to touch me with your filthy hands!?”

The woman stood up in anger, pulling so hard on the leash that she lifted Reilanis off the ground, further compressing her neck. Then with her whip in her hand, started whipping her arms, back, and sides. In her outburst, she yanked the leash again, knocking Reilanis to the ground, but keeping the pressure, causing her head to snap up. She ripped away the cloth covering the girl's body, revealing her back, completely covered in scars old and new. All of her markings ranged from the base of her neck to her buttcheeks. Large and small, long and short. Some seemed to be made by the same whip that was hitting her as she struggled to breathe, and others seemed to be made by knives, swords, or spears.

“Do you think that a lesser being like you has the right to lay hands on my immaculate body!? You should know by now that I only allow you to do this so that I can purify you! Oh, but you thought that by allowing you to enjoy me you could take advantage of it, didn't you? You couldn't stand my sweet taste, right?"

She wasn't wrong that Reilanis couldn't stand the taste of her, to the point that she was close to throwing up every time she forced her to do so. But, of course, the woman was so crazy and so full of herself that she would never come to that conclusion.

With her body exposed from her, the nun used the whip on the Oni girl's back, creating new wounds and reopening the old ones. The sound of the blows, combined with guttural cries from Reilanis's clogged throat, created a symphony of pain that would make any sane person cover their ears and run from the place.

When the nun finally got tired of hitting, she gave the girl's body one last kick, then released the leash, leaving Reilanis coughing violently, searching for the precious air that she had been deprived of. Shortly after, from the force of the choking, the pain, and her cough, she began to vomit.

The nun gave her a look of revulsion, almost regaining her earlier anger at her and the desire to keep hitting her. But luckily for Reilanis, she didn't continue.

She took back the rag she used before, soaking it in the water from the bucket, and began to wipe the mouth of the girl on the ground who was gasping harshly for air. The wounds on her back were bleeding quite a bit, so she used a spell just to stop the bleeding and then cleaned it up. The pain wouldn't go away, but at least she wouldn't be tainted anymore.

The nun regained her sweet smile and cheerful attitude, looking at Reilanis who was suffering on the ground with tears rolling down her cheeks. Her thoughts in her mind were filled with a kindness that hid the sheer hypocrisy of her actions. She wished to "save" this girl, by teaching her the arts of a courtesan, so that humans could "purify" her with her seed and be cleansed of the sin of being born into an inferior race. Ah, how she wished she could find a way to turn her back into a human so she could experience the glory of Viranashia, the goddess she worshiped.

The nun, a devout believer in the goddess Viranashia, believed with all her heart that other races were once human and that by sinning they were punished and turned into these inferior races. Just as their scriptures dictated, they had to be "purified" with the purest act, the creation of life. They have to plant the human seed in their bodies so that they would return to being human once more in their deaths, and that their children could live what their parents could not, being pure and free from their sins.

A truly insane religion, created by lustful men who needed an excuse to rape women of other races. But, since in the human world it was frowned upon to even interact with those since ancient times, they had to create a way, to unleash their lustful desires.

In itself, this religion, with a false goddess, had been almost eradicated several years ago. But there were still some devotees who had been too fanatical and still taught that false creed.

The nun recovered from her rambling when she noticed Reilanis catch her breath.

“Well, let's forget about that little slip. I am sure that Viranashia will forgive your actions.”

The woman again helped the girl to her feet, once again wiping her face from the tears that stained it, and guided her closer to the chair.

"Despite what you just did, you've been really good lately, so today I brought you a present."

The nun walked to the door she had entered before, opening it and calling out to someone outside. A girl, similar in age to Reilanis, with fair skin and black hair, entered the room, wearing what could only be called strips of cloth mimicking some sort of maid's clothing. A black and white bra and panties that barely covered her body. She carried the same set of clothes in her hands and handed them directly to Reilanis.

“This is my gift to you, for being a good girl lately. – She explained with a wide smile. Although her eyes denoted a feeling of pure sadism in them. – tonight, will be your… first test. So, get dressed, the customers are waiting.”

One of her biggest fears since she got to that place and started all this "training" had come true. They would turn her into some kind of prostitute. The young Oni looked from her to the girl who handed her the clothes, her face was practically frozen in a neutral expression, her eyes devoid of light. She looked completely unfazed, or rather, she looked like some kind of emotionless doll. Her heart sank, was this the fate that awaited her if she stayed in this place longer? Was this the ultimate goal of that witch who forced her to devour her disgusting crotch every day? Reilanis no longer knew what to think or believe. She was fed up with everything, but her collar, which acted as her slave seal, prevented her from harming her captors or herself.

She had no way of escape. The strength she once had dwindled and the embers of her hope for being rescued were fading fast. She had gotten to the point where every day and every night she questioned…no, she cursed herself for leaving her hometown. "If only I had never gone out, if I had listened to Mika that day and stayed with her... maybe... things would have gotten better somehow." She wanted to cry right at that moment, to fall to the ground and scream curses at whatever god was to blame for her situation. But she knew that if she broke right now it meant that this devious nun had achieved her goal, that she would have been broken into nothing more than a puppet. One that was only moved by the carnal desire of men and women. The remaining pride she still had in her would not allow such a thing. If she was ever given the chance she would attack, even if it meant her death. That was the only reason Reilanis hadn't completely broken yet.

Under the nun's watchful gaze, Reilanis donned her revealing clothing and stood, awaiting the verdict of her living nightmare.

“It suits you very well. Your beautiful breasts, although small, stand out very well, and your soft and round butt will attract the gaze and desire of many. I certainly hope a good night for you, my girl.”

The nun flattered her figure, bringing nothing but revulsion, which she tried hard not to show on her face. Shame assaulted her, marking her face in a reddish tone than her skin, and with awkward movements of her legs and arms, doubting how to cover herself.

The woman enjoyed watching her squirm in front of her. Warm fluids ran through her crotch, and the desire to force the Oni to devour her until she reached the glow of relief lingered in her body, increased by the fact that she couldn't finish because of the mistake made by the girl. But she decided to bear it. Mr. Gallard had ordered her to bring her to "tend" to his boys, and she couldn't afford to offend him, after all, he was the one who financed the remains of his church in exchange for training his slaves in their arts of pleasure. The nun sighed and walked over to the Oni, taking the leash she hung around her neck.

"Come on little one, you’ll have a very busy night."


Well, this is the first of 3 hard chapters in this type of content. Yes, Reilanis's trauma is not just any nonsense, it is fucked up and it is also to show that this world is not one bit better than ours when it comes to human trafficking and false cults. Although this chapter is quite "soft", it is the one that introduces us to the worst moment in the life of our protagonist. The next one, well, yes, it will be much worse. Notice from now on to prepare mentally for it. I'm not proud of what I'm putting her through, but it's necessary.

The next thing is that I was wrong in the note of the previous chapter, the extra of Miriam and Vistelia was the first of two, and on Friday I realized that I had not mentioned anything about the POV of Elisa and Neminah. I'll bring that other chapter right after I'm done with this part of Reilanis's memory, so look forward to that one, because I want to reveal a couple of things in there, as well as use it to enhance the mood of this part.

Finally, we are close to both 10k viewers and 10 episodes so I was thinking of doing something special. For that reason, I thought I'd ask you about what you'd like me to do. Comment your opinions and for the next chapter, I will make a poll to decide.
With that said, I bid you farewell! *flies away*