a little notice
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Hi everyone, I'm going to be quick and get straight to the point. There will be no chapter today. This is due to multiple things, among which is the fact that I have not been able to finish writing it. I've tried, but when I get to a certain point, I end up hating how it's going and have to delete it and start over. I've already had to do it 3 times and each time it ends worse. I'm not satisfied with it as it turns out and before making the same mistake as with the first chapter and delivering something badly done, I prefer to delay it and take the time to do it right, especially at this moment that is so important. The other reason is that I am also working on the second extra chapter and on the special that I mentioned that I wanted to do, added to the other story that I was planning to publish at the beginning of the second quarter of next year and that now I am going to delay its release due to I don't think I'm ready to carry 2 stories at the same time for that date. I will take the next few days to work on this chapter and deliver something good, hoping it will be finished by next week. I apologize for this, I didn't expect to start having schedule problems so early, but I guess it's because I'm still a newbie. For now, I'll keep working hard to deliver something of quality.

That's all for now, hopefully, everything will be back to normal next week!