The future of this story.
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Hello everyone, it's been a while, hasn't it?

The situation is that, a couple of weeks ago, more precisely at the beginning of July, I started to feel better. Yes, enough to think about coming back. I was even so well that I had made a lot of progress in my other story. But, as always, things never work out the way you want them to.

Just this week things went pretty bad. I'm feeling even worse than I did at the beginning.

To get right to the point, what I have is Polycythemia. What is it? Well, that is literally that I have too much blood in my body. More specifically, I have too many blood cells per milliliter. On a blood test, a normal person would have a count of 17, mine is over 24, which is very, very bad. It is treatable, not so worrisome, except that this is the second time it has happened to me in a period of less than 3 years. Mid-2020 was the first time it happened to me, right during the pandemic, when they canceled many medical appointments to have more staff attend to those affected. Because of that, I had an important appointment with a hematologist canceled, and by the time I was able to reschedule, I was left without insurance.

Anyway, the situation is quite complicated at the moment.

I am a very depressive person, I’m anxious, and... well, I get scared easily, especially with things related to my health. This whole situation has me worried enough to not know what to do, especially when you are the kind of person who goes online to look up details about what I have, and among the things that come up it tells you that polycythemia can escalate or be caused by Leukemia… I imagine you can see why I feel this way.

As I just said, I have reached the point where I don't know what to do. Due to various circumstances, I am currently unable to get health insurance. I’ve been looking for ways to get better, I’ve been exercising more, drinking more water, eating healthier, among other things. But it seems like it's just putting a patch on a leak that won't stop.

I decided to make this announcement because I said at the beginning that I expected this to pass in 2 months, which is now over and doesn’t look like it will end anytime soon.

That's why I'm now going to put the story on indefinite hiatus until I've found a solution.

This is something that breaks my heart to do. To be honest I was very excited about this project. I was very close to a year into it. And even though I had noticed that the numbers were going pretty low, I was continuing because I liked where my story was going. I even considered, when I finished this first arc, re-edit it little by little so that it would look much better. Unfortunately, all that positivity went to hell.

I'm still writing these days, but only about my other story, and... well, just because trying to keep up with Reilanis and his family somehow depresses me, knowing that I'm on the verge of abandoning everything just because I don't know how to solve my problems. And it hurts me to think how mentally weak I am at the moment.

Well, this became more of a way to vent my thoughts and worries. The important thing is, the story goes into an indefinite hiatus, and… there is a possibility, though I hope not, that I may end up canceling the whole thing. My priorities at the moment are to see how to get treatment for what I have and to seek psychological help.

I... I guess that's all I had to say. From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to all of you. I just wanted to write a story and share it. As bad as it was, that's all I wanted to do. In the end, it became just another page in the bullshit story that is my own life. You try something, and when everything seems to go right, something always comes along that ruins everything.

I guess that's about it. Hope to see you soon. I really hope so.