Chapter 015
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Markus doesn't know how long he's been sitting in the shadow of a tree, watching the clouds slowly roll across the distant sky. A light breeze is gently rustling the leaves and swaying the grass around him. From the cliff overlook, the peaceful view of this new world was having a calming effect on him.

The fairies are sitting nearby, relaxing in the shade too. They were both worried when Markus stopped reacting, and simply sat down in his current spot. He didn't even bother taking off his backpack or picking up his weapon. The fairies discussed what to do, but eventually agreed to let Markus take his time. Now they were just waiting for any sign.

Deep in his thoughts, Markus now knows how bad his situation is. Alone on a foreign world, with strange magics and dangerous creatures. However, he realizes he can't save himself if nothing is done. There's a quick glance to the rifle still on the ground in front of him, and another glance to Montillo in the distance. No other choice exists, he must go on.

Gathering himself mentally, Markus finally stands up to meet the challenge of finding a way home. Eclair notices him first, and shakes Aurora for her attention. The fairies watch him move again, walking toward his dropped rifle. As he picks the rifle from the ground, the girls launch themselves into the air to greet him.

“Is everything okay?” Eclair asks, with concern filled in her voice.

“Eclair. Leave it alone.” Says Aurora right after. She has a good hunch what Markus' feelings were at the moment.

Markus stands silent for a few moments, looking down as he takes the time to wipe away dirt from his rifle. He then says “I'm feeling better. I was just a little.. shocked to find out I'm really on a different world. It takes time to process that. Realizing you're all alone... far away from everyone and everything you know.”

Both fairies stay quiet. It's obvious now why he reacted in such a way at the moons above. Anyone else in his predicament would have done the same. They had wrongly assumed he knew the truth.

“So... what do you call your home? This world I mean.” Markus says softly. He finishes cleaning off the dirt from the rifle, and grips it again with both hands.

“Noverra. We call our world Noverra.” Aurora replies. “And your home is called Earth. Right?”

Markus nods yes. “Well... nothing I can do now except keep going.” He says with a smile on his face. “I just need to find a way back home is all.”

Eclair and Aurora are visibly impressed by Markus' words. They can't help feeling a new found respect for the outsider, making it seem like the journey home will be a simple task. Maybe he will actually do it.

Markus motions with his head toward the woods that he's ready to continue the trek to Montillo. The fairies nod to confirm, with a sense of relief the group is whole again. Taking off into the forest, Aurora is already studying the next path they will take. Eclair and Markus follow right behind her, slowly disappearing further into the trees.

As the group moves away from the cliff overlook, Markus speaks out saying “Before we go to Montillo, I want to head back to the cave where the portal I walked through is.”

“Why!? That's the opposite direction. We need to head to Montillo!” Eclair yells out. Markus and Aurora are surprised at her response.

“She's not wrong. Why do you want to go back? Jonathan said the gateway is shut. You'll only find the cave and the old dwarven ruins inside.” Aurora says, returning to discuss the plan with the other two.

“I just want to make sure nobody came back for me.” Markus says to the fairies. He goes on explaining “No one else knows, but I had help from a friend named Dan. On Earth, the portal was ground level against a rock cliff. It had no markings or anything. We only found it because we were throwing rocks against it. Some simply vanished instead of bouncing off the rock wall.”

Aurora and Eclair look at each other. Both have now become very interested in Markus' story.

Markus continues “He stayed on the other side of the portal when I came through. In case anything happened we marked our maps, got coordinates, and even spray painted an outline on the rock. If he got help, he knows the way back.”

“Alright, lets go take a look. We can camp inside the stone cabin in the cave since it should be empty now. We can head out tomorrow morning for Montillo from there.” Aurora says to the group. She turns her body and starts leading the way.

Eclair lets out a sigh and says “Fine. Let's go.”

The group then travels east, eventually connecting with the same trail Markus had walked the night before. The path makes the journey much easier for everyone, showing a direct way back to the cave. They make good time, arriving at the cavern entrance just as the sun was starting to set into the distance.

As the group passes through the cave entrance, the fairies see the remains of the giant spider. Markus walks over to the corpse without fear. The girls, however, cautiously hover behind him. The spider was still very dead, and looking around, he sees no evidence of Versa the bat-woman. A glance in front shows the broken stone guardian standing silently.

Markus now starts heading to the stone cabin at the right portion of the cave with the fairies right behind him. When he get nears the building, he can tell it has no occupants. The wooden tables outside are now clear of any vials or plants. The fire pit hasn't been used recently, and peering inside the windows shows nobody inside.

The wooden door is locked. Jiggling the nob is no good, and Markus decides to kick in the door. As his foot is raised for the kick, Aurora suddenly yells out.

“Hey! Don't do that! It's rude.” Aurora says with a chastising tone. “This building was built for travelers and hunters a long time ago. It's a communal building, so don't bust it up. The lock is probably just stuck.”

Markus slowly brings his foot back on the ground. He then sees Aurora lift higher into the air and fly towards the cabin chimney. Eclair stays next to him as she watches with curiosity too.

“Watch this.” Aurora yells out, spinning her metal spear in both hands. She swiftly disappears inside the chimney, and emerges within the cabin. She's covered in soot, but makes it to the door easily. A couple of twist and turns with her spear pries open the stuck lock.

“That's useful.” Markus says as he opens the wooden door. Inside the stone cabin, there is little furnishing. Some simple wood chairs and table in the corner. A bed made of stone at the back wall, and a wood mantle and stone fireplace to the left.

Eclair is trying very hard not to smile at Aurora. She's covered in soot all over, and her face has black streaks. Aurora tries brushing off what she can, but it helps only a little.

“Don't laugh. This isn't even the dirtiest I've gotten. The stories I could tell you from my scouting days.” Aurora says to Eclair, as she notices her futile attempts not to smile.

Markus drops off his backpack inside the cabin, and says to the fairies “Have a look around, I'm going to the portal now. I'll be right back.”

The angle-head flashlight on the vest of Markus is flipped on. Turning around, he grips the rifle close to his body as he walks away from the stone cabin. The fairies watch as Markus eventually vanishes into the corridor at the opposite end.

The fairies do as told, exploring the cabin to kill time. The cavern is starting to turn dark as the sunlight fades away. At this point, the flashlight of Markus starts to return from the corridor. In short time, he makes it back to the cabin to meet up with the fairies.

“So did you find anything?” Eclair asks when Markus steps through the door.

“Nothing. No one came back.” Markus says to the fairies with a halfhearted smile. “Guess I'm still fucked.”