Why you shouldn’t provoke B.R.O.B.s when you know you’re in a narative world.
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  • Ignore the stupid ramblings of a man Votes: 2 40.0%
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Total voters: 5

You ever wonder what life would be like if life isn't a narative?

I wondered and someone gave me an answer but still didn't answer my question.

You ask why I know I'm inside a narative? It's simple really, my author just authorized me to know. Its called fourth wall breaking right?

Though I only know I'm in my story but it doesn't give me spoilers of my life, he said it wouldn't be fun otherwise.

Okay that should be enough monologuing about my knowledge, now I tell you why I ask about my first question.

Its because I had just an epiphany.

That even if I know I'm in a narative, it doesn't really matter cause you won't really change anything(other than having someone to blame for everything) if you don't know what life has in store for you.

Case in point? Don't question if it would be fun to be isekai'd with a gamers powers.

Cause your author might just write about a B.R.O.B. to kidnap you and put you to a world not your own with only the clothes you have with you and an incomplete power that is still at the beginning stages of planning.(Damned author)

So, my advice? Don't question life(author) or he might just give you lemons, and its not the good kind either.

*'Author'* "stop your rambling and get on with your life my creation, cause you're being an idiot already."

??? "Damned author! You haven't even given me a name yet! And your the one writing my life!"

*'Author'* "right then! Let's get on with the show! B.R.O.B.! Send this guy on that world where all things have endless possibilities."

???? "....?"

*'Author'* "yes the one where that thing resides and the world is still on its beta test phase unless someone aquires it."