Chapter 6: Training Begins
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RWBY With Reverse Morals

Chapter 6: Training Begins

'Whoa, this must be what Ruby's wet dream looks like.' Gray thought as he entered the bandit camp's armory. The armory was a large hut with weapons lining the walls while large crates stored different types of ammo and different forms of Dust.

"Just, uh, pick something, and I'll take you to a hunting spot," Vernal said as Gray looked around.

A slight nervousness in Vernal's voice caught Gray's attention. 'She didn't act this way in the show?' Gray thought as he turned to look at the young bandit girl. Judging by her looks, Gray assumed Vernal was his age, maybe a year or two older.

"What?" Vernal asked as Gray stared at her. "What are you looking at?" Gray didn't answer her. Instead, the wolf boy slowly walked towards her. He was starting to make butterflies appear in her stomach. But she could do nothing but stand like a nervous piece of meat as Gray slowly circled her like a starving wolf, his eyes clearly taking in every inch of her body.

Gray was deep in thought as he eyed her. 'The Vernal in the show was a bit of an asshole, but I guess in the show, she was an asshole to a captured Weiss. But in this world, things are completely different with me.' Gray's smile widened once he fully realized their current situation.

Vernal must have been with the bandit camp since she was very young; she saw the camp as her family in the show. But that means Vernal grew up and went through puberty surrounded by other women and very few men who, in Gray's opinion, weren't much to look at. To put it in an Earth perspective, Vernal was a teen boy who grew up around other bandit men and ugly women.

Then here comes Gray, a beautiful woman Vernal had seen fully naked. Vernal must have masturbated over and over while thinking about his body. So now, having him in front of her, she didn't know how to act or what to say. At least, Gray assumed this as he walked behind her.

"You know Vernal, you're adorable," Gray stated, placing his hands on Vernal's shoulders while standing behind her. He smirked as he felt her back go straight. Vernal was slightly taller than him, so he had to lean on his toes to whisper into her ear. "There are a couple of months before Beacon starts, and I leave this place. So I promise you, before I leave this camp, I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to ruin your tight little virgin pussy." His voice turned breathy, and he finished his statement by kissing her earlobe.

Gray wasn't used to dirty talk in this world quite yet. He assumed what he said sounded sexy to Vernal. He just told her the equivalent of a woman telling a man she would 'fuck him till his cock fell off.' But whether it was sexy or not, it did get the reaction he wanted as the bandit girl jumped away, red-faced and cupping her ear.

"You! You! Belong to Raven! I'd never-" She started to say in a panic, but Gray waved a hand, stopping her. Vernal had no choice but to swallow her embarrassment as Gray pulled a Rifle off the wall.

"So I've never hunted before. I think I should keep it simple and use a gun." He stated casually as he held the rifle he pulled off the wall. Gray grabbed a lever action rifle, but unlike the ones from Earth, the lever action rifle he was holding had a revolver cylinder.

Pulling down on the lever caused the revolver cylinder to rotate. 'Whoa, is this a cowboy rifle? It has the lever thing. But did cowboy rifles have revolver ammo cylinder things? Damn, why wasn't I ever a gun guy? I don't think those cowboy rifles in Western movies had revolver cylinders; this must be a RWBY thing. But this gun seems simple enough. I'll use it for now, at least just to hunt with.' With his mind made up, he turned back to Vernal. "I'll take this one, but what kind of ammo should I use for hunting?"

Glaring at him, Vernal reached into a large crate and pulled out a box of lightning dust ammo for the rifle. "Here, take this, and let's go," Vernal said annoyedly. She also held the ammo out with an annoyed look.

Seeing the look on her face, Gray couldn't help but tease Vernal. He quickly walked up to her with a smile on his face. "Thanks, cutie," Gray said in a sweet voice. As he took the ammo box, he leaned up and kissed Vernal on the cheek. "Well, let's go hunting." He quickly said while turning around and leaving the armory.

Vernal could do nothing but blush as she touched her cheek. 'Raven, I…' She thought, but she shook her head and followed after Gray. She was starting to get a headache of her own.


After leaving the bandit camp, Vernal and Gray went deep into the forest. "So, um, how…" Gray started to ask but nervously stopped. Gray was going to ask Vernal how to hunt since he'd never done it before. But the deeper they got into the forest, the more nervous Gray became. The sounds of Grimm were all around. He had her them faintly while in the camp, but he wasn't nervous with Raven around. But now, walking through the forest, the monsters grew louder with every step. 'It's alright, this is fine. This is what you're going to be training for, right? If Jaune can do it, so can I, ' Gray told himself as he gripped the rifle.

Vernal looked over her shoulder and noticed Gray was falling behind. "What's wrong with you? Stop being so nervous; you're walking too slow." She said while turning around and crossing her arms. "Speed it up."

Gray huffed in response. "Well, excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm not used to being in a Grimm-infested forest." He stated. Not remembering, he did wake up in one being chased by a Grimm when he first got to this world. But he carried on with his rant. "Especially with so many Grimm around roaring every ten seconds."

Vernal raised an eyebrow at his words. "Is that what you're worried about? Those Grimm are so far away you can barely hear them. Don't be a big baby, Grimm won't attack you here."

"Barely hear them! They aren't that far away; look, listen!" Gray quickly shushed Vernal and turned his ears to the forest around them. Right on cue, a roar sounded, sending a shiver up Gray's spine. "See! They are so close. See how loud they are!"

Vernal looked at him in confusion, tilting her head, but she understood once her eyes went to the top of Gray's head. "Well, sorry, I don't have faunus hearing like you do, dog boy." She stated while pointing at Gray's wolf ears. The two wolf ears standing on the top of Gray's head were standing alert, shifting and twitching, facing the sound of Grimm. "Those Grimm aren't loud to me; I can hear them in the distance; they aren't too close. Don't worry, just follow me." Vernal started walking once more, leaving Gray to follow.

Something in Gray's mind clicked at Vernal's words. 'Oh, right, I'm a faunus… I'm like a half-wolf or something.' Gray thought as he started mindlessly following Vernal, too lost in thought.

Gray had known he was a faunus since the first day he saw a mirror, but it was always the last thing on his mind. The first thing was, 'Oh crap! I'm in the world of RWBY.' The second thing is, 'Huh? The gender roles in this world are reversed, and I'm the girl in this world. The third being, ' Oh crap, Vale is going to be destroyed by Cinder if I don't learn how to fight and stop her!' With all these things to focus on, being a faunus and what it meant never registered for Gray. Instead, his body went on a sort of auto-pilot for him.

When in the city and things got too loud, Gray's ears would lower, sometimes even laying flat against his head to combat the noise, and now that he was in a Grimm-filled forest, in possible danger, his ears were on alert, twitching and scanning the area, looking for danger. 'Right, I'm a faunus,' The more Gray thought about it, the more he started to smile. 'Besides the bad racism plot in the show, are there any downsides to being a faunus? I mean, you get better senses and night vision, right? What else?'

Gray was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the creature walking around the area. A roar sounded out, starting Gray with how close it sounded. 'Shit! Grimm?' Gray raised his rifle, looking for the source of the noise. 'No, that couldn't have been a Grimm. It didn't sound as evil.' Gray put his back to a tree as he scanned the forest around him. Another roar sounded as a large brown bear entered his sight line. "Oh, just a bear, that's not so bad," Gray said. The bear was a little over ten yards away, so Gray breathed relief, simply happy that it wasn't a Grimm.

Gray's relief didn't last long. Once the bear set its eyes on Gray, it charged on all fours. 'Oh, shit! It's still a damn bear!' Gray shouted in his mind as he quickly raised his weapon. With shaky hands, Gray took aim at the charging bear and fired. The lightning dust round flew straight over the bear's head and hit the tree behind it.

Once the dust bullet hit the tree, the bark exploded. The sound shook the area and caused the bear to stumble to a stop. The bear was now a little over five yards away from Gray. As it looked around, it was startled by the booming noise. Seeing the bear pause, Gray quickly tried to chamber the next round in the rifle. But this was the first time Gray even held a gun, and the gun he was using wasn't designed like the lever action rifle's he'd seen in movies. The moment Gray pulled down on the lever and tilted the rifle, all of the bullets fell out of the revolver cylinder, dropping to the ground.

"Oh fuck!" Gray called out; his sudden, surprised shout caught the bear's attention, and the creature started running towards him again. "A little help! Please!" Gray shouted at Vernal.

The young bandit girl was standing off to the side, simply watching. She let out a sigh when she saw the truly pitiful look on Gray's face. "Fine," She said. Then, without hesitation, she rushes the bear, hitting the animal with a powerful kick to its side. The impact of the kick sent the bear skipping across the ground, rolling to a stop less than a yard in front of Gray.

"Holy…" Gray muttered while walking up to the massive animal. The bear released a threatening growl as it started to push itself up onto all fours again. Gray gulped as he watched the animal. He raised his now reloaded rifle and pointed at the bear. 'Okay, you can do this. If you can't do this, then how the hell are you going to take on Cinder, Salem, and every other evil person in this world?!' Gray shouted in his mind, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves; he pulled the trigger.


"Holy fuck, that was stressful." Gray groaned as he lowered his rifle and took a step back from the dead bear. Gray walked away to a tree a few feet from the bear, trying to steady his shaking body. When Gray first came to this world, he quickly said he would stop Cinder to save Vale, even kill her if he had to. But in reality, he's never killed anything bigger than a bug before, so he didn't realize how hard it would be, but he wasn't ready to give up. 'I can do this.' He thought as he clenched his fist.

"Um, good job," Vernal spoke in an unsure voice since she didn't know what to say. Growing up in a bandit camp under Raven meant you weren't allowed to be weak, so she didn't know how to deal with a boy like Gray.

'Crap, I made myself look like a fool in front of her. I need to fix this. I'm the one that's supposed to tease her. I can't let her think for a second; she can get the upper hand and tease me.' Gray thought as he looked at Vernal. He gave her a soft smile as he pressed his back to the tree, trying to think of what to say next. But in the corner of his eye, he spotted a black bird perched on a tree branch, staring at him. Seeing this bird, Gray just managed not to react to it, not spin around and stare back. He didn't know for sure, but he felt that bird was Raven. 'Now this, I can use this.' He thought as his smile widened.

Raven was watching, thinking Gray didn't know she was watching. It made him want to put on a show for her, and he had the perfect target. "Hey Vernal, can you come here?" He called out to the bandit girl while looking at his rifle as if studying it.

"Huh? What is it?" Seeing him toying with his gun, Vernal assumed he had a question about the weapon. "What's wrong?" She asked as she walked up to him, but the moment she was in range, Gray reached out and gripped one of her wrists.

"Got you," He smiled brightly as he said those words.

"What!? What are you doing?" Vernal yelped in surprise, but she didn't pull away. An experienced fighter like Vernal could have quickly slapped Gray's hand away, but part of her wanted to know what he would do next.

Instead of answering her question, Gray carefully placed his rifle on the ground. With both hands free, he placed one on Vernal's shoulder and pulled her close. Vernal let him. She nervously gulped but let Gray pull her and then twisted them both, so she was now the one with her back to the tree.

Now that she was right where he wanted her, Gray gripped her hands in his. "You know Vernal, I should really reward you for helping me. I don't think I could have killed that without you; you saved me." While his words were flattering, his voice was breathy and soft.

Gray raised Vernal's hands, bringing her knuckles to his lips. It was a simple, soft kiss to her fingers, but it had Vernal shifting in place, rubbing her thighs together as her own breathing grew heavy. From the corner of Gray's eye, he could see the black bird fly off the tree branch and, a moment later, a soft thud. The sound of someone landing on the forest floor.

"I, I can't! Y-You're with Raven!" Vernal nervously cried out but did not pull or push Gray away.

"Shhh, she doesn't have to know what I plan to do to you." As he spoke, Gray slid her hands under his shirt. Her hands were clenched fists, but they quickly opened when they touched his skin. Her flat palms pressed against his stomach as he slowly slid them up.

Vernal focused on her hands, the feeling of Gray's soft skin under her fingers. But all of Gray's focus was on Vernal. Seeing her thighs rubbing together, hearing her shaky breathing, seeing her pupils dilating as she licked her lips. It filled Gray's body with something, a feeling he was getting addicted to.

"What do you think you are doing, Vernal?" Raven's cold voice suddenly threw a bucket of ice over Vernal, snapping the bandit girl out of her trance.

Vernal yanked her hands away from Gray, raising them as she quickly turned to Raven. "NOTHING! I-I!"

"Shut it," Raven commanded, and Vernal's mouth snapped shut. Raven placed a hand on the hilt of her sword hanging off her hip as her red eyes glared at Vernal. There was a moment of silence. Gray wasn't sure Vernal was even breathing as Raven drummed her fingers on her sword. "Take the bear back to camp."

"Yes, ma'am!" Vernal quickly sprung into action, not wanting to anger the woman. Vernal used her aura to strengthen her body to quickly carry the dead bear on her back and rush away.

"Bye, Vernal! See you later." Gray called out while holding back a laugh. He pretended not to notice Raven as she stomped toward him. He ignored her until the moment she grabbed him by the collar.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Her voice was a slight growl as she asked.

Gray grinned at her glare. "Are you mad? You're the one that left me with a little virgin toy, Mommy; you shouldn't be surprised that I played with it. It's your fault, really." Gray taunted in the best 'bratty' voice he had. Raven didn't say anything. Her grip on his collar tightened as she breathed deeply through her nose. "Can I keep playing with her, Mommy? Even if I don't fuck her, there are so many ways I want to play with that little toy. It makes me so hard." To prove his point, Gray gripped Raven's free hand and placed it on his crotch.

Raven's eye twitched at the contact but gripped him through his pants as she leaned forward. "Tell me, what is going through that whore brain of yours?" She asked while squeezing Gray's cock. She didn't squeeze hard enough to hurt him; it was as if she was warning him.

Gray wasn't worried about the squeeze. Instead, he played up his act. Letting out a breathy moan, Gray started to grind his groin into Raven's hand. "Mmm, That little virgin toy, I bet she'd do anything I ask her as long as I promise to 'reward' her." Gray wrapped his arms around Raven's neck and leaned to whisper in her ears. "I want to get her on her knees in front of you. I want to tell her if she eats you out, I'll fuck her. I want to watch her desperately lick you in the hopes of feeling my cock inside of her." Gray started to hump into Raven's hand as if he was losing himself to pleasure.

Seeing Gray's behavior, Raven bit her lip as she held him. "I'm not-" She started to say, but Gray cut her off when he pulled her into a kiss. Gray knew what Raven would say, but he also knew what type of person Raven was in the show. He knew Raven craved power and control. Raven's whole bandit motto was "Survival of the fittest. The strong live, and the weak die. Those are the rules." Gray knows this about Raven, and he thinks if he can get Vernal on her knees, the bandit leader will feel that power and control like never before. He believed she would go along with whatever he did to feel that power.

Their kiss was a brief battle of tongues, which Raven dominated, and then Gray pulled away to look Raven in the eyes. "You are what I say you are and will do what I want you to do. If I want Vernal on her knees licking my come out of you, you won't stop me as I shove her head between your legs."

Raven stared at Gray as he stared back, then she laughed. "You have too much energy, but don't worry, my training will fix that." Standing up straight, Raven released her grip on Gray. "Grab your weapon, and let's go. We will start your workout after we grab some supplies." Raven said and started walking away.

Gray let out a disappointed groan but grabbed his rifle off the floor. "What about breakfast?"

"If you wanted to eat, you shouldn't have wasted time teasing Vernal. You can eat after training."

"But I'm hungry, Mommy; I killed that bear. Feed me," Gray whined.

"Shut it."

"I bet Vernal would feed me," Gray whined again, and he didn't stop as they walked back to the camp. Raven ignored him. Gray wanted to see how far he could push Raven's buttons before she snapped.


"Hurry up and strip," Raven said as she dropped a large duffle bag. True to Raven's words, she dragged Gray back to the camp, grabbed a few things, threw them into the duffle bag, and then dragged him to a river deep into the forest. "Shut it," Raven said once she noticed Gray was about to give her a snarky reply. Raven didn't let him speak. Instead, she started grabbing his clothes, pulling them off herself.

"Whoa! Slow down, Mommy! These clothes are expensive!" Gray called out. But Raven ignored him and stripped him till he was in nothing but his white undershirt and plain black boxers. Once stripped, Raven pulled a black vest from the duffle bag. The vest reminded Gray of a tactical vest worn by swat members, but it was much bulkier.

"Put this on," Raven said as she tossed Gray the vest. Gray held his hands out to catch the vest, but the vest was far heavier than he expected.

"What the!" Gray shouted in surprise. The heavy vest hit his hands, then caused him to stumble as he dropped it. "How about a little warning next time you throw a stack of bricks at me!"

"Don't be a baby. That thing is fifty pounds at most. Hurry up and put it on." Raven ordered. Gray could only grumble as he did as he was told. As he put the vest on, Raven knelt before him and strapped a pair of weights to his ankles. She then slapped a similar pair of weights onto his wrist. "There, now get into the water."

Gray's eyes widened at Raven's orders. Lifted up his arms and felt all the extra weight added to his body. "If you want to kill me, I'd rather you make it quick. I really don't want to drown." Gray whined as he turned to Raven.

"Don't be dramatic. With those weights on, I just want you to run in place against the river current. It's easy training and will help you build strength fast." Raven explained.

'Well, I guess underwater running is a real thing.' Gray thought as he remembered similar training from movies he had watched. 'I came here to train, to get stronger, so there's no point in complaining about it. I only have a few months before Beacon begins, so I must give it my all!' Gray marched to the river. He was determined to get strong.

Unfortunately for Gray, his determination didn't save him from the river's current. As soon as Gray walked waist-deep into the water, he was swept away. He started flailing and struggling as he tried to swim, but the extra weight was too much. Raven sighed in disappointment as she watched Gray sink to the bottom of the river as he floated away. "You really are a headache."


"Chin up, keep your back straight, and take bigger steps," Raven ordered as she stood behind Gray in the river. Raven was stripped naked as she held onto the back of Gray's vest as he struggled to move in the water. "You're much weaker than I thought," Raven sighed.

"Maybe if you stand in front of me, I'll do better," Gray said as he tried to control his shaky breath. The water came up to his neck, and waves splashed into his face every time he slipped. "If I can see your big breast bounce as I walk, I'll do better," Gray said in his best teasing voice.

"I bet if I let you go, you'll do better," Raven replied.

"GAH! CRAMP!" Gray shouted as his leg cramped up, and he started to drown once more.

'I really shouldn't have agreed to this.' Raven thought as she pulled Gray out of the water.


"I-Is it over?" Gray groaned as he lay next to the river. He no longer wore the weights, so he was lying in the grass with a wet white shirt and plain black boxers.

"It's only been an hour," Raven said as she put her clothes back on. She tossed her towel onto Gray's face in annoyance. "We still have the rest of the day to go. Now, sit up," Raven ordered as she knelt beside Gray. When the boy didn't move fast enough, Raven yanked him up and bent him over.

"GAH! What are you doing!?" Gray choked and shouted as Raven pushed on his back while he was sitting.

"You need to stretch. This will also help you gain more flexibility, which is invaluable in a fight." Raven explained as she pressed down harder on Gray's back.

"GAH! I change my mind!" Gray quickly shouted. "I'll stay weak!"

"Don't be a crybaby. This is just some stretching. Wait until later when I punish you for getting on my nerves." Raven grinned as she twisted Gray's body, causing him to squeak and shout. Gray quickly learned getting strong isn't as easy as they make it look in anime.


"Do… Do I really have to fight you?" Gray nervously asked. It was late in the day as Gray stood in the middle of a dirt ring, wooden sword in his hand as he faced Raven. His body was trembling after a day of intensive physical workouts. Still, the idea of simply sparing with Raven made him shake even more.

"This isn't a fight. You are not ready for a fight. This is simply a spar, a test. I want to see how you handle the pressure of battle. You also need to learn the most important thing about a fight." Raven explained as she held her own wooden sword.

"What's the most important thing?" Gray asked with a tilt of his head.

"You'll learn it during this spar," Raven replied.

Gray signed at his words, then pointed at Vernal, standing just outside the ring. "Can I spar with her instead?" He asked. Gray knew he could not beat Vernal with his current strength, but he figured she wouldn't hit him as hard as Raven would. "I mean, you're so old. Maybe you should take a seat so you don't hurt yourself." But what outweighed his fear was that Gray was enjoying his new gender role and couldn't help himself. When there was a chance to act like a bratty girl, he had to take it.

"Don't make me grab my real weapon," Raven growled. Raven tightened her grip on the sword as she stepped towards Gray.

"W-Wait!" Gray shouted. "There's no way I can beat you in a fair fight, so it's only fair that I get to use my semblance, right?" Gray asked as he held up his hand.

"You don't have your semblance unlocked yet."

"Of course I do," Gray lied. "But I won't tell you what it is until we fight. I need all the advantage I can get." Gray explained with a nervous smile.

Raven eyed him, then sighed. "In a real fight, you must do whatever it takes to win, so don't ever ask for permission," Raven stated. Then, in an instant, she charged Gray. Raven was in front of him before he could even blink. But when Raven swung her sword, she held back; it was a slow swing to see how Gray would react.

Raven didn't expect Gray to dive to the ground and roll away. "Take this!" He shouted as he grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at Raven's face. The bandit woman blocked the dirt with her hand, but enough slipped through her fingers and caused her to sputter and spit as the dirt entered her mouth. Seeing his Gray wasted no time. He quickly used the classic baseball swing attack, which Raven easily avoided. The former huntress simply leaned back to avoid his strike and simultaneously kicked him in the chest. Gray was sent tumbling across the ground as Raven wiped the dirt off her face.

"Did you really just throw dirt at me," Raven asked, more annoyed than angry.

"My semblance is fighting dirty." Gray groaned as he rubbed his now sore chest. "And you said to do whatever it takes to win!" He was thankful Raven's kick was more of a push away than an actual attack.

Raven walked over to him, but he couldn't find the strength to move. "Well, I've seen all I need to see. When you wake up, we'll start training once more." Raven said as she stood over Gray while holding her sword. With no other words, she swung.

Time seemed to slow down for Gray as his mind started to race, and he watched the weapon getting closer to his face. His eyes shifted to Vernal as she stood outside the ring. As the adrenaline pumped through him, his body went on auto as he focused on Vernal. Even as Raven's blunt wooden sword was only inches from hitting his head, Gray's attention was on Vernal. His eyes started to shake, and his vision started to tunnel, and then it happened.

Gray felt a surge of aura leave his body through the pinky finger of his left hand, and then a fraction of a second later, bullets were fired at Raven. The first bullet caught Raven in her shoulder, slamming against her aura, but the bandit woman quickly reacted to the rest. Dodging back and slapping away a few bullets with the wooden sword.

Once the hail of bullets stopped, Raven glared at her attacker. "Vernal," Was all Raven said, but the cold fury in her voice sent a chill down Gray's spine.

"WHAT!? I-I WHAT?!" Vernal shouted in shock as she stared down at the weapons in her hands, barrels still smoking from unloading both magazines. The shock on her face was evident as she was even surprised by what she had done.

"What do you think you are doing?" Raven asked as she pointed her wooden sword at the girl.

"I-I don't know! I swear I!" As Vernal stuttered and shook, Gray saw it. A bright red string stuck out of Vernal's chest. Gray's eyes followed the string as it led to him, tied around the pinky on Gray's left hand.

"Wait, what is this?" Gray spoke in a mumble, talking to himself, but his voice attracted Raven's and Vernal's attention.

"What are you talking about, brat?" Raven asked as she watched Gray staring at his hand.

"You don't see this? This string?" Gray asked.

"String? What string? There's nothing there." Raven replied.

"It's here, around my pinky, and stuck to Vernal's chest. Wait, let me," As he spoke, Gray gripped the red string with his right hand and tried to pull on it, but it didn't budge. But the moment he twitched his left pinky finger, it sent a pulse of aura from his body, through the string, and back into vernal. Sending that aura caused a slight dizzy feeling to overtake Gray, but the moment the aura hit Vernal, she leaped into action.

With a strong dash forward, Vernal rushed Raven, slashing at the bandit leader with her blades. But Raven simply knocked the weapons out of Vernal's hands with her wooden sword, then kicked the young bandit girl in the back and knocked her to the ground.


"I'm sorry! I-I!"

"Shut it. You, brat, is this what you're doing? Your semblance?" Raven asked as she pointed her sword at Gray.

"I-I don't know? I think, maybe? I see a red string that attaches her to me. I, I feel kind of weak now." Gray explained. The two pulses of aura really drained his strength.

Raven simply hummed at his words. "Vernal, explain what you feel. Is the brat mind controlling you? Explain yourself." Raven ordered.

Vernal gulped as she looked up at Raven. "I don't know… I just felt the urge to protect him… To protect him from you." Vernal nervously explained while looking away.

"Interesting, well, it looks like you were able to activate your real semblance," Raven stated. The woman wasn't angry as she walked up to Gray. "Congratulations, we can talk about it when you wake up. Oh, and the most important rule in fighting is every fighter needs to be knocked out at least once, so they don't fear it." Her sword slammed into the back of his head, and his world was turned black before he even had a chance to process what she said.


Gray's Semblance 

Semblance: Red String of Fate

Description: Gray can manifest an invisible red string of fate, connecting it to a target of his choice. Only visible to Gray, this string imparts various effects based on the emotional connection between Gray and the target.


Protection Bond: As long as the red string is attached, Gray can send a pulse of aura that makes the target feel a sense of need to protect the Gray. The strength of this effect is influenced by the emotional bond between Gray and the target. Strong negative emotions will override this effect. The effect can be nullified if the target has strong willpower.

Aura Assistance (Friendly): If the target has a positive emotional bond with Gray, Gray can send a pulse of his aura through the string to aid the target. This can be used for healing or boosting the target's fighting abilities, enhancing their combat prowess.

Aura Confusion (Enemy): If the target has a negative emotional bond with Gray, the aura pulse can be used to confuse and disorientate the target. This induces moments of love and joy for the Gray, making the enemy hesitate to harm the Gray. The effectiveness depends on the sexual attraction the enemy feels towards Gray. Strong negative emotions will override this effect. The effect can be nullified if the target has strong willpower.

Emotional Resonance: Gray can sense the emotional state of the target connected by the red string, allowing them to gauge their feelings and intentions.

A/N: that is the idea I came up with for Gray's semblance; I actually like the idea of the semblance(my other idea had something to do with the Scarlet Letter, of all things), but the abilities this semblance gives could change if I think of anything better. (Or if you guys have better ability ideas for this semblance)

So, things for this story are about to change. I planned on writing a few more chapters in Raven's camp, but I think people are ready and want Beacon. So, the next chapter will be the last chapter in Raven's camp, which will mean some time skips. It will also show off Gray's primary weapon. I've pretty much decided on it, and it might not be what people think. For me, it all comes down to picking a weapon to enhance Gray's mindset of using his gender and sexuality in this world as his primary weapon. So, I had to look at it from the point of view of women from this world. What would a woman of this world think is sexy. And that led me to choose what I think would be the best for Gray in this story.

Also, one last thing. I have ideas for other stories I want to work on. Besides expanding on any story I already have on this site, I also created stories for the following. Konosuba, Bocchi the Rock, Mieruko-Chan, Furina from Genshin, and even another Rwby story. But I just don't have time to sit down and work on any of these stories and this story. So I was thinking about opening up a ko-fi or Patreon or something. Because I'm self-employed, I work nearly every day, but if I had a ko-fi or something where people pay me to write, I could take days off from my regular job and just write. But that's only something I'd consider if people like my writing enough to throw me a few bucks(only if you can) so I can keep writing. Let me know what you guys think about this or anything else related to my writing.