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this is goikg to get edited sometime later this month bc dear god it is ROUGH ALL AROUND

The cloaked figure that was pushed aside before trembled in fear, for her master was now missing his head.

"WAHHHH PLEASE SPARE ME!!" She screamed, now begging in dogeza towards the witch that blew her slavers head in a split second. "i AM BUT A SLAVE PLEASE" she quivered, now she has also apparently pissed herself, because Oh my god this woman just exploded his head like that what the hell?

Joan, confused, not knowing what to do, lowered her gun and tried to touch the shoulder of the girl. As she was approaching, the girl fainted. Unsure what to do, considering she now has

  1.  A headless corpse
  2. An unconscious girl in her porche/doorway

She decided to first, give the girl a warm bath, dry her, and then put her in the bed. After that, just. uhm uhhhhh.... she wasn't exactly sure on what to do with the headless corpse, She was made aware that he was a noble, so someone will probably later come in search of his whereabouts.

"Eh, fuck it" she exclaimed, and proceeded to just throw the body in the river. "No one is going to find it considering how muddy every thing will be,...i hope" she said, now giving herself a bubble bath after cleaning her house and getting all dirty with the manpig's blood and the mud outside.

+++ - +++ - +++ - +++

The lithe girl woke up the next morning, confused as to what happened and where she was, she rose up and looked around. Then, she realised she was still in the house where she saw the witch explode her master's head like a watermelon getting hit with a warhammer.

She almost pissed herself again in fear but she stopped herself by doing so as she realised the Witch was sleeping in the couch in front of the fire place. Was. Because while she was trying to gather her wits, the witch had woken up and approached the bed where she was resting.

In that moment, the girl fell of the bed in one strange motion and put herself again in a pleading position and said,

"I- I- I- Ple- plea- I plead body and soul's owner ship to the grand witch, who has ki- ki- killed my old master in one blow! Please spare my life! I may be of use! I am a virgin! An- And- And I ha- have some skills too!" the girl was sobbing, and this time she pissed herself while trembling in fear once again.

<Joan's POV>

Oh for fucks sake she pissed herself AGAIN. I already had to clean her a second time while she was sleeping! Good god just how?! AND ALSO NOW I OWN A SLAVE? WHY DID SHE MENTION SHE IS A VIRGIN? AND WHY DID SHE CALL ME A WITCH?!

Haaah at least she said she has some house work skills... I hope they are housework and not sexual... She may be pretty, and i might be a top... but the slave/master dynamic is not up my alley honestly. EVEN MORE IF SHE IS MY ACTUAL SLAVE! Please dear audience, trust me, i am not a deviant freak! I ASK FOR CONSENT! AND I AM NOT PRO SLAVERY!

Shit... uh... what the fuck do i do... uhm... lets just play along now...

...hold on a second... wait a goddamn minute... the author said this was already an existing world she took over... and this girl... wets herself so often.. No. NO, NO FUCKING WAY. WAS SHE MADE BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS A THING FOR PISS????

<Third persona narration>

Joan was having a mental crisis while the lithe girl was trembling in fear, unaware of her new owners crisis, she continued talking about her... services and capabilities...

"O-o-oh sorry f- f- for soiling your house Master! My ol- old one liked m- me d- doing this type of stuff... so i j- just got used to it! I- if master wants me to learn something like this, i- i- i am willing!"

That was enough for Joan to almost faint from the shock, she really wasn't into this sort of stuff and she was even more disgusted with how young she looked and that she was forced to become like this. She made a promise to herself to have a long talk about this with God, and ask her if she can... "fix" her new servants bladder problem.

For now, she just told her to take another bath, And that she accepts the elf girl as her new slave, figuring that it would be too much of a hassle to even explain emancipation and liberty to her if she is this much brainwashed.

[A few hours later]

"So tell me, how come i am now your master, hoe does that even work, wouldn't there be some sort of bureaucracy put in place to manage the slave market?" asked Joan, after drying the elven girl and making a pot of tea.

"Ehm, in the empire.. If you have an argument with someone, and you end up killing them, it must be that your argument had more weight, so no penalties are applied. And also, all Xenos slaves may be transferred to the corresponding party, if They are Imperial, of course" said the lithe girl, now more calm, but still sitting on the floor with the cup of tea besides her. "How do you not know, are you not an Imperial?" she said, with curious big blue eyes that could pierce someone's soul.

"UHH... I am. A hermit. yes. I was raised by my single mother here far away, i simply moved closer to the roads once she died. yes. Also, What is a Xenos slave? What the hell is a Xenos?" Joan asked, a bit uncomfortable with the obvious issue at hand that the person she is having a conversation with is sitting on the floor.

"Xenos are all the 'lesser races' according to the Empress, our ancestors commited a grave crime towards the Empress, therefore we must pay with eternal servitude until we die, At least that's what My old master used to tell me, he wasn't a bad man, he just was a little... strange... and something about commoners." the lithe girl answered.

"What is your name, i haven't asked yet" Said Joan, "Please, tell me more about yourself" as she sipped her tea trying to feel even less weird now that race was put into this weird power dynamic.

"My name is Lydia, name given by my mother, daughter to a fellow slave, and My old master's Brother" said Lydia, now smiling faintly as she thought about her mother.

"Huh? Your Father is an Imperial? I thought you were daughter to only elves?" Joan interrogated, now curious about her heritage.

"There are no male Elves."


"As soon as it is revealed that the child is male, he is..." Lydia now was on the verge of tears, clearly showing how horrible the status quo might be, "...Disposed of...".

Lydia started pouring tears from her eyes as if a dam broke out, sobbing as she remembers, "my brother.... they took my baby brother.... from my mothers arms... i couldn't do anything......" she said between hiccups and sobs.

Joan, at first unsure what to do, she decided to hug her as she was almost running out of tears to cry. Then she picked up and princess carried Celeste to the King bed, pet her head and as the sun was setting, she kindled the fireplace, grabbed the guitar and sung Celeste a song,

"Темная ночь, только пули свистят по степи

Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звезды мерцают.

В темную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь

И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь.

Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз,

Как я хочу к ним прижаться сейчас губами,

Темная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас

И тревожная черная степь пролегла между нами.

Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою,

Эта вера от пули меня темной ночью хранила.

Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою -

Знаю встретишь с любовью меня, что б со мной ни случилось.

Смерть не страшна, с ней не раз мы встречались в степи,

Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится.

Ты меня ждешь и у детской кроватки не спишь,

И поэтому знаю: со мной ничего не случится."

edited names, Song is Dark is The night