Chapter 3: A Gathering
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After going back inside, Montana heads towards her room. As dusk fell, Montana dressed up for bed and got ready to go to sleep. Her eyes drooped as she slowly felt sleepy. Midnight came and as the young princess laid in her bed, long asleep. She sees a vision, seeing the same place, in the same world but as if it was underwater. She stood up in the same room and noticed that the atmosphere was different, every stroke, every movement her body made moved and marked the air as if she moving in the water. She thought to herself "What kind of a dream is this? This feels strange" She started to walk, watching every step echo through the floor like she was walking above water. She then decides to go to the terrace to see what was happening. When she reaches the terrace, she noticed that there were no stars, but the moon shined brighter than usual

She then decides to go back to sleep thinking that doing so would end the dream. But when she turned around she notices a small silhouette of a person in the roof. Having focused to the unknown figure she went closer which is when she noticed the person seemed to be humming a certain song, while playing, spinning around the pole of the Palace's Flag. At first thought it was someone who went insane and entered the palace, but remembered that the scene was only a dream. Knowing that the atmosphere was similar to being underwater, she climbed to the railing and jumped as high as she could and grabbed the end of the roof. As she expected the water-like atmosphere helped her get up as she proceeds to go closer to the silhouette, but when she was crossing the ridge of the roof, she lost balance on her step causing her to slip and fall down. As she hits the ground, the sound of her body hitting the cemented floor was mimicked by the sound of Dain knocking on her door.

Dain: OI wake up Sleepyhead! We’re about to miss breakfast!

After hearing what he said, Montana let out a sigh and sat up. She told Dain to go first, as she gets ready to go outside. After finishing eating her breakfast, a maid went beside her and reached out a letter with her name on it. When she opened it, she saw that it was from Sophie, the letter contained the request for the Rulers to gather, and included having Montana as Chisaiki’s representative, and to act as their host. She then laid the letter back on the tray and started talking after giving a signal to the writer beside her, taking down notes. She then stands up from the table and excused herself from her Father and Mother. She headed towards Leos room and asked him if he could lead a couple of his men to help clean the garden and the gazebo. Leo nodded in agreement but told her that only the Gazebo needed fixing for Dain had always kept the garden clean. Montana then asked her maids where they assigned the twins to stay, after knowing where they stayed she hurriedly went to their room and informed them about Sophie's letter.

Time passes as Leo came back to the Palace informing the other three that the preparations were complete. Montana and the others then got ready for their gathering. Montana then looked outside her room’s window to see four carriages enter the gate. Knowing that it was Sophie, she hurriedly ran towards the Gardens Gazebo and sees the twins were already there.

Kai: Ughhh-, you're late, Mon... You're supposed to be our host.

Montana: Since when did you come here? We got ready at the same time!

Kai (smug): Girls are just that slow

Kaiden (Monotone): She isn’t late we just came here too early

While the three of them started arguing, Sophie came with Dain as her guide for the Palace. When Montana realizes that Sophie came, their eyes meet and Montana’s eyes started getting teary. Sophie then excused Dain and headed towards the three of them. Montana then embraced Sophie with a hug while laughing.

Sophie: I see you guys haven't changed at all Hahahahaha~

Montana: It’s so great to see you again~ Ahh now nostalgic...

While the two girls bonded, the twins awkwardly looked at each other, Kai stood up and went towards Kaiden. After reaching a certain distance he started gently slapping the other boy, while Kaiden starts to block his attack. Kai successfully gained the girls' attention and laughed while saying.

Kai: Sorry, I had to check if we suddenly disappeared

Kaiden: But was the slapping necessary?

A brief period of silence occurred with the Rulers, as the three of them start bursting of laughter.

Sophie: AHH~, it’s been a while since I last let out a good laugh

Kai: heh-, it’s because you’ve been way too busy.

Montana: I agree with Kai, you even missed the dance of my coronation party. Dain was looking forward to that

Sophie: I’m really--- sorry about that

Kaiden: okayy now that we’re here though, why'd you ask for us to gather Sophia?

Sophie: Ohh uhh yes... I heard from my sources of a couple of travelers came Chisaiki a couple of days ago. Is this true?

Montana: ohh uhm. Leo! Do you know anything about this?

Leo: other than the Royals and their men only a couple groups were allowed to enter the kingdom.

Kai: ohh? And what about them?

Sophie: Well, I have reason to believe that those people were a group of people who attacked a convoy supposedly heading to my Kingdom, and escaped with some of our… inventions… and kept a young girl hostage.

Montana: I see... I'll help you get it back, Leo and men can gather and participate in the Retrieval

Sophie: …Well then, If you would. Could you focus your men on rescuing the girl? She is very valuable to me

Montana: The girl? Sure... But why? If it’s because you doubt Leo and his men, I can assure you they won’t

Sophie: N-no, it’s the opposite actually...It's so that my men would be able to focus on the retrieval without worries with the girl

While Montana and Leo were talking, Kaiden felt that something changed with Montana ever since last night. She seemed different, but he wasn’t sure how or why. After the two finished talking Montana went back to her seat and spoke saying.

Montana: He agreed that he and his men would participate in the rescue

Sophie: Ahh~, I’m glad

Kai: Is that all you had to say? Sure, it is a problem... but it doesn’t seem that important enough for all of us to gather

Sophie's hand then started shaking after hearing what the young boy said. She laid the teacup down on the table and laid her hands in her laps

Kaiden: You had another vision didn't you?

Montana: A vision?

Sophie: Yeahh...Aghh-, Guess I really can’t hide from you. I wanted to keep it to myself because of how important this retrieval is in the Vision

Kai: well? What did you see?

Sophie: The raids ending… I have to warn you that this raid isn’t like any other.

Kaiden: Is that it? Surely theres a more catastrophic event

Sophie: I’m not sure, it’s not something you can easily explain. It felt so real, I was in the same place, but the atmosphere was different. But before I could notice, I suddenly couldn't breathe, as if I lost my breath underwater. I felt so helpless like I was drowning, but then I saw a silhouette of a person, it sounded like he was crying out loud. I’m not sure if it was sad or mad, I tried reaching out to him but I couldn’t move. I tried screaming but he didn’t seem to hear me. I think it didn’t hear me because my voice was muffled while i was...

Kaiden: drowning.

After that Montana became curious since what Sophie said seemed similar to what she saw in the vision last night when she slept. But she never recalled hearing a person cry out loud, in sadness and in anger. While Montana was deep in her thoughts, Kaiden told Kai of what he noticed about her and Kai agreed saying that he also noticed. They both decided to test out if something really was wrong so they waited for her to go back to her seat. When they were all together Kaiden asked if he could cast a spell which would sense if there were any curses casted nearby. When the twins finished casting each spell to the girls, Kaiden noticed that the spell was successful for Sophie who has a golden aura glowing through her body. But Montana on the other hand wasn't glowing. He asked Kai if he casted the right spell as Kai answers that he did. Kaiden went closer to Montana and casted the spell once more, but to his surprise nothing happened.

Kaiden: the spell--... was negated…

The girls then felt confused so Kaiden explained what he did and why he did it.

Montana: so why was the spell ineffective?

Kai: either we're too weak to cast it to you, or you've been with a Supreme Being.

After a brief moment of silence, Montana decides to tell them whats been on her mind ever since.

Montana: I too had a vision last night... It felt the same as Sophie's but the difference is the person we saw. I saw a person singing while playing around in the roof of the Palace, and unlike Sophie, I could move freely and my movements felt way better than I expected.

Kaiden: I see... Knowing that Sophie’s Visions are the key to avoid many disasters, it’s quite concerning that she couldn't do anything this time. Even more so that the visions happened to the both of you

Kai: Why was Sophie unable to move while Montana could? And what did the vision want to show us?

Sophie: after the vision, I saw myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were glowing, the same way they do when i look for visions

Kai: come to think of it... Even our books glowed as if a spell was casted.

Kaiden: After Sophie's vision, our Emblems activated at the same time. But Montana doesn't seem like she knows anything about it.

Montana: -I’m just waiting for you guys to explain what happened, and why I’m included in this

The Meeting ended with Montana not getting an answer since all of them decided that it wasn’t the time for her to know, believing that the reason why she doesn’t know was for an unknown reason.  Montana then decides to go to her parents to see if they know what happened.