Chapter 16: Chaos in the Castle
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The next day, Montana wakes up in her office. After regaining her thoughts, she remembered overworking herself not only because of the issues of the kingdom but also because of their part in Rift causing her to return late, making her to do her duties without sleep. She stood up and sighed while scratching her head. She checked her desk, then the shelves to see if she missed something, but seeing that there is none, she left the office and headed towards her room to fix herself. When she entered the room, she sees a maid, who came to fix her bed. She excused her saying that she would do it herself, to let the maid rest. The maid was reluctant at first but gave in when Montana continued to insist. After cleaning the parts of her room the maid haven’t yet, she went to her closet and decided which clothes to wear. After doing so, she suddenly heard a door open, when she turned her head to that direction the wind blew to her face. She then hears a familiar voice laughing, she lets out a sigh thinking she didnt want to meet him.

The Second: HAHAHAHHAHA- Youre finally here

Montana: Ughh, why did you have to enter from there? Cant you just walk through the door? Or through the walls? You’ve done it before

The Second: Well I am Supreme Being afterall, I must have a good entrance

The Second smiles and he winks at her, teasing her knowing he wasn’t the person she wanted to talk to. Montana put on her shoes and got closer to the boy.

Montana: What have you been doing?

The Second: Ehh-? I d-dont know whatchu mean

Montana: Dont play dumb, I overheard the guards and the maids talking about something peculiar, like ghosts wandering while I was gone

The Second: Li-like I said, I dont know what youre talking about… They cant see me

Montana: Where have you been then?

The Second: Uhhh, The Garden... Then the woods, then I slept at the top of the tower since you werent in your room last night...

Montana: Huh? You could’ve just entered through the walls-

The Second: Well it felt wrong if I suddenly entered witho-

Just before he could finish his sentence, they suddenly heard multiple footsteps outside. Montana got curious so asked the boy to follow her as they left the room. In the hallway, they then see the guards running whilst some were asking for reinforcements. After seeing all of that, Montana looked at the Second who was just behind her flying in the air, thinking that it was his fault. Seeing as if he didn’t seem to realize what was happening she decided to leave it behind and followed the guards. After a while, she got tired and tells The Second to follow them to check what was happening because she knew he was faster. When he came back they met at the hallway of the Hospital Wing. The boy then claimed that a demon had broken lose. Montana was shocked but since she knew how get rid off it, she heads there as fast as she could. But before she went too far, the Boy stopped her, adding that the demon was being protected. She shook off the thought and continued to run, saying that he was insane to think so. When she reached the room, she sees Dain injured with a couple of slashes in his robe while blood dripped out of it, and the Royal Guards who were facing him. Before she took action, she noticed that Dain wasn’t trying to help the guards get rid if the demon, but instead was protecting it. She confirmed this when she got to a right angle where she saw the girl, who hid behind Dain. The small girl not had silver hair and with a long horn sticking on top of her head.

Dain: Stop! That is an order!

Guard 1: Sir Dain! Please get out of the way, thats a demon from the rift!

Dain: Cease this madness and let me explain!

Montana: Everyone stop! I will handle this situation

Guard 2: Princess, this is far too dangero-

Montana: I have experience from the gate, Sir Leonhardt can confirm that

After a couple of arguments, they end up with a deal that if Montana calls for them, only then would they enter. The Royal Guards then leaved the room and waited outside where they stopped those who tried to enter. On the other side, Montana sighed while face-palming saying what a wonderful day it was. She faced Dain who was surprisingly getting treated by the girl.

Montana: Care to explain?

Dain: AGHH-ow ow ow that hurts, how annoying, you have to be careful.

Girl: Sorry! When they saw me, I didnt know what to do... I tried scaring them off but more guards came in…

Dain: I get it dont worry, dont have to explain... Ughh...

Montana: Helloo-? Am I invisible?

Dain: Sorry... Shes harmless Mon, dont worry

Montana: She doesnt look harmless

Dain: This was an accident, theres nothing to it

Montana: Who are you?

Girl: I-I am... Who am i?

Dain: Shes the hostage... The one Sophie told us to prioritize

Montana was shocked at what he said and didnt believe them at first. But after a couple of explanation, she didnt have a reason to deny it. She looks at the girl once more while Dain laid in the bed, Mon saw concern in her eyes, which gave her enough reason to believe him. She sat right beside her and held her hand which was holding Dains.

Montana: Im sorry, I dont have any excuses. I shouldve known.

Girl: W-will he die?

Montan: No he’ll be okay, this guy always refuses to die...Your accent is a bit weird but your vocabulary is better than I expected

Girl: Brother has taught me a lot about humans.

Montana: I-I see...

When Dain woke up, he felt surprised afer seeing the two chat as if they knew each other. A thought came to mind, that Montana looked like an older sister. He laughed which caught their attention. The two asked him to lay back down when he tried to get up. The three continued to chat when the Kings butler suddenly came after knocking to the door. He explained that the two of them were summoned by the King. Without saying anything, the butler left after bowing. The siblings looked at each other with concerning eyes as they shift their look to the young girl. Afterwards, they ask the girl to follow them, to make sure that no one would see, let alone harm her in the meantime. They head towards the throne room, where their Father stood looking at his throne. Montana never saw her Father in such a way. They were confused, Dain called out but King Roderick didn’t seem to hear him, instead held the Thrones armrest. Dain called again, which this time was heard as King Roderick turned around and gave them a smile.

King Roderick: Ahh- my children... It has been a while since we've been together... Have you eaten for Lunch?

Montana: Is something wrong Daddy? You summoned us so suddenly

King Roderick: Its nothing, I just want to spend time with my children

Dain: Arent you busy Father? Surely you didn’t call for us to spend lunch time together

King Roderick: Is it really that wrong for me to ask you to join me for a meal?

Montana: Okayy dad… We'll go

King Roderick: And this girl you’re with...

She must be what the nobles have been talking about. Ive heard about a sudden commotion in the Hospital Wing

Dain: Shes very valuable to me Father, I ask to leave her out of harms way

King Roderick: I see... Well since the both of you seem to have this under control...

I will let it be, what is your name girl? You can join us for lunch

Girl: Th-Thank you, my liege… Im afraid I do not have a name yet

King Roderick: By God, a being… Speaking our language

The King then looked at Dain, knowing the fact that he was probably the one who taught her. Dain greeted him with a nod as the King turned around and headed towards the Dining Room. On the way there, Dain suddenly felt pain to his chest, one so sudden it made him trip over. Montana, who was the closest one to him, grabbed his arms and asked if he was okay. Dain didn’t know what to answer, for this occurrence never happened to him before. When they finally reached the Dining Room, The King ordered the best food they had and decided to start a conversation while waiting.

King Roderick: Well... I did not know what to pick, so do help yourselves…

Montana: Thank you Father

King Roderick: So... Anything new? Has the black thing that appeared been dealt with?

Dain: Thanks to those who helped, we managed to clear the entrance of the gate. With your permission id like to try and get some samples of whats inside

King Roderick: Permission Granted, but be sure to stay safe. Your safety is a must, it will be your main priority

Dain: Yes Father

The food then came sooner or later, thus the group started to eat while chatting. The King was surprised to see the girl eat in such an acceptable manner. But before he could talk to Dain about it, a maid suddenly came closer to the King. After listening to what the maid said, the King felt pained, but managed to hide it from his children.

King Roderick: Excuse me, theres something urgent I have to do. Continue eating

Montana: Dad, is everything alright?

King Roderick: Yes my dear, everythings okay.

Dain: Agh… This pain again…Where is Mother? It would’ve been nice if she joined us

King Roderick: Shes in our room, shes resting since shes tired

Dain: I will go see her, please excuse myself

King Roderick and Dain then left the scene leaving the girls behind. When the Second suddenly phased through the wall. Montana was shocked but she remembered that she was with the girl, speaking to someone only she sees would only cause confusion to those who see her. So she stood up and excused herself, telling the girl to say as she gave the boy a signal while heading towards the corridor. When they finally reach it, Montana leans towards the wall and asked what the boy wanted. The boy went down to the floor and faced her seriously.

The Second: Ive been summoned again. By Him

Montana: Him? What about it?

The Second: He asked me to bring you with me

Montana: M-me? What for?

The Second: He said that Gabriel was the one who asked for you to come

Montana: The Fourth?

The Second: Yes, so... Get ready for tomorrow. Itll happen at night, same place as last time.

Montana: O-okay

The Second then disappeared into thin air, when the girl suddenly peaked out from the Dining Rooms entrance. Montana, who noticed this, waved at her as she came closer. She asked what the girls name was but the girl never answered saying that she never had one. When Montana noticed this she gave a sigh and sat back down to a couch, where the girl followed.

Montana: I cant just use Girlie whenever I call you.

Girl: Its okay your highness, im okay with anything you want to call me

Montana: Hmm... Is Yvonne good?

Yvonne: Yve... Hmmm... Yes, I like it~

The two then continued to chat while Dain on the other hand, finally reached the Queens Chambers. Upon reaching the door, he hesitated before knocking worried about what the King said. 'Maybe I should just let her rest' such thoughts came to his mind. In the end, he was stopped from entering when a maid suddenly appeared saying that his subordinates needed him for Yve's case. Dain stopped the maid from explaining any further as he looked at the door once more then left without saying anything. When Dain came to the lab, he was confronted by a female scientist, who was supposed to be the one dealing with Yve.

Scientist: Forgive me your Highness, but she wont let me proceed with the examination-

Dain: Where is she?

Scientist: Shes on Room 6 your highness.

Upon reaching the room, Dain sees her crying as she sat on the floor with her arms on the bed . He remembered when she told him about her past, where she was experimented on by the Rogue's traitor, the mad scientist. He then came closer and took of his glasses. When she was in his reach, he embraced her and apologized saying that he forgot their promise and swore to never scare her again. Upon gaining back her composure Yvonne turned around and started a conversation

Girl: I want to meet lady Sophia. I overheard some people talking about her

Dain: A-ahh I see... Havent you been with Montana? Why not go with her?

Girl: I like Sister Montana too, she gave me a name

Dain: A name you say? Well then, lets hear it

Girl: Yvonne, Yve for short

Dain: That’s actually nice… But Lady Sophie lives from a place that’s very far from here

How about Scarlet? Have you met her?

Yvonne: Y-yes, once... When she tried to get me to drink

Dain: A-ahh Sorry, shes not quite good of an influence is she... Ill ask Mon to come if you want… To keep you company… Uncle Kai and Uncle Kaidens are also about to come, are you excited to meet them?

Flora: Yes~! I heard from Princess Mon that they could do anything with their magic, that would be fun to see… But when will Lady Sophie come? I overheard the maids talking about you two being close

Dain: A-AHH noo-no its nothing like that

Yvonne: Hmm?

Dain: Eherm…Nevermind, I’ll go ask and see when she’s free...

In the meantime, let big sis here examine you okay? She wont do anything bad dont worry.

Yvonne: O-okay…

With that over, Dain managed to get a breather and headed towards the Garden, where he spent the rest of the afternoon. Montana on the other hand, was still with Leo clearing the Rift. With Demons that multiply and evolve each time they went back. On the other side, In the Kingdom of Orion, two days later in time of the Kingdom of Chisaiki, Kai and Kaiden finally finished packing up. They head towards the carriages but was stopped midway by their family. After saying their goodbyes, they enter the carriage where they were surprised by their grandfathers appearance, who was one of the last holders of the Third's Book and one of the best to have held it.

Kai: G-Grandpa, youre here?!

Zetien: Yes?

Kaiden: A-ahh, we’re about to leave for Chisaiki

Zetien: Is there something wrong?

Kai and Kaiden: N-no no

Zetien: Good... Well then... Shall we?

Kai: Why are you coming with us?

Zetien: I have important matters to attend to, and when we reach the Palace…

You are to come with me before doing your duties, am I understood?

Kaiden: Yes, understood.

Kai: O-ofcourse

The day ends as Dain spends the sunset resting in the Garden while reading his book, and the Twins suddenly with their grandfather going back to the Kingdom of Chisaiki. What will he do there? Why did he go? And whats the reason behind him needing the aid of the twins? Those questions kept running in the twins' minds, but were never answered, even as they fall asleep.