Chapter 18: A Strong Heart
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On the other side; in the Kingdom of Tyrene, laid Sophie, who had just woken up after their encounter with the Travelers. While trying to process all that had happened, she covers her face and cries in happiness finally realizing that she hasn’t gone insane. She recalled the times when she came back home, when she first heard voice, voices of the people in their Kingdom. It was just until that week when the voices stopped with his help. The Fourth spoke to her, helping her adjust with her awakening. Although a bond wasn’t formed between them, Sophie had the strongest affinity with her Traveler.

While thinking so, a maid enters with a tray which had her food. Most of the maids and Nobles felt concerned after their Princess, Sophie, suddenly shut herself out. Even though she felt happy, she still had to take some time adjusting with the flow. The maid then lays down the bedside table and began laying down her food. To her surprise, the Princess picks up her utensils before she excused her. Knowing that the Princess seemed to have changed, the Maid then smiled and bowed before shedding a tear, which concerned Sophie, who began consoling her.

Sophie: Thank you Vi, you’ve stayed with me during these hard times…

Vi, The Maid: P-Princess! Im delighted to see you finally back

Sophie: A-ahh Stop it Vi, you’ll ruin your makeup

With that over, the maid happily leaves who began to spread the news to the other maids, who were eagerly waiting for her outside the Princess’ room. Sophie heard their happy cries, which made her happy too saying how soft her maids were. While eating, she looks outside the window, and suddenly hears a voice inside her head. A calming voice greeting her, who she now knew. She then chuckles as she stopped eating and stood up. She called for her maids, who were still chatting outside, the maids then entered as they began cleaning her room, she heads to her closet and began to choose which clothes to wear.

Sophie: What do you think? This one or that one?

Gabriel, The Fourth: You’d look beautiful either way Your Highness

Sophie: Haha~You flatter me… What is it? Surely you’re here for a reason

Gabriel, The Fourth:  I will come back once you’re done with your duties… I gave your house those eyes to help you for that reason afterall

Sophie: Ahh yes… I never got to thank you, I am the first to talk to you right?

Gabriel, The Fourth: Yes my lady, for I didn’t have a reason to do so with your ancestors, knowing that they could use those eyes for every problem

Sophie: Thank you Gabriel… For everything

The Fourth then replied saying that he was merely doing his duty. After they finish doing their work, the maids left as they bowed to the Princess. Sophie then headed towards the Conference Room, knowing that she had already eaten, she decided to help fix their Kingdoms issues. The Nobles were surprised by her appearance, and bowed to her presence. Sophie then asked for them to continue as they continue to solve the issues one by one with the God’s Eye as Sophies guide, to check which path is best for them to take.

After hours of discussing, the Nobles decided to let the Princess rest and having insisted to do so, Sophie thanks them as they bowed once more before thanking her. While heading towards the Royal Suite, Sophie then starts to hear to hear voices again. Knowing that she had already gotten used to it, she continues but stopped in shock when she began seeing visions with everyone she came across with. Their memories played in an instant, with their future hardships coming next, which she knew would lead to death. Seeing as if these visions were new, Sophie had no choice but to stop as she held the hallway’s railings to stop her from falling catching other peoples attention. Nauseated, after seeing multiple deaths at once, she felt like she was about to puke. But the vision stopped with the time, and with it came the Fourth, who seemed to be the one who stopped it after noticing her once again Awakening one of the eye’s power.

Gabrie: You always seem to surprise me with your talent

Sophie: Hghh… Talent? I….

Gabriel: I know Princess, you don’t have to explain

The Eyes have been growing unusually fast, maybe it’s a hidden gift He gave, to help us

Sophie: Gift? This is a gift? I-

Gabriel: Worry not my lady, I will help you control it.

Sophie: I-I cant do this…

Gabriel: Your ancestors said the same thing, yet they continued to lead this country to what it is now

I know you can do this Princess, not only because of your blood, but because of who you are.

Sophie then began thinking of what he said as he said his goodbyes. Causing time to start again. Knowing of what responsibilities, she had been given, she decides not to spend time worrying and headed towards her study where she began meditating, which was what the Fourth told her to do to as a start to help her control not only herself but also in her ability’s growth. When she finished, she noticed the voices turned quiet and could control the way she saw visions of the people she came across with. With this, Sophie lets out a deep breath as she headed towards her room. A butler came after getting the permission to enter, and with him carried a tablet that she recognized. She thanks the butler before excusing him to leave. Sophie then continued to put the codes in as multiple holograms began to appear, which she knew would ease her mind.

Sophie: Hey guys! What’s up?

Montana: A messenger came, it contained Kai’s message… He said they’re coming for something…

Yve: We just called to see how you’re holding up

Dain: Although Yve did keep insisting since earlier…

Yve: Wh-what? N-no I didn’t! He’s lying

They continued to chat till dusk when she once again meets the Fourth after noticing that time had stopped with his appearance. He then asked how she was doing, which she then answered, saying she was doing well thanks to what he suggested.

Sophie: How did it work? Surely it wasn’t because of the meditation

Gabriel: The meditation helped you empty your mind, which helped me create a link to us

Sophie: Im ready… For the bond

Gabriel: With this ring and a shed of my blood, We will be one

Sophie then took the ring and put it on, feeling her mana multiply as Gabriel explains that it was essential for when she used the eyes. With the contract over in a matter of minutes, Sophie asked if that was all he needed, seeing as he was still there. He then leaned down and grabbed her hand and kissed it before saying

Gabriel: It is an honor to be by your side

Such strength, selflessness… Im truly grateful

Sophie: Gabriel?! W-why so suddenly?

Gabriel: It is done Princess, you can summon me whenever you want

Sophie: Is there something else you need?

Gabriel: I ask for you to go to a certain place, to help me obtain my vessel

Sophie: O-ohh

Sophie then agrees. With that, the day ends as Sophie goes back to sleep, and The Fourth who began preparing for his descent. The following day, Sophie spends the whole morning dedicated to her duties. After noon, Gabriel speaks telling her the location of where to meet. So Sophie excused herself and asked for her Knights as she disguises herself before leaving the Palace.

After waiting for quite a while, they finally reach the Kingdom’s main Library, where Gabriel asked her to come. They entered the Library and headed towards the restricted area, where only Royalty or High-ranked nobles were allowed to enter. She excused her Knights, telling them to guard the entrance as she entered alone. Sophie then went to the shelf number Gabriel told her to, and grabbed a book while waiting. Then suddenly, a loud thud was heard. When she followed the noise, got surprised when she saw an unconscious guy laying on the floor. Seconds later the Fourth then appears right behind her, surprising her when he spoke

Gabriel: Lucas Gold, a young man capable of having The Library’s Knowledge

Sophie: Hahh~You could’ve warned me first!

Wh-what happened to him?

Gabriel: You see… Lucas here has another soul within him, who took control of him

Sophie: Another soul? Why is it there?

Gabriel: Unfinished business, there are a lot of wandering souls who would do the same

Sophie: Now what?

Gabriel: That other soul within him is someone I know, thus I asked If it could leave the body to me, knowing that his time has ended he agreed

Sophie: So that’s why he-

Gabriel: In return, I promised to finish what he couldn’t during his time

Sophie: Which is?

Gabriel: A certain study…

Now enough with the storytelling. When I tell you, you will put the Ring on Lucas’ finger… And cast a spell to link me to this body

Sophie: But what about lucas?

Gabriel: He is long gone, for he gave his body to that other soul

With that said, Gabriel disappears as light began to shine from Lucas’ core. Later on, Sophie hears Gabriel’s voice who gave a signal for her to proceed with what they planned. After casting the Binding Spell, she steps back as Lucas’ light began to fade, and a much brighter light entering him. After a while, Sophie kneels down to him, calling out as she tried to move the body. Worried that she had failed, she stood back up only to see his eyes open up. With eyes so pure it emitted divine energy, she knew that it was Him. So she called out once more and this time was heard when he sat up.

Gabriel: Ahh-It really has been a while

Sophie: Gab?

Gabriel: Yes Princess, it is I

The day ends as the two head back to the Palace after they left The Library in which with Sophies help, managed to explain to her Knights how Gabriel wass someone she knew and that there was no reason for them to be so worried for.