Chapter 21: The Reunion Part 2
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Light shined through the pedestal as the young boy attempts to take the sword. Seconds later, a beacon of light appeared from the Runes of The First, and there he stood. He held the sword’s guard stopping the boy before he could take it. The Second knew this would happen, which was why he did so in the first place. He glared at his older brother as The First stared at him coldly. To his surprise, The Second’s grip loosens and soon lets go of the hilt of his Sword.

The First: I did not expect this…

For I thought you had it controlled Gabriel

Gabriel (Wanderer): Br-brother, surely you understand he didn’t mean this to happen

The First listens as Gabriel tries to take control over the situation, hoping to avoid any more conflict. Knowing that it was a foolish thing to do so, he lets it slide as he looks at the boy, who turned his back.

The Second: Is it true?

The First: What is?

The First asked as he watched the boy turn his head and glared at him once more, before speaking once more. This surprised the First, who never thought he’d see a day where the boy would do that again. After gaining information using his power, he decides to continue the conversation.  

The Second: Don’t play dumb

The First: You know of the spell? and so what if it is?

It doesn’t make you worthy of holding my Blade, let alone summon me

The Second was surprised, for he didn’t even deny it. After asking why, The First then replied saying that if he knew, then that would mean Gabriel already told him why. The boy couldn’t believe, nor accept that reason alone. He asked once more but this time adding what the humans had to do with it, seeing as for him, humans were nothing more than an inferior species. Before he could finish speaking, The First stops him as he glared, scaring the boy and sending chills over the girls’ body.

The First: Mind your words

The Second: I-Im sick of hearing that!

He died because of them! You expect me to sit and do nothing?

Gabriel: He’s already taking care of that, and not all humans are at fault of what happened

The First: They are our creations…. Let alone, they’re ‘His’

The Second: And so what if they are?!

The First: They’re alive, they are beings of life

Since you used that word… You know what our responsibility are as “Superior Beings” am I right?

The Second: Tchh…

Gabriel: Calm down, you’re not thinking straight

Montana: H-hey… calm down

The boy then turns and lets Gabriel and the Princess come close, she then embraces him, as an attempt to console the boy. With their help, the boy felt guilty and saddened. But he succeeded in controlling his emotion, and with the help of his brother and Montana, he managed to regain his composure. He then calls to his brother, who stopped just before he could leave, and faces him once more.

The Second: Give me back my memories

And everything that belongs to me

The First: …..Very well, it was bound to happen anyways…

Your memories and Vessel will be yours, but I will not give you the last piece

The Second: Last piece?

If it belongs to me… Why shouldn’t I have it?

The First: ….I have a promise I have to fulfill

The boy was shaken, his eyes widened while saying that he doesn’t believe him. But seeing his older brother react so seriously, he had enough reason to believe so. While hesitating at first, he gave in and agreed with the contract, thinking that The Third must’ve hated him which is why he made the promise. Little did the boy know that all his thoughts were being read by his older brother, who chose to take control over the situation.

The First: There…

The Second: wh-wha…This….

…All these memories, why’d you hide it from me

The First: I wasn’t

The Second: Huh? Don’t mess with me

The First: Mind your words, I will not say it again

The Second: U-understood…

The First: Ugh… How troublesome... I didn’t hide it from you

Don’t cause too much of a trouble, Gabriels hair might turn white

The First said as he kneeled down to match the boy’s point of view. The boy then laughs, as he remembers the fun moments he had with his brother. With that over, The First leaves, after taking his sword and creating a portal. Just before he leaves, he then spoke to Gabriel saying that he would be gone for a while. Seeing as he took the sword with him, he knew that even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to summon him. With the First gone, only the four was left. The Second then apologizes for causing such a scene, as Gabriel calls for them to explain what they came there for.

Gabriel: Hahh~ Now that that’s done, lets discuss about your Vessel

The Second: A-ahh yes… Sorry Gab

Gabriel: Its fine, but next time… Try to control your temper

Now… Unlike mine, your vessel was created. So we have to go to the Ruins where he’ll send it.

Montana: How will you know when or where?

Sophie: That would be no problem

Montana: Ohh yeah… What would be our problem then?

Gabriel: With that rift in your Kingdom, you cannot risk leaving your people.

A young man will come in about a month. He will be the alone… You will take him in, for he will take over the Rift, which would give us enough time to go.

The Second: One man? Whats he gonna do?

Gabriel: That’s not important, what’s important is that we get there in time.

For not doing so would make the Vessel useless. Only your soul is hollow, and a vessel must be compatible.

Montana: Hollow?

Gabriel: The vessel will be no problem, seeing as He was the one who created it

But if we came even a second late, he wouldn’t be able to claim the vessel for himself

Sophie: When will it happen?

Gabriel: Three days time, after that lone mans appearance

The group continued until everything was clear. The meeting ends as they waved goodbye to each other and exited the Void. During their time in the Vision Realm, The Second was quiet, which concerned Montana. To her surprise, the boy speaks

The Second: I am more than a thousand years old…

Yet I still act like a child. You must think im foolish

Montana: I went mad too remember? I understand

The two then continued to chat even until their return to the real world. While getting into their conversation, she didn’t notice that Dain was calling for her. So she quickly hushed the boy and went to the door, where she greeted Dain and asked him what he needed. Dain then explains that Sophie had called him earlier, talking about an invitation from a certain Kingdom. Montana remembers the name vaguely, having recalled the twins use the same name. She then went with Dain after giving a signal to the boy, letting him roam free.

When they reach Dains room, she saw Yve as she was talking to Sophie in a very close manner. This made the Princess laugh, which took the others attention. They then began to chat but was stopped when the twins came, who seemed drained. With the group all together, they chatted happily. When the call ended, Montana confirmed that the invitation Sophie had received was from the same Kingdom the twins got invited to. She felt curious of what might the reason be. While following Dain to the Lab, she continued trying to solve the thoughts in her mind, totally unaware of the young demons voice as she calls to her.

Yve: Big sis? Monn---Montana!

Montana: Ohh sorry, what is it?

Yve: Jeez, you’ve been empty-minded since coming here

Dain: Maybe, big sis has a guy in mind

Yve: Really? Who is it?

Montana: Wh-what? How foolish, don’t listen to Dain

Yve: Ehh??

The two then separated after they reached Yve’s room. She entered after saying her goodbyes. Montana was concerned, thinking if Yve really felt happy or whether she left like she didn’t belong or not. After reaching Dains private room, she asked him. Dain chuckles, saying it was a foolish thing to think. Montana then started to get annoyed, but before she could say anything Dain continued, saying that he believes that as long as they were together, Yve wouldn’t really mind any of the minor things. Leo’s lance then came and asked for Montana, saying that Leo called for her. Not knowing why, she decided to follow him until they reach the group who was about to finish preparing for a battle.

Montana: Whats going on here?

Leo: I decided to go inside again, I want to go deeper

Montana: But… didn’t we already clear the outer part?

Leo: Yeahh, that’s why I called for you.

You can choose not to go if you want, just like you said our training session is over

Montana: ….Ill go

Lance: Are you su-

Montana: Wait for me okay!

Montana then leaves without saying anything, running back to get her gear. Leo laughs after she reaches the point where she couldn’t hear him, hearing this surprised his squad. Which he then stopped before they could do anything about it. Minutes later, Montana returns with her gear ready and the sword at hand. The group then continued to enter the gate. It then ends as The Second watches from afar as they entered the gate at midnight and Dain who had cleared everything before leaving the Lab.