Chapter 24: Domain
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Moments have passed, and the two continued their search as they take down the mistwalkers that they encountered on the way. A few blocks from the Rift’s Gate was Leo who had just killed another monster. He then heard a faint sound of someone trying to shout, but was unsure of where it was because it had stopped a few moments after he heard it. After sending his coordinates to the Princess, he heads up to one of the buildings and decided to follow where he heard the voice. After a few buildings, he stopped and hid behind a chimney and peeks just enough to see. He then sees one of the mistwalkers holding up a girl with its tentacle-like limbs. After confirming that it was Yve because of her horns, the Knight sends another message which to his surprise got acknowledged.

When Montana came, he began to explain that the mistwalker took her inside. Having predicted that she would act, he stops the Princess the moment her gaze left his. This annoyed the young girl which Leo expected. He then continues to explain of the plan he had while waiting for her. After listening to it she hesitates, but agrees when Leo asked her to trust him as they locked eyes. She then heads down and goes on the street, waving her sword to move the mist causing the hounds to see her. While charging, she took a couple of hounds down as Leo covered her from behind. When she reaches the Rift she clears a small area, where she waited for Leo to regroup.

Leo: Im here… Sorry

Montana: Lets go

The two then proceeded to go deeper, taking as few monsters as they could to avoid a confrontation with a large group. But after reaching the center, they saw that there was no way for them to continue without being seen, for it was an open area. Knowing how tough the demons are, they stop as Montana looks at Leo waiting for his suggestion. Even though he knew of this, he couldn’t think of a way which Montana noticed. After a while, she scoffs and stood up but was stopped when Leo grabbed her in the arm. Seeing as she looked like she wasn’t going to stop, Leo sighs and stands up as he went in front of her.

Leo: Hah… That girl… such effort

Montana: Im going

Leo: I gotcha

The two then jumps out, showing themselves to the thick-skinned demons. A couple of them shrieks as one of them throws a spear towards them, which was easily dodged. With the two side by side, moving in tandem, the huge demons had difficulties as they tried to take the two down. After a while, Leo finally landed a blow to one of the twelve demons. Realizing how long and difficult it was to take one down, he shouts for Montana to retreat, but instead watches her as she took another one down. Seeing that she didn’t notice the demon behind her, he sprints to Montana and managed to hold the demon’s claws. This gave Montana the opportunity, who took it and beheads the armored beast. They continued until only three remained. Seeing how heavily their breathing was, they were forced to take the defensive as they hear hounds howling.

Leo: Princess! They’re here!

Its time!

Montana: Not yet!

Leo: Wh-what?!

Montana: Not yet! We’re gonna keep going

Leo: Are you insan-woah!

Leo dodges another spear-throw from the demons. While defending himself from the hounds, he looks at the Princess and sees her struggling. After taking a hound down, he kneels down as he speaks at himself, mocking himself of how short his efforts was. Montana heard this, which causes her to smile. They were victorious and continued even with heavily tired bodies. While walking, they were given enough time to rest as Leo began a conversation, saying that they knew nothing of the Deep, and for the Princess to take caution. Montana nods as they continued. After a while, they reach an end. Seeing that the cliff in front of them had no way down, they stopped. The area below was dim because it only had a few torches. They knew the surface was water, but was uncertain of how deep it was.

Thinking that they’ve rested enough, Montana stood up telling Leo that it was time to proceed. Using the demon’s claws as hooks, they climbed down. But on the way down, Montana failed to dig the claw deep causing it to loosen, making her fall. But to her surprise, Leo jumped down and grabbed her. Knowing that he wouldn’t last long, he asked her to dig another claw, which she did hastily. After getting close to the surface, she looks up to Leo, who nods as he jumps down holding his breath. But unexpectedly, the water was shallow, reaching only his boots. The two then continued, while trying to be quiet. In the end was an open cave which seemed to be a dungeon, having countless cells in the walls. At the top of the small hill were two large column of stone, and in the center was Yve who was chained. Seeing her alive gave Montana an ease of mind. She then heads towards her, seeing as there were no demons in sight. But to her surprise Yve, who woke up, shouted telling her to go back saying that it was a trap. But before she could react, the Mistwalkers already had taken her. The Columns and chains were an illusion of them and their tentacle-like limbs. Luckily, before they could take her, Leo cuts their arms which angered them, making their grip around Yve’s neck tighten.

Montana: Stop! Stop! You’re hurting her!

Leo: Princess! Are you okay?

Stand up! We’re gett-eugh…

Leo grunts as one of their tentacles, which was hidden in the water hits his leg from behind. Montana shouts at him as she gets up and cuts the limb. But before they could regain themselves, an armored demon rose from the ground and swings his clawed hands. Luckily, Leo managed to turn the Princess away, but took the hit. With the mistwalker’s illusions, it felt impossible for her to take the armored demons down. Leo receives another blow, knocking him up in the air. The two girls shouted, but Montana had to take her stand to protect herself. Seeing that Leo wasn’t getting up, she began to lose hope but hears someone call to her.

Yve: Mon! Le-eugh-Leave!

Just leave me behind! Ugh…

Yve cried out as the Mistwalkers choked and cuts her to stop her from talking. Montana struggled, as two demons assaulted her while she protected the Knight, who was unable to move after bleeding too much. She managed to take one down, but didn’t know what to do with the others present there. Knowing that she didn’t have a choice, she stabs her thigh and began chanting the summon. But to her surprise, the scene didn’t change, instead felt like time went slower. She then hears a familiar voice, as her wounds and tired body began to heal.

The Second: Do it yourself this time

Montana: Hah!

Montana laughs as her once injured body was restored to its prime. She then went closer to Leo and cuts herself, waiting for the blood to drip on the Knights injured body. She then lets go of the sword and used the power to control the blood. After reaching his core, Leo grunted as his body began to burn. After regaining themselves, they charged forward taking down as many as they could. Knowing that Leo wouldn’t last long, Montana rushed the center and took down the Mistwalkers. With the help of The Second’s eyes, she defeated them with ease. She then took Yve and after knowing that she couldn’t move, Montana gave Leo a signal. The Knight then carries the young girl and ran back as fast as he could. While covering for their back, she didn’t notice the hounds that appeared which were catching up to them.

Montana: Leo! On your left!

Leo: Copy!

With his body restored to its prime, beating the hounds wasn’t as difficult as he expected, having Yve in his back. Montana then came back to them as they came closer to the gate. But when they reached the outside, Leo knew they had to get to the safe zone. Montana, who was holding of the demons, was reaching her limit. Later on, Leo’s protective aura weakened which affected his movement because of the Mist. With the protection gone, he was taking in the poison. But knowing how close they were, he continued. While running, he hears a loud thud and when he turned around, he sees the Princess who fell unconscious. Not giving a second thought, he runs back to her and carried her on the way back.

His vision began to blur as the poison began to take a heavy toll in his body. With a demon behind him, he began thinking of what he could do. He then decided to keep running, hoping that someone from the other side was ready to cover for them. But near the end, his leg gave in, causing him to kneel due to the two who he carried. Seeing that the demon was getting closer, he no longer had a choice. He pulls Yve from behind, making her look at him.

Leo: We don’t have time…

Ta-take the Princess

Yve: No-we’re so close….

Please! Ill help you

Leo: I’ve reached my limit…

Go, theres no time

Leo insisted, but the girl continued to hesitate. In the end she took the princess, who had a bit of her consciousness back. Yve wrapped her arm around her body, asking the princess to help her as they head back. Leo on the other hand, was kneeling down, blocking the demon who followed them. When the demon reached him, it hits him making him lose balance. But just before it could eat him, something hits its open mouth. To Leo’s surprise, the demon went down, even so he decided to behead the demon. When he turned around, he saw multiple silhouettes of people coming towards him, and hears a familiar voice just before he passed out.

Dain: Sir Leo! You’re safe, you’re safe!

Take hi-

The day then ends as a Ranger observes from a watchtower. While Dain and his men carried the three back to safety, heading back towards the camp.