Chapter 36: An Angel and a Shadow
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On the other side, a few minutes have passed when Athena finally reached their destination. She stopped on the street before the one with winery, and had the scout confirm the location first. After receiving permission to proceed, the scouts moved first, with Veronica and her men following from behind. She however, stopped after noticing that Athena had been cut off in their communications. She then runs back, in an alley a couple of meters away was where she found Athena leaning down. She came closer, asking if she was okay. Athena didn’t answer, but Veronica noticed something as she came closer. An eye-catching rose; still fresh, pure, and white and was left in the street. She asked what it was, not knowing what Athena had in mind. She then spoke, saying Veronica should go ahead of her. She hesitated at first, and watched as Athena raised her head.

In Athena’s POV, she looked up to find a Clocktower. In front of it was a small figure of a man who gestured facing her. Although he was far, Athena knew who it was. She then laughed which surprised Veronica. She then leaned downwards and reached for the rose, only to be stopped by Athena herself.

Athena: (Hahaha~) Leave it… Lets go

The two then went back and got greeted by the scouts who informed them of the current situation. While listening to the scouts, Veronica couldn’t help but notice the sudden change of mood within Athena. She then decided to go alone, even after hearing that the enemies might be in disguise. Veronica was against the idea, but was too late. Athena disappeared, as she headed inside through the front door. Like she expected, everything and everyone inside the winery seemed to be normal. Thinking that Viktor’s men were probably hiding in disguise, she then sits down on the counter, waiting for the staff to come. She chose to order something, thinking it would help her fit in, to eliminate suspicions. She also looked from side to side, observing each person and their movements.

While drinking wine, her focus was then taken upon seeing two men drinking together. One of them then came to the bar, telling the bartender that he’d pay for her. The two then chatted and after a while, the man got drunk. He then looked at Athena, who was flushed after drinking more bottles than him. Thinking that she too, was drunk, he decided to try and hit on her.

Drunkard: Heyy~ You okay there lady?

Athena: Woooh~ hehehez, w-want more

Drunkard: HAHAHA~ Hey Burt, my friend here’s wasted

Imma take her home

Burt The Bartender: Y’sure? Need help?

Drunkard: Nahh Simons with me

Simon: Daang bro- she looks wasted!

Drunkard: Don’t tell Boss haha!

The two then helps Athena up, as they left through the front door. Veronica saw this and sighed knowing well of what was going to happen. After following them for a while, they ended up in a warehouse. Veronica and her men climbed to the roof with ease, thanks to the equipment provided by Sally and Dain. She then looked from window to window, searching for Athena.

Veronica then found her in a room, where the two drunkards were knocked out cold. Athena saw her and waved as she continued to drink wine. She then hears a faint voice of someone talking and upon hearing them, she faces Athena, telling her to stay quiet. But as she expected, Athena continues laughing cutely while heading towards the door. On the other side were two more of the drunkard’s friends. They came after receiving word from Simon that they got a cute girl. Veronica then sighs as she calls out two of her men and as soon as Athena opened the door, the two jumped from above and knocked out the two who came.

Athena: Heyya~ want a sip?

Woopsies, sorry

Veronica: Your Grace…

Athena: Hickk- Mmmn….Yeahh?

Veronica: Perhaps you’ve forgotten…

We have a mission at hand

Athena: Lets go then!

It was only a matter of time when the warehouse was secured. They then received word that Viktor had already escaped, and that his men didn’t know where his right hand was. Veronica was searching for clues, and was reaching her limit as Athena chuckled while dancing. She then came to her, holding her by the shoulders. Athena was addicted to drinking and had high tolerance when doing so. So Veronica knows that she was still in the right mind.

Veronica: Your Grace Please! Control yourself!

Athena: You still don’t know? Hehehe~

I might actually finish drinking their stock before you figure it out

Only then did Veronica realize why Athena wasn’t acting. Veronica was an elite, but Athena still considered her as a trainee. She was being tested. Veronica tried to figure out what to do, but ended up nowhere. Athena saw this and finally decided to step in.

Athena: (sighs) You’re looking at the wrong direction Vee

Veronica: H-huh? What do you-

Athena: Viktor already knows…That’s why he left

Veronica: So? Are we just supposed to let him escape?

Athena: Don’t search for what might not be there

Instead…His Right Hand

Veronica: Sir Leo had already finished, and said that he wasn’t there

Athena: If he isn’t here, or at the docks, where he could be?

Veronica thought of it for a while but stopped when Athena moved, taking another bottle. Only this time, she finally helps, claiming that Michael was going to take the Underground route called the “Waterway” She also added that he probably had Yvonne with him, since the “Scroll” was nowhere to be found. Veronica finally understood and took action.

Coming a little late, Michael’s men had already settled in, giving them a hard time to enter. Athena however, expected this and went a different route. She took out the guards on the right, which showed Veronica an opening. Although they couldn’t just go in. Fortunately Leo and Montana came, they took cover tried to converse even with all the barrage.

 Veronica: Her Grace has already entered!

Leonhardt: How?! Do you have a plan?!

Veronica: Yes! But Im gonna need your help!

Leonhardt: Great! Then-

Leonhardt stopped, seeing the Princess who suddenly stood up. He reached out to grab her, only to grasp nothing but air. Leo was surprised that she could still use The Second’s state. With it, Montana bursts through the entrance with ease. Seeing this caused the enemies to act in a fray, given the perfect opportunity, Leo spearheaded the team to launch an attack. Meanwhile, Montana continued to descend until she reached the canal. While walking, she prepared herself from an ambush, seeing that it was most likely to happen.

She continued to walk for quite a while when she suddenly heard echoes. Cries of agony which echoed through the canal. Montana then ran faster, thinking that it probably had something to do with Athena. Upon going in different directions, she found bodies of Michael’s men, who were disguised even though they were underground. The farther she continued to run, the more bodies were left. Until she reached a point where one of them was hanging on the canal’s ceiling, with a chain imbued with mana. Montana shivered, thinking how familiar it looked to her. Giving no time to waste, she continued to follow the voices of those who cried in agony.  

Near the end of the waterway was Michael, who still had Yve with him. He started to feel anxious, fearing that his men would run out before he could escape. Athena, who followed from behind, hummed as she took out each of them one by one. Michael couldn’t help but think of her as a monster, seeing that no matter who it was he sent, she would take down as if they were mere flies. She was still out of his sight, but even so, he could feel her presence as if she was in front of him. Upon sending one of his last three men, he was surprised to see a dagger fly just above his head. Fortunately, Michael managed to duck, only for the dagger to hit the other. Athena had finally reached him, he sends two other men and ran as fast as he could, leaving all but Yve with him. As soon as he turned around, he watched them fall in the split second when the flashes of death illuminated the darkness of the canal . With her gun and knife in hand, she left upon him a sight he wished he had never seen.

Back on Montana’s side, she stopped upon seeing one of Michael’s men, who could barely even breathe. Seeing all those chaos, she couldn’t help but stop. She then kneeled down, after hearing his faint voice whispering to her. “S-such a monster… Shouldn’t… Exist” She then decided to take him out of his misery, slitting his throat causing the blood to spray all over her face.

Upon reaching the surface, Michael made sure to slow her down, searching for anything that can block or act as an obstacle for her. He was relieved to see the Winery, thinking that he was close to the warehouse, where he expected reinforcements. He was annoyed by Yve who kept bugging him by resisting, thinking it slowed him down. While threatening her, he raised his head, only to see Athena there. He was surprised to see her and thought of how she managed to go ahead of them. Without hesitating, he turns around and continues to run away from her. In a certain alley, he decided to hide, seeing that Athena wasn’t there when he turned. He then hid behind a crate while covering the demon’s mouth. Michael stood silent, hoping Athena wouldn’t find them. He then observed his surroundings, looking for a way to escape. Upon doing so, he sees a white rose. One of its petal fell to the floor and with it came a humming. Michael then shivered, knowing well of who it was. It only took a moment to show himself, while holding a dagger towards Yve’s neck.

Athena: Yve~ Finally, you cant even imagine~ how worried Montana was

Michael: Stay right there! you bi***

Athena: ….How annoying

Suddenly Michael’s hands were frozen. She mocks him asking if he really haven’t seen it yet. He then enhances his sight with mana, and sees the chains wrapped around him. Athena then smiled before pulling him away from Yve. When suddenly, a cloaked man came from above and took Yve just before she fell forward. She still resisted, thinking it was still the enemy. But to her surprise, the man removes the cloth covering her eyes. It was Caspian all along, who claimed that he never left. But he knew that it wasn’t the right moment for a reunion, so he closed her eyes and broke a scroll, which casted a spell, making her fall asleep.

Athena, on the other hand, ignored his appearance and went straight to Michael. Upon reaching a dead end, he begs of her mercy. But she continued to strike, stabbing his shoulder. Even after all those killings, Caspian couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to keep herself clean. Athena continued to torture Michael, who had his mouth muffled. Then, a moment came where the chains were dispersed, which made him think that he was free. After removing what she covered in his mouth, he grabs his dagger and faced her, in hopes of getting revenge.

Michael: Y-you!

Caspian: Fool…

Michael rushed her, only to see his eyes suddenly blur, causing him to stop. It was finally then when Montana arrived, only to see Michael’s body fall on the floor. She only saw Athena, who was carrying Yve, coming to her. She asked what happened and Athena answered saying that a man arrived and killed him. She goes on to say that the man claimed to be someone Montana knew.

The day ends as Montana comes back to the palace with Yve on her arms, with Athena, who followed from behind having admired the nightsky. In the alley was once a white rose, now covered by the blood of the man who had fallen into an Angels hands.