Introspection [16]
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Scy's focus is elsewhere when Professor Thaulmer calls upon him. There's a sudden silence, and Scy realizes he's being stared at by nearly everyone in the classroom. He clears his throat as a blush heats hit cheeks, and looks up at Professor Thaulmer sheepishly.

"S-Sorry, could you repeat what you said, Professor?" Scy stammers.

"Certainly. I asked what you think introspection means to a mage." Professor Thaulmer replies cheerily.

Introspection is something everyone in the classroom knows, but to define how it relates to mages specifically is a challenge. Scy contemplates the question for a moment before breathing out an unintentionally held breath.

"I... I'm not really sure." Scy replies quietly.

There's an exasperated groan of displeasure from the back row, and Scy turns to see Zeke looking like he just had his birthday cake smashed right in front of him. Scy gives the bespectacled boy an eye roll before looking at Professor Thaulmer furtively.

"Most mages wouldn't be able to answer that question, either." Prof. Thaulmer reassures.

"Oh thank god..."

Threads float through the air propelled by Professor Thaulmer's magic as she extrapolates on the concept of introspection. The class is half listening as most of them are mesmerized by her precise magic control.

"Introspection is defined as the examination of one's mental and emotional state..." Professor Thaulmer starts.

Stuffed toys of various colors slowly float down into the mess of threads, and these toys are woven seamlessly into a large heart shaped array of red string. Scy isn't certain as to what Professor Thaulmer is getting at, but the colorful display is eye catching regardless.

"For a mage emotions are vital to controlling your magic power." Prof. Thaulmer continues.

The threads all suddenly start to unravel, as if wilting like dying flowers. The stuffed toys are scattered to the floor, and several are caught by students. Scy himself snatches a stuffed penguin before it can hit the floor.

"Without knowing your own emotions and controlling them, you won't be able to properly utilize your magic power." Professor Thaulmer finishes with a sad smile.

The gears in Scy's head turn as he stares blankly at the stuffed animal in his hand. There's a lot of things he avoids thinking about, and perhaps confronting such thoughts and feelings will improve his magic ability.

"Only one way to find out..."


David's eyes flick from the magical display above the classroom to the back of Michael's head. His foot taps on the floor impatiently. Everything Professor Thaulmer is saying sounds like useless drivel to David.

"Controlling feelings makes magic stronger?

David's black horns peek out from his hair as a fleck of smoldering orange light manifests in his palm. He watches a stuffed bear fall onto his desk as the magical display ends, and without hesitation he shoves the glowing orb of heat into the plushie's head. There's a horrible smelling stench which permeates the area as plastic and fabric melt into a charred mess.

Memories of that day rear up like monsters in a swamp, and David smashes the charred toy between his calloused fingers as if trying to destroy the painful memories which haunt him. Feelings are something he doesn't bother with.

"Not anymore..."


"Each of you can group up with another student or two and complete these worksheets." Professor Thaulmer explains.

Magical threads carry several worksheets throughout the room, gently lowering the pages onto each student's desk without fail. Michael eagerly scoops his up and starts skimming through it. Last time he was asleep for most of the class, but now he can finally do some actual learning.

The scraping sound of Jamie's desk being slid over to Scy and Michael makes Michael glance up to see his dark haired friend waving at him with a skeletal hand.

"That won't work every time, you nut." Michael scoffs.

Jamie's shrugs in reply to Michaels squinty eyed stare. The three of them all look over their worksheets, and let out a collective sigh. For this assignment they'll have to each share something that makes them feel each emotion listed on the paper.

"This feels a little silly..." Scy mumbles.

"It'll be fun, come on." Jamie nudges Scy.

There's an obnoxiously load groan from the back of class, and everyone turns to give David the stink eye as he glares at his worksheet.

"Let's start already! For me, the food here makes me happy." Michael gets things moving.

That elicits nods of agreement from both Scy and Jamie. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are some of the best times here at Upside Academy.

"I think making Michael freak out does it for me." Jamie says with a smirk.

Michael gives him a disgusted look while Scy chokes on his own spit. At least one nearby student gives the trio a hard look.

"Dude, don't say it like that..." Scy chides quietly.

"You get what I mean, haha." Jamie shrugs innocently.

Both Jamie and Michael mark off their own entries while Scy gives his page a long look. It's not a hard question, but there are a lot of things to choose from.

"Michael-" Scy blurts out.

"Yeah?" Michael answers.

There's a short pause as Michael waits for his friend to elaborate, but he doesn't. Instead Scy just freezes up for a second and gets strangely sweaty. Jamie nudges him, and he snaps out of it as if nothing happened.

"Spells class. Learning new magic is cool as fuck." Scy says unconvincingly.

"Alright, yeah." Jamie nods in agreement.

Michael gives Scy a curious look before moving onto the next item on their worksheet. This time they're meant to discuss what makes them feel anger. This one is easy for Michael.

"Headmaster Locke makes me feel angry." Michael mutters quietly.

The other two go bug eyed and look around the room as if expecting the man in question to suddenly warp into the room like some kind of all seeing god. Nothing of the sort happens, and Michael wears a smug grin.

"That scared me..." Scy mumbles.

Jamie doesn't admit to anything despite wearing the same expression as Scy.

"For me I think Professor Bagu does it. He's nuts." Jamie says.

"Yeah I can see that... weren't you hiding under your desk that whole class?" Scy quips.

"Shut up." Jamie snaps.

There's a few chuckles from the other two as Jamie's cheeks turn pink, but they drop it quickly. Scy clears his throat in an effort to feel less anxious.

"For me I think David is what makes me angry." Scy says a little too loudly.