Professor King's golden hued eyes search Michael's face for several long seconds before his expression softens. The imposing lion headed man gently takes his paw off Michael's shoulder before giving him a very brief once over. That golden glow fills Professor King's eyes as he surveys something unseen to Michael, and frowns slightly.
"My apologies, Michael..." Professor King finally says.
Michael's voice feels caught in his throat and he isn't sure why as his spells teacher talks to him in an abnormally caring tone. Nothing about this situation should upset him, yet Michael feels like he's been caught deceiving his professor.
Professor King shakes his head upon seeing Michael's twisted expression, and places his large pawlike hand onto Michael's forehead without warning. There's a warmth that seeps into Michael's scalp, and calm gently wraps his mind like a comforting blanket.
"Let's talk in my office." Professor King says gently.
The larger lion headed man keeps his hand on Michael's head as golden light envelopes the two. Both of them vanish in a dazzling shower of golden sparks.
"Manifestations are not bad or good." Professor King says solemnly.
Michael has tears dripping down his cheeks, and he's not sure why. There's a tight feeling in his chest that he can't place as anything but intense shame.
"Michael, I need you to listen to me..." Professor King sighs.
There's only a slight nod from the distraught boy.
"You said your friend Scy has been helping you keep your manifestation hidden, and it's because your manifestation is a double edged sword." Professor King explains.
Michael tilts his head a bit, that sad lost look not leaving his softened features. The magically lengthened hair flowing down from his head feels oddly comforting.
"Let me give you an example... Take Professor Nan, for instance." Prof. King starts with a grin.
"She's certainly harder to kill when she is manifested fully, but her ability to control her body disappears completely. She couldn't live a normal life if she was constantly manifested." Professor King continues.
Understanding seems to dawn on Michael's adorable features as he finally realizes manifestations are not simply a new coat of paint. Some may be more mundane or useful, but others may feel closer to a curse rather than a blessing.
"Then... What's the bad part of mine?" Michael asks hoarsely.
Professor King sucks in a deep breath, and lets it out as a sad sigh.
"I can't say for certain, as we don't know what your full manifestation is..." Professor King says softly.
Michael's head tilts down a bit at the lack of insight, but he looks up when Professor King continues his explanation.
"The immediate problem is that despite every mage having a manifest, not every mage views manifestations as a good or okay thing." Professor King finishes gravely.
Thoughts of David's constant harassment pop up into Michael's mind. Other students reacting with hostility to Michael's origin is one thing, but how would they treat him if they knew what his manifestation was?
"For now I think it's best if you keep your manifest hidden. I'll let the other professors and headmaster know about it." Professor King assures him.
Michael's eyes look a little hollow, but he nods to express his understanding.
Professor King hands Michael a familiar potion, and Michael stares at the plain looking bottle for a few moments before downing the whole thing in a few gulps. The changes revert to normal, and Michael wipes his tears on his sleeves.
"Can you hear me, David?" Professor King asks.
David blinks away the fog of sleep as he sits up suddenly, shocked to find himself sitting in the school infirmary. Professor Frost is sitting off to the side with a binder in hand. Professor King is right next to him with a concerned look on his feline features.
"Yeah... What the hell was that? In the drains?" David snaps suddenly.
Professor Frost gives the boy a sharp glance, but doesn't say anything. Professor King sighs a little before explaining the thing beneath the potions classroom.
"That is a monster commonly referred to as Gurgling Death. It's formed when too many magical substance combine, and can crop up in the lower levels of the potions classroom drainage system." Professor King recites like a talking encyclopedia.
"You said it was safe- Ouch!" David complains before groaning in pain.
The boy winces, holding his aching head as he lays back in the comfortable infirmary bed. Professor Frost walks over with a stern frown on her face. The woman's icy magic coats David's body in frost, and he shivers a little as the healing cold envelopes him.
"I'm sorry. You're exempt from classes until you recover fully." Professor King apologizes.
David nods slightly while clenching his jaw. The intense cold isn't pleasant, but a little chill is preferable to head trauma.
"You'll need to lie down for at least another day... If you stay still it will speed up the process." Professor Frost explains dryly.
"...Okay." David mumbles.
The boy avoids looking at Professor Frost, and she doesn't react to his attitude. Professor King looks a little frustrated by David's behavior. Professor King stands to leave, and nods to Professor Frost politely before opening the infirmary door.
"Where's the girl who saved me?" David blurts out.
Professor King turns to see David sat up in bed with a stubborn look of indignation on his face. The boy's cheeks redden as both professors eye him with raised eyebrows.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, David." Professor King shakes his head.
David's eyes narrow at the oddly mysterious answer, but he doesn't push it any further. Professor King takes his leave, and David lays back down.
"What? Seriously?!" Scy shouts.
"Quiet! It's late... And yes, really." Michael replies wearily.
Scy glances worriedly at Michael's face. There's a redness around his eyes indicating he cried quite a lot, and his face is completely normal. The story he told just now lines up with all of this, and mortifies Scy.
"I can't believe... you really... wow." Scy mumbles.
Michael's expression switches to one of offense, and before Scy can process it he gives Scy a snarky reply.
"Can't believe what? That someone saw my manifestation?" Michael is the one shouting now.
"What? That's not what I-" Scy tries to protest.
Michael tears up and tries to add something, but he chokes up as his emotions overwhelm him once more. Several strange new emotions are blended into this cocktail of sadness which he pours out through his tear ducts.
"Hey... I was talking about the monster..." Scy says softly.
Scy gently pulls Michael into a soft hug, and the two sit there silently for a while. Scy pats his friend on the back, and neither say a word. Magic power flows from Scy into Michael as he supplements his friend's magic deficient body.
"Sorry... I'm a mess..." Michael mumbles into Scy's shoulder.
Scy laughs a little and gives Michael a firm pat on the back. The two of them separate, and Scy glances away from Michael as if checking some unseen thing. Michael doesn't notice this as he gets ready for bed. Scy does the same, albeit his attention is elsewhere.
"It's not the same."
And of course there's bloody prejudices surrounding manifests... *grumble grumble* humans filled with magic are still humans... Blegh
I can understand not wanting to be manifested completely if it's giving you difficulty performing normal tasks or harming others... But why not encourage student to manifest, gauge how their full manifest might affect them in a safe environment full of trained professionals and let the students decide how they want to approach their manifest on their own, rather than let the culture of suppressing any expression of their manifest which only builds up the prejudice...