Michael's lips turn up into a smirk as he sees a text arrive in the group chat between him, Jamie, and Scy. The notification displays a picture of Professor King standing behind his podium at the front of class with blush marks drawn onto his cheeks and several hearts surrounding his mane.
The soft sound of his fingers tapping upon the Magi-Phone's screen accompany Michael's reply as he responds with a comment about Professor King being a lovable kitten on the inside.
"Everyone take your seats and put your magi-phones away." Professor King announces.
Professor King's golden eyes are on Michael and his friends as he says that last part, but he doesn't scold them further. Michael and company pocket their Magi Phones without complaint, and Professor King holds up his palm to create a large furry ball. The strange fluffy object sits on his pawlike hand.
"With today's spell you'll be able to shrink anything you see fit, so long as you're skilled enough to affect the target." Professor King explains.
Golden sparks pop from the ball of fur in his hands, and the sphere shrinks down from the size of a basketball to the size of a tennis ball. The class is quiet impressed, and even David looks a little interested in the spell's utility.
The ball of fur in Professor King's hand vanishes and he brings a stick of chalk to the blackboard, writing out a few key points on how to cast the spell safely.
"This spell is very difficult to master, but not too difficult to learn." Professor King continues.
This time he raises his pawlike hand to his own chest, and with a shower of gold sparks he shrinks down to roughly half his original size. The oddly shrunken lion headed man looks more than a little silly as he is now, and the class can't help but giggle at the sight of a miniature Professor King standing beside his now oversized podium.
"I'm sure you can imagine the sorts of fun you can have with such a spell." Professor King finishes in his now high pitched voice.
Michael's hand covers his mouth as he stifles a laugh. Professor King casts a different spell which emits an odd cloud of golden mist, and his size returns to normal. The class gets a little serious as he starts describing how to go about casting this slightly more advanced spell.
"To shrink something with magic power you should first fill the target with your magic power, creating a connection to it, and then carefully reduce the amount of magic power within the object." Professor King lectures.
This first explanation has several students trying experiments of their own on their stationary, but Michael's first attempt is with his body. He pushes his magic power around evenly within himself, and feels the pulse of his magic power solidify like stone throughout his bones, muscles, and organs. It's an odd feeling, and he quickly starts to imagine the magic power vanishing bit by bit, until he's left with a very small wiry amount of magic power. The sensation is odd and reminds him of being shocked by electricity, but it's not painful.
"Holy shit-" Scy exclaims.
Michael is about to ask what's wrong when he realizes he's rapidly shrinking, and the process of reducing in size isn't stopping. The feeling of electric shocks leaves Michael tingling as he reaches a size comparable to that of a doll, and feels his clothing remain unchanged.
"Oh no... I didn't shrink my clothes..."
Professor King's footsteps felt like thunder as Michael's body fumbled through a sea of fabric. He felt fresh air hit his head, and glanced around. Everything looked huge, and he felt a bit strange. Glancing down he realized that he couldn't see his feet, and instead a rather impressive pair of breasts blocked his vision.
"Michael... let me help you." Professor King's voice rumbles from somewhere above.
Michael doesn't get much time to reply before he feels his newly developed bust brushing along the clothing surrounding him. The feeling sends shocks of foreign sensations through his body, and he yelps as Professor King summons a curtain of golden hued magic which surrounds Michael's growing body.
The sight of his boy's uniform filled out with his breasts gives Michael an odd feeling, but he quickly shakes it off whilst downing a Demanifestation Potion he'd prepared for just this sort of situation. The feminization in his body rapidly reverts, and he feels something is still a little off as Professor King removes the magical curtain.
"This is a good opportunity for me to remind the class that you should experiment with object other than yourself, just to be safe." Professor King warns.
Michael looks a little sheepishly at Professor King, but he simply nods to the boy before walking over to a girl who's hair is hissing in irritation. She's shrunken her clothes by accident, and she gets a little help from Professor King who graciously summons a magic curtain for her to protect her modesty.
"Wow... that was something." Scy laughs a bit.
"Y-Yeah... I feel a little off, though?" Michael replies.
Scy gives Michael a once over before standing up from his desk, and approaching him. The two of them stand there as Scy peers closely at Michael's head, and he laughs a little.
"You're shorter! Professor King didn't completely fix you up, haha!" Scy smiles teasingly.
Jamie looks at Michael in surprise whilst standing up to compare their heights as well. The three of them were basically all the same height before, but now Michael stands at least a few inches below the other two. Oddly enough Michael can't bring himself to complain about it.
"Oh that is weird..." Jamie mumbles.
"We should get Professor King to fix that-" Scy starts.
"No! I uh, I'll just fix it later..." Michael interrupts him suddenly.
Both Jamie and Scy gives Michael a curious look before Scy shrugs casually. Michael feels oddly comfortable with the change in height, but he's not sure why. Ordinarily he'd expect a reduction in height to be humiliating.
"Whatever floats your boat." Scy says with a smile.
Jamie turns back to focus on trying to shrink a pencil on his desk. Michael looks at his slightly smaller hands before returning his attention to practicing the shrinking spell safely. Hopefully shrinking an eraser will be safer than shrinking himself.
michael can't resist the happy lil feeling to be smol ;3
Smol is nice, wish I was smol
Fun little spell
Professor King was fast to the rescue. Nice
"I'm sure you can imagine the sorts of fun you can have with such a spell."
Had to stop multiple times to stop thinking about "fun"