Ch 8. Floor 0 – Waves(2)
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"What to do?"

I started to freak inside. Wallnut is not refreshed yet to be used again, and potato mine will take time to mature.

At that time some kind of calmness washed all over me making me calm.

[Innate Skill - 3rd Person's Perspective Activated!]

"Wha...? A skill? I have a skill?!"

Unlike before, this time I am a bit calm, no better to say I am surprised to find that skills exists.

But before that...

"First, I have to find method to stop that zombie."

I don't know much about my innate Skill, but from the name I kind of get it. Just like it's name, it makes me look situations from 3rd person's perspective.

It makes me able to remain calm and make most rational decision in critical conditions.

Just like the current situation.

The conehead zombie is just three patches away from the house. The only plants in its way is a Sunflower and a Peashooter.

It takes 20 peas to kill him, but at this distance it is impossible. If I don't do anything, it would easily enter the house and I would fail the tutorial.

There is no lawn mower which can act as the last defense as well.

I can probably physical brawl with the zombie, but it's the last resort.

"What should I do?"

I asked myself. Using all my experiences I need to find an answer to this problem.

Normally, in the game there are six seed slots. But in tutorial, there are eight seed slots! It means I have four other seeds which can help in this situation.


"They are all locked."

I can't access them. The four pockets are locked with the tower system and aren't accessible at this point.

Then it means I have to derive a plan using the same plants I have.

"There is no shortage of sun. The problem lies in recharge rate."

Potato mine is already out but it's takes time to mature. And Wallnut is still in recharge.

"I have to take a gamble."

It's win or lose. Physical brawl will be the option if the zombie clears all the plants but before that...

"I will everything I can do to kill that zombie!"

Pop! Pop!

The Peashooter continued to shoot, damaging the cone. The cone on zombie's forehead was already a bit crooked, so one or two shots it would take for the cone to fall.


I quickly took out the shovel and used it to remove the sunflower behind the peashooter. Sunflower is of no use to me at this point.

And I quickly planted a Peashooter behind the peashooter.

Pop! Pop!

With those two shots, the cone fell down but at that zombie was already on the peashooter, eating him with his hands.

Pop! Pop!

The Peashooter fired two more peas before he could disappear.

Crunch! Crunch!

The zombie ate the peashooter and walked forward.

The Peashooter behind also continued to shoot after his fellow plant died.

Pop! Pop!

A hand of Zombie fell down, clearly indicating that it is half away from its death.

"And all I need to do is to buy the peashooter a bit of time."

And at this point, it's a matter of sacrifice.

Quickly before the zombie could reach the last peashooter, I quickly planted a sunflower in front of it.

It doesn't have any attack or any defense, but it can buy a bit of time!

The zombie stopped and started to chomp the sunflower. And peashooter like before shot peas at the zombie.

With two bites the sunflower disappeared and the zombie once again started to move ahead.

"Oh! Sun Points!"

I collected the remaining sun points from remaining sun flowers and quickly planted a Peashooter in front the zombie before it could even land in the last patch where peashooter stands.

The purpose of this peashooter is not to shoot but to get eaten to buy more time for the another peashooter.

But at this point the zombie was already quite weakened. The new planted peashooter fired a pea which was damaged the zombie making it a bit stagger and the last pea from the peashooter behind truly made the last zombie of the wave fall.


Clenching my fists, I screamed at the fact that I was able to defend it.

"It was scary... but a lot fun as well."

The amount of fun depends upon the amount of despair.

When life is on the line, and you are about to lose, but you didn't give up and made a miraculous comeback!

That is the time when fun is at the peak!

"I take back the words that I would be easily win the tutorial."

It was indeed fun, but I don't want to do risky stuffs all the time for pleasure. I am not a crazy man nor do I am a pervert.

I want to have all fun with no danger to life!

"Though it is not possible because I don't have any cheat skills! Remembering about skills... How did I have a skill? Should I call out my status or som---! It really came out!"

I could see a floating window that popped up in my view. 


Name - Ren Kobayashi

Location - World #1084

Dungeon Cleared - 1

Floor Cleared - 0

Status - Alive, Calm


"It's... quite unique."

The status was quite different from what I expected. I thought that there would be stats and so on like a typical game.

"There is an arrow button on the bottom."

As soon I pressed, the window changed and in front of me was another window with the headline - Skills.

Clearly, it is the window about my skills.

"Let's see... Innate Skill 3rd Person's Perspective and This... Flow...?"



Innate Skill - 3rd Person's Perspective - Ex

Achieved Skills:

1. Flow - D (Upgradable)


"What is this skill - Flow? And I achieved it? When?"

With curiosity, I clicked on the Skill - Flow to look at its description.


Skill Name - Flow

Type - Active

Rank - D (Upgradable)

Availability - Unique

Description - 

Allows to sense the anything that flows in the player's surroundings.


"It's also a bit vague."

Does the tower loves to play like that? That quest to clear Floor 0 was also the same.

It was so vague that I wouldn't be clear it if I didn't know that it was Plants vs Zombies.

I closed the window despite my wish since the quest of protection has yet to end.

The timer was still tickling and zombies would come once again.

"I blocked the first wave barely. Can I block the second wave?"