Chapter 6 – War and Friendship
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Year 10 - Month 5 - Day 4

Lily scheduled for a commander to meet me today. This will be my first interaction with another human, my first speaking interaction at least. Some maids have visited to water me. He’s supposed to arrive any minute now.


Ah. I think he just entered my range. Now, to make this avatar move again… and now we wait.


“It’s an honor to meet you, Tree-sama,” the commander started. He was wearing a thick deep purple vest covered in straps and belts. On his shoulders were numerous small medals of varying shapes and a patch along with a tiny icon that probably signified the Twilight Empire. A shimmering silver moon on a violet sunset inside an octagonal patch lined with gold. His hair was blonde and on his side was a thin scabbard holding a sword that continually sent mana flowing through the air. He bowed his head, then continued speaking. “I’m General Gerard, in charge of the war efforts on our southeastern border with the Carabello Sultanate.”


General? Well, I don’t really know much about military ranks. Regardless this should work fine. I replied through my avatar. “Hello, Gerard.”


Then I spoke to Lily, who was standing a few feet behind the general. So… what am I supposed to do?


Really, Tree-san? You’re the one with the skill. Just add him and then you’re done.


Well, I know that. I just meant… Are there no special words I’m supposed to say? Or special actions to do?


I mean, yea, but I thought you wouldn’t want that so I never told you.


Oh. Well, she was right. I don’t want to. Okay then. System, mark Gerard here for [Marked Telepathy]


[Simon Gerard has been marked for long-range telepathy. From now on, changing the marked target will cost an additional 1,000 destiny points.]


Hello Gerard.




Are you informed of your role?


Of course. I’ll provide you updates so we can time your boost skill at the most optimal moment.


Lovely. You may leave.


Gerard glanced around for a moment, before settling on the princess with a confused expression. Lily just smiled, and waved a hand, leading the general out of the room.


A few moments later, Lily returned. “Our first major offense is scheduled next month, so you’ll probably be needed then. Any questions?”


Next month. Okay. “Can I sleep until next month?”


Lily smirked. “Of course, that’s what you ask. Go ahead, I’ll wake you up if we need anything.”


And with that, she strolled out of the garden. I forgot to ask her if she wanted any more skills. Next time, then.

Year 10 - Month 6

Wartime. Lily has instructed me to start my communication channel with Gerard. It is time for battle. Hello Gerard.


Hello, Tree-sama.


How’s the situation?


We are readying our assault. First offense in about ten minutes.




I must admit, this is more boring than I expected. I’m not sure what I was expecting, I mean, I’m just getting situation reports. But seriously. So boring…


The first team is heading to attack. Our scouts are switching focus to find the enemy’s response.


And another ten-minute wait…


The second team is heading out on the western front…



The third team heading out on the eastern border…



Main unit heading out. Boost now, please.


Finally. Some action.


[Divine Descent activated!]

[Destiny Point drain: 30 points per second (breakdown?)]


That will rack up quickly. Hopefully, they don’t need the boost for too long.


Thanks, Tree-sama. That is one strong boost.



Need more support at sector five.



They’re regrouping. Full speed ahead.



Looking good. Charge the camp.



The enemy line has been pushed back. We’ve captured the commanders. Mission accomplished. You can end the boost now. Although… they didn’t use any explosives which is… odd.


[Divine Descent deactivated!]

[Destiny Points: 213,994]


About ninety thousand points were lost. That is one expensive ability. I think I need some more upgrades for it. Or just more followers. I wonder–




Uh, oh.


[Divine Descent activated!]

[Destiny Point drain: 30 points per second (breakdown?)]


Holy shit. That was… fuck me…


What happened? I’m going to take a guess and say… explosives.


Fire. Death. Explosions. It was a trap. All of it. That’s why it was so damn easy to take over. I need to check our losses…


Ah. I wonder if I can check that too.


[Followers: 31,251]


I don’t remember the exact number, but I think that’s around a hundred lost. That’s sad.


Losses are… 133 elite and a few thousand in the cavalry. Haah. That’s gonna be a lot of paperwork. Sorry, I shouldn’t be complaining to you. I’m sure you’re having problems right now too.


It’s okay. I wish I had some more problems. That’s it! I’m no longer helping in wars until I can figure out a way to view the battle scene live. And something more than just seeing a person's vision, that’s too limiting. I want to control what I see and I want to participate in the problems!


We’re retreating and regrouping. We’ll schedule another attack in the future. We need some time to strategize. Thanks for the help Tree-sama.


Of course. That was disappointing. How did the Twilight Empire not figure out it was a trap? I was under the impression they had everything possible, full-blown spy networks in both the underground and above-ground organizations… Guess not.


Okay. I need some surveillance or something so I can participate. Maybe I can summon some bug agents? Wait, summoning… can I get a familiar?


Yes. I’ll ask Lily. Whenever she comes back.



She’s back.


Hey Lily. Do you humans summon familiars? I asked as she sat down on her lawn chair reading another random book.


Yea. Let me guess, you want one?


Exactly. She knows me so well.


Well, I have no idea if it’ll work but we can try. First though… another game?





Checkers is an okay game.

Year 10 - Month 6 - Day 16


[Achievement unlocked: Endless Planing (A) - Have one thousand unselected branches/roots.]


Oh. That’s nice. Anyway, Lily finally finished purchasing and preparing the needed items for a summoning circle. Sadly, I had to help another assault on the Carabello Sultanate a few days ago and I still didn’t have any way to view the scene as it unfolded. Luckily there were no elite losses and minimal cavalry losses this time, they were much more cautious.


Hopefully my familiar lets me view the scene. Lily said she prepared items for a flying animal summon, but she doesn’t know how well it will work considering I’m a tree.


“Okay, are you ready?” Lily asked my avatar, who was currently seated inside of a large circular magic formation. The formation was shaped in three rings of runes. Each ring had four spots, staggered so they didn’t align with other rings, where an item was placed.


For this summoning, since we were aiming for some flying beast or bird, the outer ring had a phoenix feather, a dragon scale, a feather from a large black bird called a scrager, and a bottle of demon blood. I’m not sure why we have demon blood but Lily insists that it’s needed.


The middle ring contained various crystals, the first was a diamond, then a big chunk–a diameter of a foot–of mythril, after that was a large emerald, then a huge pile of gold coins.


The inner ring held mana crystals. Supposedly, you need elemental mana to fuel the summoning, yet the mana never gets used up. All the Twilight Empire knows is that without them, it doesn’t work. There's a crystal filled with fire mana, one with water mana, one with nature mana, and the last with air mana.


I wonder why air is its own category. Isn’t air just a combination of stuff from nature and water? Very weird. Whatever, onto the summoning!


I am ready.


“Gah. How many times do I have to tell you to speak through your avatar when I’m talking to you normally? It feels so weird…” Lily shivered a bit and then glared at my avatar.




Lily sighed, then continued. “Okay. So. I’ll initiate the process by just putting a little mana in…”


The circle suddenly lit up, and every single item, except the mana crystals, disappeared. Maybe the mana crystals are just used as a locator? We are summoning something. I’m starting to doubt how smart this magic kingdom is. Oh well.


“Now. Just say whatever comes to mind. It will probably be some chant or poem and then once it’s finished a creature will be summoned.”


I see. I guess now I wait for words to ap–




This must be it. “Tree.


Tree tree, tree tree tree, water the trees.


This is quite a unique chant. “Tree tree, tree tree tree, water the trees.”


Tree trees, are all I tree, for I am a tree.


I think I like it. “Tree trees, are all I tree, for I am a tree.”


With the tree in me, I am treeplete.


I don’t think that's a word. “With the tree in me, I am treeplete.


So I call upon thy tree, grant my tree, take my treebute.


So many trees. “So I call upon thy tree, grant my tree, take my treebute.


And with the tree in me, I summon…


Ah, summoning time. “And with the tree in me, I summon…






The circle exploded in a bright green light that instantly enveloped the entire courtyard. Then, the system sent me a message.


[Summoning ritual detected. Would you like to further increase treebute with Destiny Points?]


Well, I do want a good familiar.


[Confirmed. Enhancing summoning with 50,000 Destiny Points.]

[Destiny Points: 51,294]


Just as the green light started to fade, a much brighter golden light burst forth. I could feel immense pain rocket through my avatar forcing me to tune down my senses. A gust of wind so strong it knocked my avatar flat on the floor somehow blew through the enclosed garden, building and building and building in intensity, until finally, it stopped. The light vanished. The wind dispersed. The mana crystals remained completely fine, while the rest of the summoning circle was gone.


There it was. The summoned beast. Standing right in front of my familiar.


It was…




A cat.




Well, at least it’s fluffy.


“HA HAH HAHAHA!!!!” Lily exploded in laughter for a few minutes while my avatar stood still, staring at the cat, whose eyes bore right back. The cat was completely black with golden eyes that pierced straight into my soul. Do I have a soul? I’m a tree.


“I can’t believe *wheeze* that entire *choke* summoning *laugh* got you *wheeze x2* a fucking *literally dying* cat!”


“I think it’s cute.”


“Me too.”




Did that cat just speak?


Lily’s laughter subsided and turned into pure shock as she stared at the cat. I’m not sure why she’s so surprised. I mean, she is literally talking to a tree. But still, did that cat just speak?


“You can speak?” Lily questioned.


“Yes, now shut up weakling. I’m here because the tree looks cool, not you.”


“I’ll have you know I’m one of the strongest mages in the world,” Lily complained to a cat.


“As I said, weak,” The cat replied nonchalantly.


“How is that weak?!” Lily was outraged at this development.


“If you aren’t the best, you’re weak,” The cat explained the obvious.


“But Tree-san isn’t weak?” Lily started deferring focus to search for a way to prove that the cat, not her, was wrong all along.


“He’s a tree. Why are you comparing trees to humans?” The cat completely destroyed any hope for Lily with its flawless counterargument. Then the tree got bored of narrating and ignored Lily’s endless chain of insults and complaints.


“So, Tree, wanna be friends?”





Tree-san's stats:


[Destiny Points: 51,294]

[Followers: 31,251]

[Level: 9]


[Displaying tree…]

[Branch 1: Shadow Magic]

[Branch 1.1: Blend with the Shade]

[Branch 1.1.1: Sync with the Shade]

[Branch 1.2: Shadow Leap]

[Branch 1.3: Shadow Stalk]

[Branch 1.4: Assassinate]

[Branch 2: Water Magic]

[Branch 2.1: Summon Water]

[Branch 2.2: Water Shot]

[Branch 2.3: Water Blast]

[Branch 2.4: Drown]

[Branch 2.4.1: Drown Shield]

[Branch 2.5: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 3: Light Magic]

[Branch 3.1: Greater Heal]

[Branch 3.1.1: Greater Refresh]

[Branch 3.1.2: Greater Cure]

[Branch 3.2: Sudden Stasis]

[Branch 3.2.1: Offensive Stasis]

[Branch 3.2.2: Postpone Death]

[Branch 3.3: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 3.4: Lance of Light]

[Branch 3.4.1: Light Beam]

[Branch 3.4.2: Light Arrow]

[Branch 3.5: Dome of Light]

[Branch 3.5.1: Moving Dome]

[Branch 3.5.2: One-sided Wall]

[Branch 4: Mind Magic]

[Branch 4.1: Telepathy]

[Branch 4.1.1: Enhanced Telepathy]

[Branch 4.2: Seed of Thought]

[Branch 4.3: Permanent Skill]

[Branch 5: Aura]

[Branch 5.1: Regal Intimidation]

[Branch 5.2: Royal Grace]

[Branch 5.3: Permanent Skill]


[Root 1: Nature Sense]

[Root 1.1: Life Sense]

[Root 2: Telepathy]

[Root 2.1: Marked Telepathy]

[Root 3: Path of Divinity]

[Root 3.1: Divine Tax]

[Root 3.2: Druidtree]

[Root 3.3: Magitree]

[Root 3.4: Comfort of the Trees]

[Root 3.5: Divine Descent]

[Root 4: Human Avatar]

[Root 5: Aura of Peace]

[Root 6: Rapturous Roots]


I'm going to be busy the next few days so I might not get daily chapters out although I'll try my best. If I miss a day I'll make sure to write out an extra long one sometime next week! I still need to hit the Royal Road writathon goals somehow.