Interlude Five Priest
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Interlude Five Priest


              One of the few transcendent immortal beings stood in the Chapel Prime deep in Suffering’s torcher lands. A human woman stood there staring blankly into the artistically carved wall. Normally, she would have gotten herself lost in the intricate murals depicting the eons of Sufferings conquest of the universes, but now she found herself lost with the memories pouring into a mind, into a personality she had long ago since abandoned. Her name now long lost to her, most just referred to her as Priest.

              Priest thought of her long life in which only few others have existed along her side. She was only one of the ten among Suffering’s Prime’s and probably the most powerful and by far the most influential in their useless council. She always hated this part of her positioning in her court, but it was required of her. Though her relationship with Suffering was more friendly than subservient, she was still required to participate in specific duties that she would rather have avoided.

              She focused her mind, studying the mural. It moved and flowed as if the battle it depicted was active. There were two armies, one behind an enormous and impenetrable wall and the other army forming around its walls like a cancer. Flying above everything were two being, two men. The first was her cohort, her trainee for the last three thousand years.

              Seton, the Immortal King clashed his magical staff against the incredible blade conjured by a man that was no true man, he was something more. She watched the black figure move circles around the king slicing through him with ease. The king only survived due to his incredible healing properties and potent shield spells, he fell back again and again.

              The black figure spun and a leg shot off. A decision was made, and a spell was cast, a forbidden spell in which would taint such a creature as the King forever. Mind magic, magic only naturally evil beings like Suffering allowed, would attack not only the memories, but personalities.

              Priest was pulled from her revelry, hearing a gimp, groan and slap coming from behind her. She turned seeing the man in which was depicted in the mural, Seton. No longer her trainee, he was the newest of the Primes, one for nearly two hundred years now. Due to the magical attack, the man was still missing a leg, now replaced by an inky black facsimile of one. He was barley capable of carrying his weight, Suffering rewarded him and punished him for the same event. Now a Prime, he was constantly reminded of his failure with the gimp, then groan, then his foot slapping on the ground.

              He sauntered up to Priest with a checky grin. His long white hair fell back under a pointy purple hat that fit his purple robes placing him as a cliché wizard from ancient Earth’s stories. A long scar stretched from chin up to his right ear, forcing his grin into an odd angle that irked Priest since the day he appeared with it.

              “Master?” He asked. “Are you alright?”

              Annoyance flashed though her, how dare he address her. That was just arrogance of the newer generation of Primes… they all fail at some point, only she and one other remained free from such stains. She wished he were with her now, only fools and idiots surrounded her now… ever since Suffering has taken such a strong interest in this world, Priest found herself more and more along…

              “You dare…” she sighed. “I am just thinking of my time down there.”

              Seton nodded his head, understanding.

              “Your husband?” he asked.

              Seton didn’t notice the back hand, he just came back to himself looking up into the chapels high ceilings and a fiery woman standing above him, literally. He cowered under her gaze made from bring orange flame.

              “He was not my husband.”

              Despite the flames, her voice was as cold as ice.

              “Yes, I meant no offence.” Seton lowered his gaze.

              Suddenly, Seton found himself standing once more, in the exact same position as he was before being smacked down by such a diminutive looking woman. He feared her power, as did all the other Primes, it was something else. It was nothing from Suffering. Priest followed suffering by her own volition, not for the power the Entity gifted them, not for immortality. Suffering gave nothing to the woman that was Setons master and that terrified him.

              “What…” he paused seeing her gaze fall on him again. “Do you know what this meeting is about?” he cleared his throat.

              Priest glared at the cripple in from of her, her most prized of all her trainees, yet such a failure.

              “He is back.” She turned back to the mural.

              Priest smiled inwardly hearing the gasp coming from Seton. He knew just as much as she what this meant. His mind magic didn’t hold, and the Last Hero of Elkin, Priest’s false husband was returning.

              “Bring me my child.”